

Each step that the man took shook the very core of the land they were standing on.

"Holy crap." Dart's jaws were hanging at the sight of this person's frame.

Grim went from being eager and keen to downright shivering.

The man showed himself underneath the modest shine of the moonlight.

His right hand held a halberd as tall as he was, its edges and blades were truly crafted masterfully.

"W-What do you want? We know you have been tailing us ever since we were in that forest a few days ago, state your reason, mister!" Grim wanted to impose a voice of strength and fortitude, but instead, he stammered on his words and even cracked his voice in fear.

This tall man had a pretty unkept and spiked up hair as well as a finely brushed beard to go with it. On top of that, he wore an obsidian black heavy armor that would have given three, no, four people trouble with carrying. This person was a mountain of sheer strength.