
Job Market

"I did, but I told you this already, us dragons have a huge appetite which you should be prepared to cater to, because if I die, then that is the end of you as well." Dart smirked.

"I am going to pretend I did not just hear that I was blackmailed by a chimera who ate through all of our saved-up gold coins in the past…" Grim was containing his anger. Dart was aware of this and was in a fighting stance.

Both their blue eyes met and they ended up just laughing. "It could be worse, right?" Dart said shyly as he felt guilty himself for asking for second dinner. "Definitely. We have a roof under our heads and warm meals three times a day. It could really be worse for us. I am just glad it isn't." Grim was being quite optimistic.

A few months after Grim rejected the Sunstrider's invitation, Chimeras were on the rise. Grim thought that it would be quite easy for them to score a few bounties off of it and get some coin, but the reality is that the Luna Wolves brought them down quick, far too quick for the tamer and his Soulbound chimera to make a move.

And even if a couple were to get past them, other seasoned warriors killed them first. Because the job market and economy of being a chimera hunter was this volatile, Grim got a job at a local bakery as a waiter to make amends meet.

Marko had already given them two months' worth of gold coins, but it was pretty hard to say no to Dart's face whenever he asked for food, so the elvish boy had no choice but to give in to it. He has been trying to condition the baby dragon to keep eating less and less each day, however.