
Chapter 7

Isaac's mind swirled with questions and doubts. He wasn't used to being the center of such attention, especially from someone with so many unknown facets. Yet, he couldn't deny the pull he felt towards her, the inexplicable connection that seemed to be forming between them. Before he could respond, the girl suddenly cocked her head to the side, her ears perking up. "We need to go," she said abruptly, her eyes scanning the surroundings.

"Why? What is it?" Isaac asked, instantly on high alert. He sniffed the air, trying to detect any sign of danger. But all he could smell was the earthy scent of the forest. "I can't explain it, but there's something nearby, something...uneasy," the girl replied, her brow creasing in concern. "We need to move, and quickly."

Without waiting for a response, the girl turned and started moving through the forest with surprising speed and finesse. Isaac had no choice but to follow, his instincts kicking in as he kept pace beside her.

The girl moved effortlessly through the trees, her steps light and barely making a sound. Isaac followed, his senses heightened, searching for any sign of danger. But all he could feel was the mystery of the girl in front of him and the strange pull he couldn't shake.

After a few minutes of walking, the girl suddenly came to a stop, her hand held up in a gesture for silence. Isaac halted immediately, his senses on high alert. In the distance, he could hear something, a faint rustling sound, like something moving through the undergrowth.

The girl closed her eyes, her face etched with concentration. "They're nearby," she whispered, her voice low. "And they're searching for something." "Who? What are they searching for?" Isaac asked, his own hearing now picking up on the sound. He felt a wave of unease wash over him, his instincts telling him that something was very wrong.

The girl didn't respond immediately, her eyes still closed as she focused on the sounds around them. After a few tense moments, she opened her eyes and turned to Isaac, her expression serious. "They're hunters," she said quietly. "And they're looking for you."

Isaac felt a chill run down his spine. Hunters. The mere word sent a rush of primal fear through him. He had heard tales of hunters, their ruthless pursuit of beings like him. But why were they looking for him?

The girl looked at him, her eyes filled with a mix of sympathy and understanding. "They're not ordinary hunters," she explained. "They're part of a group that specializes in tracking down beings like you, beings with dual natures."