
CHAPTER SIX:Finally she got a job.

SEO yeun wondered who the man talking to her could be"he must be one of the bodyguards "She said in her mind, she judged that way because he was putting on a black suit and earpod also."I am just admiring it, nothing else why being so rude "She replied to him, he smirked and responded"do you think you can afford it? If you are being sold, the money paid won't even be enough to buy this stature, "he told her, this statement got SEO yeun pissed off, she gritted her teeth angrily" how dare you to insult me?do you know if I can afford it, do you know if I am rich?"She replied" judging from your looks and personality, I don't think you are rich, you must be one of the gold diggers "He replied rudely"And why will a common bodyguard like you order me around, why are bodyguards so rude, such jerks, "she said, he ignored her and was about to leave but he stopped and looked back "what are you doing here anyways? oh you must be here to see that witch, what scandal will she ask you to create this time? he said "witch? what witch? hey are you out of your senses, what are you talking about, "She asked him, he ignored her again and left" what kind of jerk is this, and who is he referring to as witch? she soliloquized. The chief maid came wearing her uniform, her uniform is different from the other maids, hers is trouser but others are putting on frocks. she walked up to SEO yeun smiling"Hello, you are welcome" she said"thank you " Miss Bo rang told me about you and I was expecting you miss Lee SEO yeun" she said, "you know my name?"SEO yeun asked, "of course miss bo rang told me about you, an ex-journalist who is willing to take up a job as a maid "She said and SEO yeun nodded."well you are like a life savior to me "the chief maid said"I don't understand "SEO yeun said"our young master threatened to fire me if I don't find a maid in one week, but thank God here you are "She replied smiling"oh I understand but what kind of a person is he? I mean how could he just tell you that, that's so cruel" SEO yeun said "."We are already used to it and you will get used to it soon "the chief maid said."SEO yeun had a lot of things in her mind, who the boss could be and how she will cope with the job." so do you think you can do this job?"The chief maid asked her," of course, I can, I might be a journalist but I am very good with house chores"I am only taking up this work for my family "SEO yeun said, "alright then, seems like you were talking to someone before I came?" Chief maid said"Emm..well ..nothing, its nothing, just a bodyguard", bodyguard? the maid asked, "yes a bodyguard "she replied, "but I didn't see waldo around" she told SEO yeun," who is waldo?"SEO yeun asked"oh sorry, I forgot you don't know him, he is our young master bodyguard she told SEO yeun and she nodded."our young master just left a while ago, anyway, when are you willing to start the job? she asked SEO yeun," anytime, am willing to start when you want, she said, "alright you can start after tomorrow, at least a day to relax, will you be working full time or part-time?

"part-time, from morning till afternoon will be fine, she answered, "Alright but sometimes you will be on night shift before going home," she said."alright the most important thing is I won't live here," she said.

"Alright then, don't worry SEO yeun when you start work I will tell you more about our young master, she told her"alright thanks a lot, I am so happy, finally I got a job, I am so happy "She thanked the chief maid, they hugged each other, Seo yeun left and the maid went back to work, other maids were busy looking at SEO yeun because of her beauty, she is very beautiful and has a cute smile and nose. Lee SEO yeun took a cab and went to her former office to see her friend Kim, she went inside the office, Kim saw her and hugged her turning her around, the other staffs did too, they were so happy to see her, it pained everyone that she was fired, Seo yeun is extremely important to everyone in the office, she is social, hardworking, kind, and very cheerful. Kim took a break from the office and went to grab coffee with her best friend, Seo yeun told her every single detail of what happened, she told her about the arrogant man she met and about the chief maid and fish stature, she also told her that she got a job,Kim congratulated her, she was very happy, they cheered together, Kim asked her when she is willing to tell her parents the truth"I don't know bestie, I am so confused, I just can't tell them "She said, "I think you should tell them earlier so they won't find out themselves, Kim said"if my mom, dad, and SEO ran find out that I will be working as a maid from now on, do you know how much it will hurt them? I just can't tell them, I believe I will go back to journalism "SEO yeun said with confidence, "I hope everything works out as you planned my dear friend, I want the best for you "Kim said romancing her hands." so tell me how is work ?" She asked Kim, "boring without you, I miss you so much SEO yeun"Kim said"I miss you too Kim, so so much, but we always see right, we see each other and hang out so I won't miss you that much "they both giggled.

Gangnam high school, Seoul, is a private school for different backgrounds, low class, middle class, and high class, their school fees are affordable, and high-class kids are few in the school .it's far from sangsu dong neighborhood, which is lee SEO ran school. Lee SEO ran was inside her class, there is a teacher in the class, and a new student entered the class, he is handsome and tall like a model, he also have abs, and he is super hot, the whole class attention got divided, the girls could not listen to their teacher anymore "wow he is so handsome, he is super hot, I can't wait to have him "this were the kind of comments they were murmuring to themselves, the teacher asked the new student to fix himself somewhere, he looked around and saw an empty locker, the next desk beside it belongs to Seo ran, he was surprised to see that she was not looking at him or admiring him at all like other girls were doing, he walked up to the desk and sat down, SEO ran looked at him but removed her eyes immediately. After the lesson, Seo ran and her friend went to stroll around, "you are so lucky SEO ran, the hot new boy sits next to you but what kind of a timid friend are you, why don't you make your move?", what move? Seo ran asked"Move to seduce him of course, to make him fall for you, "her best friend Gu NA RI said, "Come on Na RI, you know I don't do that, I can't force myself on a guy, he is handsome, yeah I know, but I don't like him, I also don't hate him, he is just a classmate, "She said"Really SEO ran?" of course" SEO ran said."Boys are bad Na ri why don't you just understand, have you forgotten what I told you about my elder sister's love life? Seo ran asked her friend Na Ri, "I understand, but not all boys are like your sister's ex, all men are not the same"Na RI said. Seo ran does not believe in love or destiny because of her sister's past, Seo ran has lots of admirers in school and boys that ask her out but she turned all of them down, Seo ran is beautiful like her elder sister, she is slim too and has straight legs, she likes wearing skimpy gowns and mini skirts.

It's time for lunch, all the students moved to the cafeteria for lunch, Lee SEO ran, and Gu Na RI are carrying their food trays and heading to a table to sit, Seo ran mistakenly hit her leg on a table and was about to fall, she shouted and her heart skipped because she knows she will see herself on the ground but BOOM, someone caught her, she turned and it's the new student that caught her, he held her shoulder tightly and close to his chest, they both stared at each other deeply that the whole place was tensed up, the students began their murmuring"Are you okay?" he asked SEO ran with a very soft and sweet voice, She shook her head, notifying she is alright.