
The Lone Traveler’s Diary and other Short Stories

You stumbled upon the Vault of Knowledge, cape ripped and mangled from the attacks of the krills that had suddenly appeared near the gate to the temple of Wasteland. You had not expected those beasts to appear again after meeting their kind at the start of the Golden Wasteland. Traumatized by your harrowing encounter, you are comforted by the soft and quiet atmosphere which the Vault brings to you. There are rows and rows of unlit lanterns on the shelves of Vault that reached to the ceiling, forgotten by time and its passing. You believed that these objects used to collect the lights of spirits who used to live in Sky. They recorded every moment of their life in detail, their knowledge and their wisdom. Yet without the proper care from a living being, these lanterns could only sit on the shelves, waiting for someone to summon them again. Finding safe haven within such a vast and empty place, you decided to explore. You also made a mental note to retrieve your lost wing lights at the other realms once you have found the Vault Elder’s tomb. After absorbing a few more wing lights to strengthen your flight power, you suddenly found a book lying on the second floor of Vault. It was sneakily hiding behind a ladder and you would have missed it had your light emitted from your body not found it. Years of neglect had left the brown leather-bound book covered in a thick layer of dust which you blew it off to read the cover clearly. With gold cursive lettering embossed on the bold cover, it reads as “The Lone Traveler’s Diary and other Short Stories”. Curious to find out more, you found a cozy spot within the room before slowly peeling the cover off from the pages to read.

DarkWinter3 · Others
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Sky Log #13: Realm Ratings

I thought I should do a little rating on the realms in Sky, including Eden. After so many entries that were a little dark, I felt I should change up the mood of the entries once in a while. It hasn't been a while since I felt like writing something this lighthearted. I had always written what I had liked and arranged the entries in such a way that were digestible to whoever will stumble across this diary. Hopefully, this diary is still relevant to the world you are currently living in. If not, it would still be a great material to read.

Excluding Eden, there are a total of 6 realms: Isle of Dawn, Daylight Prairie, Hidden Forest, Valley of Triumph, Golden Wasteland and lastly, Vault of Knowledge.

Each realm has their Elders respectively: Daleth, Ayin, Teth, Samekh (Sah for the male Elder and Mek for the female one), Tsadi and Lamed.

It took a while to get these names because for some reason, the Elders' names aren't widely known. Perhaps we have gotten used to calling them by other titles such as Forest Mama for Ayin or The Handsome One for Sah. However, according to many theorists, there seemed to be a King in Sky called Alef but… we don't see a trace of him anywhere. Luckily, it seemed that the Cave of Prophecies holds some clues about him.

However, I am not much of a lore theorist myself so I am unable to gather sufficient information to conclude about it.

Anyway, for this entry, I would list down some thoughts I have for each realm in Sky plus my personal rating for each one. Of course, Sky increasingly expands every few months so there may be additional places that I have yet to uncover before.

Isle of Dawn:

Sand. Sand. Aaaandd, lots of sand.

Basically, it is the place where moths are born. Not a fun place to go for candle runs but there are a few nice and cozy spots for practicing music. Ever since the Cave of Prophecies opened up, it seemed like a worthwhile place for daredevils to challenge the trials with additional candles near the Prophecy Guide and above. Fortunately, with the recent update and a new candle system, Isle has become a place with more candles to get.

Also, I got some news that the trials in Cave of Prophecies have candle cakes. I have not confirmed this but it seemed true. Still, I wouldn't go there. I may go if my friends wanted to but if it is just me, myself and I, it is a definite no.

Overall, I would give a 6/10. A passing mark because I like the place at the right of the temple with a small pond and flutters of butterflies playing around. Peaceful place to play music while looking over Isle.

Daylight Prairie:

It's a moth hotspot.

You tend to see a lot of veterans and moths hanging around at the prairie home space. I believe it is a great place to meet new friends for kids who don't use other social media channels such as Discord and Instagram.

I think one of the pet peeves of children would be the butterflies and manta. They always transport you to somewhere despite you saying no, hindering the candle run process. I would overcome this by avoiding the butterflies when I can (no deep calls because it summons them too). If I'm flying towards a flutter of butterflies, I try to reach the ground as fast as I can before they notice me flying. While for mantas, especially when the 3 temples are lighted up in Prairie, you can stand still on the spot and wait for them to pass or else, they drag you up to the main temple.

I also like the 8-player puzzle area.

Quite a bountiful of candles there. If you are lucky and patient enough, you will get a pleasant surprise there. Unfortunately, there's a downside to it. Not everyone is lucky enough to enter the area through the 8-player elevator within 5 minutes. I remember it took nearly an hour for one of my friends before the elevator can move. Hopefully when it reached your time, the Sky administrators figured a way to make this faster.

The Sanctuary Islands (from Season of Sanctuary) is quite eye-catching too. It really gave the resort vibes with the beach chairs. Not to mention that it is also home to the mantas (as spoken by the bell missions in Sanctuary). One of these days, I may take my camera and see the big whale. She's a breathtaking beauty in all her glory.

In conclusion, 8/10.

Hidden Forest:

24/7 rainy season.

Also, the place that makes you suddenly have an urge to go to the toilet. XD

It can be a bit confusing for the moths but it is a realm that slowly drains your light away if you stand under the rain for too long. However, as compared to other dangerous areas, the rain is merely child's play. If you hang around in the second area where there is a clock, a rainbow will appear at 5am/pm in PST. I love the rainbow in Hidden Forest so, if it happens when my farm collides with it, I will take a break and admire it.

There is a past season spirit (from Season of Lightseekers), whom I believe is known as the Laidback Pioneer, sells umbrella which is a great item against the rain. So, when it comes back as a travelling spirit, be sure to buy from them. I like to use their umbrella during my candle runs. It is extremely useful when I have a sudden urge to do a photoshoot in Hidden Forest too.

I heard that a new season is coming for Forest.

So, I'm excited to see what new stuff we can get and play with. It seemed that we will have some new additional treehouses, apart from the one you see in Sunny Forest. From all the spoilers I'm getting, the unveiling of the main treehouse (after helping the Scout Questgiver with his tasks) seemed to be something I can look forward to.

8/10 for peacefulness and rainbow. A minus of 2 for toilet breaks and surprise crab attacks.

Valley of Triumph:

Not exactly my favourite place for farming since there is no variation to the races. It gets boring after a while.

Fortunately, the newly added Village of Dreams (which appeared in Season of Dreams) made Valley worthwhile to go. They have a hot spring (which I think it's pretty neat) and gondolas that transport you to the next area, whether it is to the Valley temple or the Hermit Valley. A lot of players like to get inside the windows in village houses to make it seem like they are having vacation there. It's one of the tourist hotspots, apart from Sanctuary Islands.

Unlike before, the stadium got a new makeover which I absolutely love it. Plus, the ice rink in the village. It is one of my favourite spots to play around. Been thinking of hosting an ice-skating competition there but maybe someday…

Overall, 7/10. A minus 3 for still being a boring candle farming place even with the Village of Dreams. However, it is still high because I now have a shortcut to the Valley temple. Just go to the Village, ride the gondola and voila! You are now at the temple.

Golden Wasteland:

A moth's nightmare.

Or every kid's nightmare (except for krill worshippers).

A dreadful place filled with krills and crabs. Plus, light-sucking tar/oil or unidentified murky liquid found all over Wasteland. First-timers usually get ~om~nom~nom~ by the krills (the dark dragons) but occasionally, veterans also get eaten by them if they are not careful. Like me. Unless it is intentional, most kids hated losing their winged lights to these creatures.

During my moth adventures, I found a catapult in Graveyard. It sometimes throw you in the air but it requires a minimum of 2 people to operate it or you can't play with it. I consider this gimmick for moths who want to graduate and become veterans since catapulting yourself in a place with 5 krills can be considered crazy for many.

The addition of the Forgotten Ark (from Season of Enchantment) gave Wasteland another look where you don't have to fear the krills. Also, there is the Ark (or trader ship, as I would like to call it in my mind) that sells spells. The spells will alternate every day. I'm not a frequent visitor of the Ark, so I can't say much about which day sells which spells. Unfortunately, the Ark doesn't sell spells for clothes so it's a pity. Only the Sleepy Traveling Merchant's boat sells them during the events.

In a nutshell, a 7/10 for the occasional fun stuff found in Wasteland.

Vault of Knowledge:

Elevators. And the Office (located in a secret place, it may take a while for new kids to find it).

Those are what I think this place is famous for.

Also, one of the places that is not ideal for candle farming. Unless you have the founder's cape for Office or you have friends who have it to get to Office, not a lot of players will want to farm this place. The elevators made it a hassle to get to the other areas, especially for solo players. However, if you have unlocked piggyback with your friends, you can skip the elevators and rocket your way up. Also, if you need a shortcut or a faster way to travel, players commonly take a chair and wear a chibi mask. The chibi mask is useful for many things apart from making the player look adorable, such as getting through places that require more than one kid to unlock. I will explain more of this glitch in the future.

Fortunately, the same new update released more candles in Vault so it doesn't seem that bad for candle runs.

Hmmm… it's a 5/10. It's not really one of my favourite places to hang around.

Eden (just for the fun of it):

Eden candles.

Special candles that you can only get a maximum of around 15 to 16 of them every week. If you are lucky, you can also get normal candles along the way. Despite the trauma-inducing experience, players will get soothed by the later part of Eden. There's also a cute moment during that part when we can honk sing along the song. Just spam honk and you will understand. 😉 In case, it is your first time in Eden, when you enter the glowing door, you get an extra star.

5/10. It barely passed in my standard but it is saved by its excellent ending and music.

Author's Note:

Stars – the shiny bois that you get to add to your wing count.

Rocket – a glitch that requires piggyback unlocked and perfect timing to execute it. 2 players will ask for piggyback from each other and click on each other's icon at the same time. Requires 16 normal candles and 3 Eden candles to unlock.

Travelling spirits – spirits from past seasons who come back on Thursday to sell their wares before leaving on Monday reset time. A random season spirit comes every 2 weeks.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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