
The Lone Wolf (novel)

(Omegaverse, Once a week updates, bxb, mature) Disclaimer I do not own the cover art On a night when the moon was shining Blaze came across something peculiar in the woods an omega not just any Omega but a male Omega.

Amber_Sato · Fantasy
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35 Chs

~Chapter 5 1/2 Dustin's POV~

~Chapter 5 ½ Dustin's POV~

Ever since I turned fourteen and was announced as an Omega my life became hell. All my "friends" would bully and beat me up. My parents called me a disgrace to the family name. They disowned me but they still let me live in the house so it would make the pack look good that they had a rare omega, a male omega at that. Then one day I found a hideout in the woods. The land was unclaimed so I didn't have to fight anyone for it. I doubt they even know it exists.

I used it as my getaway for years. No one knew where I went and no one cared so I spent most of my time there when I wasn't in school. When I turned twenty-one my whole life suddenly got brighter I was able to move out and I got a boyfriend. I was so excited when he asked me to date him. The rest of my year went smoothly until I turned twenty-two. I drank too much for my birthday and I showed him my hideout in the woods. Then my heat struck and I didn't have my suppressants so I forced myself on my boyfriend.

To be honest I don't remember what happened that night but he said I kept begging him for more. I apologize so much for it ,but he was always understanding and he said it was alright. I was happy it didn't ruin our relationship because I didn't want him to see me any differently. Then a few months later he was killed in a car crash apparently the driver wasn't watching the road and ran into his car. I was sad after the incident because he was the one that loved me for who I am and he would protect me and make everything better. After he passed away I started to get harassed and beat up like I used to. No one cared about me anymore and whatever happened to me happened to me in their eyes.

I was just an annoying bug in their eyes. So I spent more time by myself in the woods because it was where I was safe. I also lived there because I didn't have to pay rent and I saved the money for food and living supplies. My parents just provided me with money for tuition like always and they never wanted to see me other than to give me cash. One day on my home from school when two alphas ambushed me and beat me up. They wanted me to be like a punching bag for them but thankfully I had enough strength and I ran as fast as I could to my hideout. I stumbled on twigs and ran into some branches and brambles while I was running away.

I didn't care about the pain I just wanted to get out of there. When I arrived at my hideout all I can really recall is blacking out.

~To Be Continued In Part 2 Of Chapter 5~

Depending on my sceduale next week I may not update since I will be with my family. Stay healthy and safe.

Amber_Satocreators' thoughts