
CHAPTER Three:The Scandal

The park industry is very large, global, and prominent. They have a lot of competitors and rivals who are all envious of the company's progress, they create different scandals and fake information every day about the industry just to bring it down. This time the scandal was not just about the industry but about the CEO of the company park Dong Ju. Park Dong Ju was inside his office reading a magazine, he pushed the table and stood up furiously he threw the magazine on the wall and also hit his two hands on the table. His female assistant picked up the magazine and read the content, she was shocked, she could not believe the content, and who could make up such a lie and scandal?

"Sir what should we do about this? Assistant hae soo raised a question, "He looked at his tall, huge bodyguard "You know what to do "he told him and the bodyguard bowed and responded "okay sir and he left "."Who on earth could have come up with a scandal as risky and tempting as this, sir something needs to be done quickly "Assistant hae soo uttered "Am on it, get me a cup of coffee "he commanded "At your service "She said as she left to get the order accomplished. Assistant hae soo is quite close with her boss but not as close friends for work purposes, she is smart, calculative, fast, and loyal. She attends every business meeting, appointment, seminar, or trip with her boss. The bodyguard that left is waldo, he is not Korean but British, and he works as the bodyguard of the park industry Ceo. They both know the kind of boss they have and are always careful and diligent not to fall into his trap. His assistant returned with the cup of coffee and placed it on top of the table, he sipped while he went through his laptop. He kept scrolling up on the page of the blogger when he suddenly saw an account with a very familiar logo as the profile, he bold it a little and recalled that the logo belongs to his stepmother, the account liked the post, and he smirked and sipped his coffee.

Back to the lee family, they just finished having their breakfast, lee SEO ran already left for school, and SEO yeun was busy in her room packing up her needs into her handbag, she never forgets to go anywhere with her toiletries, cosmetics, face mirror, book, and pen. Her mother came inside her room "Are you alright baby?"Yes mother I am, do I look sick?"She replied " "Not at all, just that you had a hangover yesterday night and just want to make sure you are fit to go to work," Her mother said"Don't worry mom I am alright and as you can see I am off to work, you should prepare and join father in the restaurant there must be lots of customers, "She said as she pecked her mom on her cheeks and left. She got to the bus station, and she got a bus heading to her destination. Mrs jun RI and her two rich friends went to a sauna where they went to smooth their skins and get rid of heat. They lay on an armchair carrying a glass of avocado drink."You must be very happy jun RI, you hit him badly this time"One of them said." of course, I am very much happy I believe in actions more than words, I just made him realize that no one plays with fire, they all laughed."But seriously when will you ever stop this beef with your stepson" the other one said"that will never stop till I finally get what I want, the business, money, assets, and yeah one more thing, till I get to see his grave, I hate him so much and I still blame him for the demise of my beloved husband, "is it because he is Jae mi blood ? one of her friends asked her " when she heard the question, her mood, and facial expression changed she gritted her teeth, afterward shouted "to hell with that name! "she gulped down her juice fast and brought down the glass." Jae mi is dong ju mother who abandoned him right? such a handsome, attractive, and intelligent son she left behind "The good and quiet one among the three friends said."Shut it if you have nothing else to say "she shouted angrily, he will pay for calling off the contract with the Gang family, I am now ready to haunt him down She smirked.

Lee SEO yeun sought work at two press media companies today but there was no vacancy for journalists.she felt so hopeless that she walked dully and lazily on the road, she stood on the road beside two people, a male, and female, they were looking at something that seems entertaining on their phones."I can't believe he is an illegitimate child and yet took over the company all thanks to his evil ways "The girl said"this is unbelievable "the man said too.SEO yeun tried hard not to pay attention to what they are letting out but as a journalist, it's her job to gather information, she said in her mind "Even though I lost my job as a journalist that does not mean I am not any more"She amassed the courage and asked them what the news is all about. They told her it was about the CEO of the park industry an illegitimate child of his father that was born out of wedlock and is not a biological child of the family but inherited the business through his evil ways, the man added that he also killed his father. Seo yeun gasped "oh my God "how could he do such a thing, that's bad, I don't know much about this park industry or family but this I heard is so cruel, people like him should be beaten to death, my karate skills can help in teaching him a lesson," she said fiercely, The man and woman laughed and told her to go ahead and be a policewoman. Seo yeun laughed while walking on the road, she keeps thinking about those people's words telling her police job will fit her.

"BANG BANG "She fell on the ground only to look up in her front to see a tall, tremendous man full of Abs, he is putting on a black suit and a ear pod, She already knew he is a bodyguard not knowing he is the bodyguard of the man she wants to teach a lesson with her karate skills, they both bumped into each other and hit their head together, She fell because she has a featherweight." hey look where you are going, "he said, She was lost she could not even respond to what he said, She said in her mind "his abs are too big, is he a human being or an alien, this questions keeps flashing in her mind, She moved closer to him and said, "Are you blind that you can't see?"Whoa!lee SEO yeun must be brave to stand up to a man like him.