
CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT:The unexpected incident.

The next day, Lee SEO Yeun woke up, stretched herself on the bed, and moved to the restroom to brush her teeth, she was brushing her teeth and looked through the mirror on the wall in front of the brushing basin. Her mind flashed back to when she witnessed Dong Ju cry in front of his father's grave, she also recalled how she added the sleeping pill to his coffee, which cost him the loss of the contract, "No, No, I can't just leave him like that, quite alright I do detest him but I can't be so heartless to allow him to die, I have to stop him before he enters the conference hall, I need to let him know that someone is planning to kill him" She said in her mind, finished brushing her teeth quickly and ran to her bedroom, checked the time and it was still 8 am, the conference starts immediately it's 9. She took her bath and opened her wardrobe to select a dress, "I have to dress officially, noble businessmen and women from reputable families will be there, I need to dress well" She said in her mind, she wore a purple long hand shirt tucked in with a black trouser, which she also packed her hair in a ponytail style, and wore a flat black shoe. After dressing up she moved closer to her mirror and let out a smile"I can do this" She said, picked up her phone, and called Kim Deok, telling her to meet up at the bus station. Mr. and Mrs. Lee were not home, they left for work while SEO Ran left for school. Kim and SEO Yeun Met up at the bus station and they entered a bus that took them to the venue where the conference will be held.

They were almost late, but when they arrived they saw where people clustered, they walked closer and realized it was park dong ju, Waldo, and his assistant, the reporters are asking him questions and his bodyguards were obstructing people from touching him or getting close to him, To get his attention, SEO Yeun shouted"Young master! Dong Ju recognized the voice and looked sideways, he was surprised to see her because it was not that easy to recognize who she was, she dressed differently, beautiful, hot, and unique. She moved closer to him"You...You..what are you doing here? he asked and gave the bodyguards a sign to stop the reporters from recording a video, "I need to talk to you young master, it is important, I..."She said but he interrupted, "If you came to beg me because I fired you, I won't take back my words, there is no need," he said, "But young master, I.."She tried to talk but he ignored her and headed to the conference hall. They both entered the hall too and stood at the back.

The Concert ended and park Dong ju with his bodyguards were rushing out of the hall but a few reporters stopped them asking them questions about San Min the dead blogger, some were asking to snap a picture with him, but dong ju is a hostile man and he didn't give in to their request. Lee Seo Yeun was looking along with Kim Doek not until she noticed a white, tinted, jeep car parked at a corner and she observed someone inside the car. He was done answering the reporters and was about to walk to his car, Seo yeun looked at the white car and noticed the driver has started the car and drove with speed towards Dong Ju "Young master!!SEO Yeun shouted and ran immediately to where Dong Ju was standing, she pushed him away and the car hit her, Kim quickly ran to where she was knocked down, blood kept gushing out from her head, the car reversed and drove off while the bodyguards ran after the car. Park Dong Ju carried her into his car" Take care of what happened here, I will take her to the hospital" he said to Waldo and left with Kim Deok, the reporters were busy broadcasting the scene that just took place and taking pictures too, some citizens were recording videos. They alighted at the hospital, and the nurses quickly carried SEO Yeun into the emergency unit, Dong ju and Kim Deok were asked to wait outside, Kim sat down crying, while Dong ju was just moving about panicking. Out of rage, Kim stood up and went to Dong Ju" It is all your fault, you wicked and selfish man! it was all because she wanted to save your life, even though, you had to fire her, you don't know the kind of pain she has been passing through! Kim shouted out bitterly, the patients sitting around there were looking at the scene, "What do you mean! Dong Ju asked, "SEO Yeun found out that someone was plotting to kill you, so she vowed she will do everything within her power to save you, it was also part of the reason why she didn't show up for work, her parents found out that she has been working as a maid and they didn't find it funny that was why she was restricted from working further, because of your nonchalant character, you could not ask what the problem was but to fire her on the spot"Kim responded, Dong ju couldn't believe what he heard, he was shocked and short of words, "So someone wants to kill me, SEO Yeun saved my life from getting hit by that car, I thought she detests me, why then did she save me," he thought in his mind.

A few hours later, the doctor came out, Kim stood up immediately"Doctor how is she? She asked, "Where are her parents?" the doctor asked, "Well..well they will be here soon, doctor please tell us, how is she?"Kim asked still shedding tears, the doctor sighed "Actually, I won't say she is fine and I won't also say she is not okay, her condition is a little bit serious, and she is very much unconscious, the car hit also caused severe injuries on her head," the doctor said while Kim interrupted"Will it lead to memory loss? Kim asked, "No, it won't, but she will feel much pain in her head when she wakes, she won't be allowed also to stress herself or think about things, it will worsen the pain," said the doctor, "Okay, thank you, "Dong ju said, Shook the doctor hands and the doctor left. Kim Deok went into the emergency unit to see her friend, SEO Yeun was laid on the bed, and a white bandage all over her head, she was on drip too, and looks pale, Kim sat beside her and held her hands"Please SEO Yeun you have to wake up, you have to fight for your life, you can't just give up just like that, please wake up! Kim shouted as she poured out her tears, Dong ju was watching from the window, and his mood changed, he started feeling guilty and sad about SEO Yeun's condition, he left immediately out of anger.