
It’s Not a Lie

Lauren pouted, clearly unhappy that Lucas was volunteering to escape her clutches and attend his royal lady.

And when Lauren felt slighted, that was when she'd always let her vengeful, petty side show.

"How exemplary of you to rush to bed early, like a good chaste wife." she said sweetly. "But then, you've always been so focused on duty that you struggle to find fun in anything. I guess the more things change, the more they stay the same with you, don't they?"

"Indeed, Lauren. As they do with you." Celia smiled back. "This certainly isn't the first time I've seen you try and climb a man you barely know, like a tree. I'm pleased to see that something as minor as marriage hasn't forced you to change your ways."

Lauren's face turned white with fury at the demurely spoken words.

Sabine squeaked with shocked laughter, clapping a hand over her mouth to muffle the sound.