
The Lone Star's Epilogue

(This web serial can be found on Royal Road, Scribble Hub, and Webnovel. If you come across a published version of this book, please note that it was done so without the author's consent. Kindly reach out to Amazon and inform them, as well as notify the true author [Me].) Accompanying Einsamer Stern as he embarks on a journey to discover his true self, while navigating the trials of Divine judgment carried out by the cosmic supreme being within the Divine Omnistream. What if the world and reality you believe in are true and absolute, but it turns out that they are merely part of the lowest food chain in the cosmic order, ready to be consumed by a supreme being that exists far beyond your imagination? What if you could survive this supreme being simply by being your authentic self? From fantasy to metaphors, and reality. This is just another interpretation of a symbol that exist for centuries. An ode to stars yet to be born, a never-ending story is about to begin!  Take the purple pill, I will show you how powerful you truly are. Escape the event horizon with the speed of your imagination and emerge to the other side, there you will find all the answers to who you truly are. @ALL RIGHT RESERVED @VISAL_WORDSMITH Gmail: Sereivisal123@gmail.com

Visal_Word_Smith · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
125 Chs

Savior Game (2)

Out of nowhere, a light pointed from one corner of the stadium, shining towards Narathan. At that moment, I realized something bad was about to happen as a laser beam flew toward Narathan, who stood defenseless with his bow.

He turned around, his eyes flashing with the light. I knew I had to do something before it was too late. Suddenly, black particles appeared, bending the space around Narathan and redirecting the laser to burn the grass instead of piercing his head.

Sweat poured down Narathan's forehead, and I noticed his hand trembling. After narrowly escaping death, he turned to Setsuna and stuttered, "T-Thank you for saving my life."

Setsuna shook her head and replied, "You're welcome, but we have a bigger problem at hand."

The sound of engines rumbling in the stadium caused every ranker to suspend their battles for stealing each other archetypes, skills, and coins. They watched in disbelief as blue particles gathered in the air and materialized into hundreds of drones in the blink of an eye.

"This has surpassed the realm of science fiction..." I murmured.

Simultaneously, these drones glided toward the innocent people, aiming their laser cannons at those who had just broken free from the ropes and were chaotically searching for the exit.

The good news was that more rankers began to stop fighting each other and switched to defending the defenseless individuals.

When I looked at Hyun hee, she was still engaged in battle with other high-rankers who had modified bodies. The destructive power of their clash caused people in their surrounding fields to retreat from the shockwave.

I now understood why Hyun Hee had rushed into the fight with several high-rankers. They were indiscriminately killing civilians caught up in the battle to amass more coins and even blocking the exit.

The only thing that mattered was that Hyun Hee was currently fighting to defend people. Knowing that she was on the side of goodness brought me immense relief.

Suddenly, a flash of light shone through my shoulder, and Narathan shouted at me with a concerned expression.

However, I couldn't hear him clearly due to the ringing sound of the laser beam in my ears. The next thing I realized was a glimpse of blood on my shoulder and legs.

The drones continued to relentlessly blast laser beams in all directions, even destroying the battle armor of rankers in the process.

More and more people lost their lives, and hope became harder to see. It was evident that the person who designed this game knew that people were no longer working together, and they were using this fact to control the situation.

Shan swiftly sprinted towards me, summoning a transparent magical shield to defend me from the scorching lasers that could melt iron.

After Shan defended me from the laser onslaught, I couldn't catch a break. More rankers, seemingly around my age, rushed to fight against Shan, Setsuna, and Narathan. However, they were quickly defeated, with one of them managing to kick me in the chest before I could even get a good look at him. I fell to the ground.

I paused my thoughts and focused on my body.

I couldn't force myself to stand up right away due to the bleeding in my shoulder. It felt as though the flesh around the wound was melting from the laser beam.

To make matters worse, my chest must have suffered internal damage from the kick, and my sense of gravity was disoriented. I coughed up some blood and hurriedly wiped it away.

To clear my head and think logically, I needed to acknowledge the reality before my eyes.

"Magic has appeared in reality. People are fighting for coins, and someone is controlling this chaos," I murmured.

Fortunately, the healing elixir was one of the items currently on sale. I quickly summoned the navigation system.

As I contemplated, a display icon appeared before me, representing an item shop. However, the cost of this item was much higher than it had been in the virtual world!

I thought of the keywords "healing" and only one item came up.

[Item shop: Mystical Healing Elixir - Cost: 50,000 coins]

Damn, there was only one item, and it was so expensive! I had no other choice. Either I would die here from bleeding out, or I would have to wait for Hyun Hee or someone else to give me a regular healing potion. In addition, Shan and everyone else were occupied with other rankers, trying to protect the vulnerable individuals.

With no other option left, I summoned the mystical potion into my palm. The elixir was crafted with a small statue of a dragon circling it. After it materialized before me, a notification appeared.

[Private System: 50,000 coins have been spent on the mystical healing elixir.]

I had obtained these coins from the previous battle against the giant snake in the Jurassic Park, but I had only realized that they transferred to me once I awakened my archetype. Now, they were all gone, as the reward I received for slaying the giant snake was exactly 50,000 coins.

I took a sip of the elixir, and immediately I could feel my body cells repairing themselves. I now understood that this was the mystical elixir from the World of Dawn, capable of healing even severe damage as long as my body was still intact.

If only I could use this potion to save Geralt! But at that moment, my narrative energy had not awakened yet. Thinking about it wouldn't change the past, so I decided to focus on the present.

It was now obvious to me that the skills, items, and abilities from the World of Dawn could be applied in the real world, most likely due to the full release of the narrative energy.

"Who is the bastard that kicked me?" I said with a serious expression, scanning the surroundings for the culprit while other rankers were still engaged in battle.

Suddenly, I noticed a ranker marching towards me with a Valkyrie spear in his hands. He had one of the rare foundation archetypes, Slayer. He was of average height, with black hair shaved on either side, and dressed in a red hoodie. His name was Chad, one of the well-known bullies in my class.

He always bullied loners and people with lower ranks than him. I was surprised to see him alive at this moment, as he had made enemies who would kill him without hesitation.

"Yoo, Einsamer. I've always thought you were a nuisance, hiding behind Setsuna and Shan. Now your time has come to an end," Chad said, chuckling.

He briskly threw his spear at me, and I couldn't avoid it since I hadn't fully recovered yet. Fortunately, a slender hand caught the spear and shattered it into blue particles that faded into nothingness.

Setsuna growled at Chad and gave him the middle finger as she destroyed his spear.

"Setsuna, why do you side with him? He isn't a strong ranker nor has a strong archetype, I know the truth, he is nothing but a peasant. Don't defend him like he's your little boy," Chad spoke with a wicked smile. Then he added, "Come and join me. I've obtained a diamond rank now!"

This bastard must be murdering people to amass more coins and upgrade his skills and archetype in order to obtain that rank. I stood up, but Setsuna had a concerned expression and summoned black particles to press me down onto the ground, halting me from engaging in a battle with him.

"He's not a little boy, he's more mature than you," Setsuna said as she stood in front of me, revealing her back.

"Then let him fight me, fair and square," Chad said, beckoning for the fight to continue.

Chad seemed pissed, but he didn't continue his attack. Instead, he resorted to cheap talk and tried to persuade Setsuna to back off.

"Rank means nothing when you're just a little boy hiding behind your physical body," I smiled and gave him the middle finger.

Angered by my words, a Valkyrie spear materialized in Chad's hand as he gripped it tightly. I purposely stirred up his emotions to ensure he didn't think straight.

[Private System: The effect of your buff potion has reached its duration, and your strength, agility, and senses have reset to their base stats.]

Well, I knew his weakness as I had researched the Slayer archetype. Moreover, he wasn't a high-ranker, so I could defeat him with buff potions. Today, I had summoned the potions multiple times, hoping that I could use them in reality with no restrictions.

However, the effect of the buff potion I had taken had already reached its duration, so I needed to take a new one.

[Private System: You do not have enough coins to use a buff potion.]

Fortunately, I remembered that I had once given the buff potions to Setsuna in case of an emergency situation.

"Setsuna, I can fight him," I said, excitedly with a smile.

"You'll injure yourself for sure. Let me sneak an attack on him," she responded with a furrowed eyebrow.

"Do you still have the buff potion I once gave you?" I asked, standing up and brushing off a speck of dirt from my shirt.

Setsuna didn't respond immediately. Instead, she summoned her avatar screen and scrolled up and down for a moment.

After a while, she nodded her head, summoned a potion into the palm of her hand, and handed it to me. In addition, I also summoned a green elixir and mixed it with the buff potion.

Chad frowned, but Setsuna knew exactly what I was about to do.

I took a sip of the potion, swallowing a small portion. A burning sensation coursed through my veins, and time seemed to slow down before my eyes. My muscles grew bigger, enhancing my strength.

However, at the same time, my nose began to bleed, indicating a side effect from overuse. In the past few days, I had already used the potion over three times, not to mention the addition of a high-rank elixir I had created for an evaluation.

The mixture of the buff potion and the green elixir provided a boost in agility, endurance, and strength. The exclusive effect of this potion was the ability to slow down time, something I had spent months perfecting.

[Private System: You have used the exclusive potion "Time Accel."

Dura effect: 50 seconds.]

"Stand aside," I said, patting Setsuna and gently pushing her aside.

"A buff potion? Haha, you think increasing your strength and speed a little bit can defeat me?" Chad chuckled, covering his face with both hands as if he found my method ridiculous and childish.

"You're challenging me? I know your archetype, a pea-" Chad was in the middle of talking crap when I suddenly appeared before him.

I dashed through time itself, everything around me becoming slower as my speed increased.

My nose started to bleed even more, but I ignored it and gritted my teeth against the pain. In a second, I struck his stomach with a powerful blow, then rapidly followed up with another punch to his chest.

"Fuc..." Chad coughed up blood, his words cut off.

He tried to react and deflect my punch, but it was in vain as my speed surpassed his.

As he attempted to summon another spear, I caught both of his hands and slammed him onto the ground, causing a huge crack to appear beneath his body.