
Watchful Eye

"W-Was that some kind of power of yours, Grim?"

The dragon asked him.

"It is sort of complicated to explain further, but yeah. It is an ability usable by the Fenris family."

Grim responded while still laying on the ground.

Both of them did not realize that the Sunstrider was keeping his eyes on them, like hawk studying its prey's behavior and patterns.

The Sunstrider made himself scarce afterwards.

Why he did not exterminate a dragon that he himself saw with his own very eyes, one can never know.

He was not a man of many words. He spoke only when necessary and when it was needed to communicate. Other than that, he kept his mouth shut and kept to himself.

The Sunstrider went away the same way as he appeared as he watched them, under the veil of the shadows.

"Let's go back into the cave and rest up for a while. I do not think I can even feel my arms, if I'm quite honest."

Grim said as he chuckled lightly.

Dart nodded and helped carry Grim into the safety of the cave.

"Uhm. Our souls are intertwined or merged now, right?"

Dart asked the elf boy.

"Yeah. Which means I would know where you are at all times and you would know where I was. I am as clueless as you about it, though."

Grim responded.

"Still, that was some quick thinking coming from you, if we did not do that, we definitely could have died."

"What can I say? I'm quick on my feet and even quicker in making snap decisions."

Grim grinned as he replied.

"It is my turn to ask the questions now, where did you and your mother come from, Dart?"

"I-I really do not remember. The first memory I have ever had was from weeks ago, when we first hatched from our eggs." Dart purred and laid on the ground with his chin positioned downwards. "That was also when I knew I was different…"

"Your wings?"

Dart bobbed his eyebrows up and down as a nod.

"I tried to fly, you know? I really did. One glance at my wings and you would think that would useless, I get it. My attempt ended in me barely flying two inches from the ground before falling on my face. My siblings laughed at me, I did not pay no mind to them at all. But it was my mother's glance which hurt me the most. She looked at me as if I was not even one of her own. As if I was worse than trash…"

Dart clenched his jaw.

"Who cares about those snobs? Screw them." Grim said firmly. "Family should not be placed at a higher pedestal just because you are related by blood, everyone else who takes care of you and treats you with affection and respect should be considered as your family, regardless of blood."

Grim went on a rant. Little did Dart know that Grim Fenris was left all alone by both of his mother and father under the care of his now-deceased grandfather.

He never even once had the chance to meet them.

To this day, Grim Fenris had never known why they left him just like that. Because of Dart's story, Grim wants to know as well, he does not feel animosity at all. He just wanted to know the reason.

Even though the physical toll that the soulbind placed on Grim's body was close to making him pass out, he still stood up on his feet.

With his blue orbs staring at the world outside of the dark cave behind him, he knew what he had to do.

"I am going to Midgard."

He said.


"Yeah. Midgard. It is the capital city of Vanheim. I will chase my parents' remnants there. Just as it was written on my grandfather's note."

Dart contemplated what the best thing to say was in this situation, but nothing ever came to the baby dragon's mind.

Grim Fenris turned around and smiled.

"You should come with me, Dart. Odds are that the townspeople will stumble upon this place and see you, judging by how people in the world treat chimeras, it is not going to be an easy life for you all alone."

The young elven boy said with confidence.

"Can I really come with you?"

Dart's eyes lit up.

"Of course! Why couldn't you? I'll find some kind of way to carry you around the city so you would not garner unwanted attention. Just leave it to me."

Grim was definitely plotting out his journey towards Midgard step by step in his mind. And who better to have as a partner than his soulbound Chimera, right?

"But for now, I am far too beat to even move a muscle."

Grim said as he fell down to the ground below. "Let's sleep on it and we'll try to find something to eat at night. Does that sound good to you, Dart?"

He asked the baby dragon.

"Yeah. Yeah, it does."

This was the start of Grim Fenris and Dart's adventure.

Midgard was days away from the town, and Grim has to find a way to carry Dart across the kingdom without people being able to see him.

But for now, it was time for shut eye.

The sounds of distant birds chirping away and hopping from branch to branch woke Grim up.

He was hugging the book left to him by his grandfather and decided to read it before they began to head out.

Grim flicked to the last parts of the book which said:

"Since both of the Tamer and the chimera's souls are intertwined and bind already with one another, when one of the either two dies, then the other perishes as well."

Grim's eyes shot up.

He glanced at Dart who was peacefully minding his own business and sleeping his hunger and fatigue off.

"Yikes. This is going to be harder than I expected it to be. You better stay strong, Dart."