
Flashback: Come Find Me

29 November, 1357. Westerhaven Palace, Islia

Celia ducked around a thick stone pillar as excited breaths tore from her lungs and made little white clouds in the cold air. It was far colder in this part of the palace than in the wings she usually spent most of her time in. The corridors around her weren't warmly lit with wall torches and the few fireplaces around were cold and unlit.

Which is what made the northernmost halls and passageways the very best places for playing hide and seek.

Celia and a handful of royal and noble children had snuck off that day for a game, far away from their sharp eyed nursemaids. A religious procession in a nearby town meant that many of the palace servants had been granted permission to attend that day. Celia's stern old nursemaid Bridgette was one of them.