
The Lone Wolf (novel)

(Omegaverse, Once a week updates, bxb, mature) Disclaimer I do not own the cover art On a night when the moon was shining Blaze came across something peculiar in the woods an omega not just any Omega but a male Omega.

Amber_Sato · Fantasy
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35 Chs

~Chapter 22 Blaze's POV~

~Chapter 22 Blaze's POV~

To be honest I wanted to show Dusty around the packhouse so I didn't have to work. It is also good for others to know him and not by the rumors going around. Packs always have a bad habit of creating rumors that most of the time are not true. Most of the time pack members will defend themselves against the rumors and they will disappear. The main reason rumors disappear so quickly is because with other packs trying to take land or agitate the pack Alpha everyone is focused and on high alert. Sometimes even the worst of rivals can act like friends to keep face and not let other packs see their weakness.

The only good thing that comes out of Dustin not being here is I can get a head start on planning the wedding. A little bird told me the Elders approved of Dustin so I can start planning the wedding as quickly as possible. A couple of the Elders are probably planning training for Dustin so he can become the Luna. I have no clue what they do to train the Luna because it isn't my duty and none of the previous Lunas have talked about it before. I think it is truly just some etiquette classes and teaching them how to give advice. I think it's the Luna who carries the weight of the pack on their shoulders and not the Alpha.

All I have to do is paperwork and oversee the warrior's training once in a blue moon. The Lunas are emotional support for the pack members if they have trouble. Lunas also have the responsibility of taking care of their children. Packs are run like a company if you think about it. Around this time of year, pack members apply to become Warriors. Most of the applicants are people who have just graduated high school or college. We put an age restriction because they need to sign some forms in the case that they are hurt out in the field.

Plus it doesn't make sense for a five-year-old to be fighting rogue wolves. Sometimes I wish my paperwork would just be done by the faires that come when you sleep. I still have a pile of paperwork to fill out from a couple of days ago when I took off to be with Dustin. So many people are applying for marriage certificates and to sign up for Warrior training. Most pack members who get married either get married in the spring or summer. They are later given their marriage certificates. Then if they want to bite each other's nape they also have to go through some paperwork.

It is to make sure the bond is a healthy one and since it is different from marriage it is harder to break. Depending on the health of the pair they may have to be monitored when they form the bond. Oh here is an interesting announcement. The page was telling us who the instructors that were teaching the recruits are. It also seems like we have a new doctor to supervise training. The list gave a description and the information on each person.


Age 26

Gender: Male

Secondary Gender: Alpha

Job: Police Officer

Pack: Moonstone Pack

Appearance: Blonde hair (short), green eyes, tan skin, 5'10, and sharp facial features.

Likes: Helping people, a certain Omega, hanging out with friends, and salty and sweet treats.

Dislikes: Rulebreakers, loud noises, unwarranted help, and mosquitoes.


Age: 28

Gender: Male

Secondary Gender: Beta

Job: Police Officer (Lance's partner)

Pack: Moonstone Pack

Appearance: Red hair (short), green eyes, tan skin, 5'8, and soft facial features.

Likes: Pranking Lance, making jokes, and Sci-Fi books.

Dislikes: Bad magic tricks, doctors, and cliche romance stories.


Age: 29

Gender: Male

Secondary Gender: Beta

Job: Doctor

Pack: Moonstone Pack

Appearance: Blonde hair (shoulder length), blue eyes (glasses), tan skin, 5'10, and sharp facial features.

Likes: Helping people, teasing Parker, and steak.

Dislikes: Supervisors, GSW (Gunshot wound), and annoying assistants.

We seem to have a good group of instructors this year. I don't know when they started adding their likes and dislikes to the information but I know it wasn't there last year. It kind of looked like a profile for a dating website. I hope Ms. Mary already contacted their workplaces to inform them of the new schedule. Now it's time to look at how many recruits we have for this year. There are forty recruits but how many will make it through training will be less than forty. About sixty percent of the recruits drop out before training is even finished.

My mentor always said the generations are getting weaker and weaker. She may have seemed harsh but it was just because she cared. Well, that's what I told myself at least. She took me in when I was around six years old. I was left at the orphanage when I was a baby and I spent six years there. She was the Alpha of the pack when she adopted me. Sure it isn't uncommon for a female to be Pack Alpha but it isn't something you see every day. I don't know why she adopted me and she never told me before she passed away. Once she adopted me she taught me how to be the pack Alpha and how to act properly in front of the Elders.

When I lived at her house I never saw any other children. It might have been pressure from the Elders which caused her to adopt me but I'm grateful nonetheless. Back at the orphanage the caretakers and workers were more like your friends or teachers, not parental figures. So at first, it was strange having a parental figure in my life. It was also strange when I went to school with children I didn't live with. To be honest I was so sheltered when I was in the orphanage I didn't even know bullying existed. I learned that it existed in seventh grade when some kids tried to steal my lunch money. Needless to say, they ended up losing two teeth. When I got home she scolded me but agreed that she would do the same thing.

It was really sad when she passed away especially since she was so young. People pass away so young these days and for no reason sometimes it seems.

~The End Of Chapter 22~