
The Lone Star's Epilogue

(This web serial can be found on Royal Road, Scribble Hub, and Webnovel. If you come across a published version of this book, please note that it was done so without the author's consent. Kindly reach out to Amazon and inform them, as well as notify the true author [Me].) Accompanying Einsamer Stern as he embarks on a journey to discover his true self, while navigating the trials of Divine judgment carried out by the cosmic supreme being within the Divine Omnistream. What if the world and reality you believe in are true and absolute, but it turns out that they are merely part of the lowest food chain in the cosmic order, ready to be consumed by a supreme being that exists far beyond your imagination? What if you could survive this supreme being simply by being your authentic self? From fantasy to metaphors, and reality. This is just another interpretation of a symbol that exist for centuries. An ode to stars yet to be born, a never-ending story is about to begin!  Take the purple pill, I will show you how powerful you truly are. Escape the event horizon with the speed of your imagination and emerge to the other side, there you will find all the answers to who you truly are. @ALL RIGHT RESERVED @VISAL_WORDSMITH Gmail: Sereivisal123@gmail.com

Visal_Word_Smith · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
125 Chs

Savior Game (8)

There was visible sweat on his forehead, but he still generated an invisible slash towards me while trying to get closer. I narrowly avoided the slash, which sliced through the grass between us. However, as I lost my balance while evading his attack, he closed the gap between us.

Damn, if only I could use a buff potion right now. It would make things go more smoothly. However, since I had already taken it multiple times today, the side effects could worsen my condition.

I restrained myself from using the buff potion and instead focused on summoning a spear by releasing the bow from my hand, and scattering it away.

As he approached, the sharp edge of his spear thrust at high speed, aimed for my head once again. But I used the handle of my spear to deflect it back.

It was fortunate that training to utilize weapons in the virtual world proved beneficial in the real world as well, with all my stats and some of my skills transferring over.

However, the gap in skill and experience between us was evident as I lost my balance with each strike he made. I found myself in the defensive position. To make matters worse, I had been fighting relentlessly for many hours, and my body was slower than expected, compounded by the injury on my left leg.

Eventually, the pain in my leg overwhelmed me, causing a momentary distraction. He seized the opportunity and landed another attack, cutting a thin injury on my right arm.

He then swung his spear towards my neck, but I narrowly avoided it and leaped backward to create some distance between us.

Shit! If only I could use all my available skills from the world of dawn. Even with our differences in strength and experience, I could make up for it by using my wits. Yet, in reality, the skill known as "Jack of all trades" wasn't available for me to utilize, and I couldn't even see the gold-rank skill "Brightness of Speed" in my skills list.

I briefly turned to look at the black-haired girl and my friends. Each of them faced the same challenge, fighting for their lives. I couldn't ask for their help, though. It was just me and this guy. No one to rely on but myself!

In that moment, while my attention was elsewhere, the bald man sprinted and thrust his spear at me. Startled, I instinctively leaned my body to the right, narrowly avoiding the edge of his spear. However, he was quicker than ever before and managed to redirect his spear, slashing at my face and leaving a long mark on my left cheek. Blood streamed down from the wound towards my chin.

Enraged, I wiped my face with my own blood and looked at the blood-stained back of my hand.

In this world, those who naturally cause harm to others always seem to come out on top. But why do they continue to conquer and kill? Perhaps they were meant to play the role of the villain in this life's narrative. Once I realized this, I actually felt pity for him. He didn't even realize that he was just a pawn in this grand scheme. A smirk formed on my face as I looked at him, realizing that I no longer feared death.

I smiled at him mockingly, the bald man looked at me with curiosity as his eyes lid lifted and brow fused.

"Kid, are you going insane because you know you are going to die?" The man said intimidatingly.

Yes, my death would be inevitable if this bald man really went all out on me. But I could bought sometimes until one of my friends came to rescue me. However, this wasn't an option as he lashed to me out of nowhere and aimed his spear at my legs in hope to disabled me from moving. Subconsciously, I leaped backward and landed on the ground, then I swirled my spear randomly caused him to block it and took the impact which made him stepped back a few centimeters.

He seemed even more exhausted and slashed his spear in the air created a wave of unseen attack that was as sharp as a blade, and to defend myself I recently blocked and deflected these shadow slashes but I also got many slight cut all over my body since I couldn't block all the attack.

The spear wouldn't last long either, evidently, there was a hint of crack slowly running across it. It was at that moment that I realized that I was intensely fighting for my life, the experience of hanging on between life and death was palpable.

All of sudden, the air surrounded me switched it direction opposite of where I faced, gathered around the spear of the bald man as he raised it with a tight gripped. I never saw this kind of ability that used a spear to control the surrounding air before.

"You are tougher than I thought, let end this once for all so I can get your archetype!" The bald man grins widely showing his teeth.

Witnessed his pattern of fighting and in the end resorted in using this mysterious skill against me, I eventually came to the conclusion that even though every archetype could utilize every weapon, nonetheless, they couldn't use their ultimate skill with other weapon beside their main weapon. Therefore, this man must have had an unknown exclusive archetype that wielded a spear as his main weapon, no wonder I couldn't figure out what was his archetype.

His sound like he finally released his ultimate skills, evidently, he conjured so much blue particles just to summon it and seems very confident that I would be defeated.

At best, he was probably a gold ranker, however, with the exclusive archetype, even a gold rankers could defeat high rankers since the exclusive archetype allowed those who obtained it to utilize a deathly ultimate skill that even surpass the mystical skill of foundation archetypes.

"Let's end this once and for all kid!" He said with a neutral expression, there was not a single hint of emotion coming from his expression.

While he was conjuring energy into his spear that changed the surrounding atmosphere revolve around him, many nearby rankers turned to look at him and distanced themselves knowing the scale of the destruction this skill would cause. I couldn't block this attack either if he unleashed it onto me, moreover, the range of the impact might be so great that nearby rankers also caught up in the blast of his spear could sustain a heavy injury.

No matter how many scenarios I came up with, I still couldn't find myself surviving against his spear and even if I ran away, it wouldn't guarantee my survival, in addition, it made me look pathetic.

I would rather face it head-on, even if it meant I was going to die here!

Inhaling and exhaling deeply, I tightened my grip on my spear, driving it into the ground to stabilize myself. I struggled against the powerful breeze caused by his spear, determined to stand my ground. At the same time, a holographic text appeared in front of me, once again piquing my interest in the technology that enabled it to manifest everywhere.

[Divine system: The Observer from an absolute reality asked, "Do you want more power to save yourself?"]

The bald man didn't even appear shocked, indicating that he wasn't aware of the holographic screen before me. It seemed that only I could read this text. Furthermore, it had been a while since I had seen this embarrassing avatar name that sounded like the username of a 14-year-old gamer. I still had many unanswered questions about the information the observer from absolute reality provided in the artificial garden. At the time, I was left with no choice but to draw my own inference that the terrorist was a representative of the world government. But was this actually the case?

Time was running out as I read the text with raised eyebrows. Finally, the bald man launched his spear with tremendous strength, and a massive storm suddenly emerged in the center of the football field. In the split second when he struck his spear, the world around me fell into silence.

[Divine system: Exclusive skill "Narrative editing" is activating by (Observer of the absolute reality).]

"What is this?" I pondered in shock.

The environment around me turned colorless, and people's actions slowed down drastically. My own body stiffened and stopped moving as well. The only thing that appeared before me, floating and glitching, was the holographic screen. It felt as if someone had hacked into the system of the universe itself, creating this colorless and timeless world solely for me.

To think that this avatar could even interfere with space and time. He or she must not be an ordinary human.

It was then that a new glitching text appeared before my eyes, causing me to widen my eyes. My heart pounded, and I felt the tension in this colorless world as if my eyeballs were about to burst.

[Divine system: An absolute answer is required




Obviously, this wasn't a coincidence. This text appeared at the right time when I was about to be killed by the bald man who distanced many meters in front of me, which stopped moving or could be moving extremely slower than before that even I couldn't notice the difference.

It meant, this avatar had always been watching me from the beginning of this stupid survival game.

[Divine system: Exclusive skill "Narrative editing" is 30 seconds away from inactivating.]

[Divine system: The Observer from absolute reality is urging you to make a choice.]

It seemed like time was running out for me as well in this colorless world, in addition, I must make a choice. However, I knew, that every offer must have a demand in return. There was no requirement of this offer, thus if I chose to get power from this avatar that might turn out to be a deity or celestial, in the future this avatar might demand something crazy from me. But I couldn't think of anything beneficial from me right now that I could trade with this avatar.