
CHAPTER FIVE:The fish stature

SEO yeun has been in search of a job for three days now but all to no avail, she could not find a job. She was just coming back from the flower shop where she went to seek a job but they said there is no vacancy,and she left, on her way she met a woman who hit her leg on a stone and fell, she hurriedly rushed to her and helped her up, she also packed the belongings that fell into her bag and they sat down on a bench along the road. The woman is an elderly person but not that old, she opened her bag and brought out an apple, she stretched it over to SEO yeun's face" here have it, it's my way of saying thank you"Seo yeun shook her head in disagreement which means she won't accept it"I am so sorry ahjumma(miss)I can't accept it "She said"why? the woman asked"you don't need to give me a reward or gift because I helped you, I did it out of my own will"Seo yeun said"but please accept it, I will be happy if you accept it "The woman pleaded, she decided to accept the apple because of the woman pleas. She ate a bite of the apple "Yummy miss "She said and the woman beamed." what is bothering you, my daughter?" She asked SEO yeun"huh,?SEO yeun said displaying a facial expression meaning she doesn't understand." I can sense that you are bothered and sober, it's right noticeable through your stares" she told SEO yeun."do you see visions?"SEO yeun asked, the woman smiled and told her that she does not see visions but she can study someone, she asked her to speak up if anything is bothering her, Seo yeun at first didn't want to talk, she didn't want to express how she gropes but later on, she opened up "well I got fired in my workplace and since then have been looking for a job but I didn't find it's bothering me and I need to start earning, I also didn't tell my family about it "she said sadly"so what kind of job are you looking for? the ahjumma(Miss) asked her "I think I am ready for any job now, I am a journalist, and I want to maintain my field of job but no vacancies in press companies, so I am in for any job, just to be earning "She replied. The woman brought out a small white paper and gave to her, "my name is miss bo rang, go to this address and tell them you are here for the post of a maid and I directed you to them, don't worry I will tell someone that works there" she said. Seo yeun became so happy "thank you so so much miss, thank you, I am so happy" she replied happily. The woman also advised her that for any problem she is facing, she shouldn't give up easily but keep pushing, SEO yeun thanked her, collected her phone number, and left. Waldo and his men were instructed to let the blogger go, which they did, they pushed him out on the road and drove off, thank goodness one of the neighbors saw him and ran to tell his parents who hurriedly came to rescue their son who was in a very terrible condition, they rushed him to the hospital where his treatment commenced. His father kept asking him who did this to him but he won't respond, he remembered the warning he was given by park dong ju not to say a word, he already knows that his stepmom will come for him for exposing her to dong ju. He told his family that he got knocked down by a car, and they believed, he is relieved that they still did not see the news on social media about him. His parents didn't know that he is into blogging, so when they get to find out about it, it will be a big problem for him the news will reach out to the neighborhood and the female gossipers will make sure it trends.

Back at the park mansion, the maids were busy gossiping about the confession of the blogger and discussing their young master's innocence, two of the maids were standing at the poolside discussing it they didn't know Madam jun RI was at their back listening to every single details, they turned and saw her, the both of them got gripped with fear."You both are just common, wretched, poor employees in this house, your job is to work and serve me not to poke nose into matters that have nothing to do with you, next time this happens I will fire you on the spot, do I make myself clear, idiots? She said "Yes madam, we are sorry "They both answered with fear"Now get out of my sight "She instructed them which they did. She sat down on the pool chair fuming with anger, she is still very angry over park dong Ju's victory in exposing the truth.

The next Monday morning, lee SEO yeun woke up early, brushed her teeth, took her bath, and wore her clothes, she wore jean-skinned trousers and a blue shirt, and she tucked in, leaving her hair long with no packing, and down to her foot, she is putting on a black boot. She looks very beautiful, she got everything she needed into her handbag. she had breakfast with her family and left with her junior sister SEO ran, they got to the train station, SEO ran entered a train heading to her school, while SEO yeun entered a train heading to her direction. The train stopped at a particular road, and she got down, entered a cab, and asked the driver to take her to the park estate. They finally got to the estate, wow it is so big with beautiful houses and they are all luxury mansions, she got out of the car and paid for the cab, she brought out the card the woman gave her to look for the particular house number, which is 142, she started walking straight till she got to the house with the number 142. It is the biggest mansion of all and that is because they are the owners of the estate.

She pressed the button on the wall and the gate opened by itself, SEO yeun was so surprised, no security on the gate and it opens itself, she walked into the house but not into the main house yet, the house is so big if she was not careful she will get lost. She walked her way into the main house "wow this is paradise" she said in her intellect, as she went close to a big glass fish statue placed in the sitting room"wow this is amazing, am sure it's quite expensive "She said out loud

"Get your filthy hands off that "A mean voice echoed, she turned quickly and a man as tall as she could infer was standing in front of her," he is so handsome and I love his curly hair, wow he is just like a baby, awww his face "she admired him in her mind. park dong Ju walked up close to where she is standing seeing her hands was still on the fish's stature" I said get your filthy hands off that stature "He commanded with a savage voice.