
The Locked System

Hayato is a luckless 15-year-old boy, that bad luck caused him various accidents until one day it took his life, but God gave him a second chance to live in another world with a system that has all the powers of his favorites animes and mangas. But the other world's God wasn't very happy about him being there, so he interfered and now he has to survive against that God's attempts to kill him and the enemies he will meet in that new world, all with his System locked The cover is not mine and English is not my first language, you have been warned

Burst17 · Anime & Comics
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108 Chs

We will meet again 1/2

In the Lyrel kingdom right in a busy street was a young couple, the couple was a beautiful woman with short light brown her and an exquisite figure and a handsome but small young man who wears an expensive armor

The couple was Maya and Hayato they were walking through the street calling the attention of almost everyone around them

" It seems that everywhere you go you call the attention Maya " Whispered Hayato as he sees around him

Maya who was grabbing Hayato's hand turns to see him with a beautiful smile and says " I'm not the only one who is attracting attention"

Maya pointed out while Hayato noticed that some women were seeing him with open mouths but he just makes a slight nod not making any other reaction anyone who see him could notice that he wasn't sure about how to react to the looks he is receiving right now

Suddenly Maya stops and makes Hayato turn his head to see her then she leaned towards him and kissed him softly on the lips to then say " You are very handsome, I don't know why on the other side no one noticed that but I'm glad to be the first one to did it " after saying that she kissed him again and then they begin to walk again

They walked a few blocks through the streets in the way Maya hasn't spoken anything unless Hayato said anything ' She is still angry, damn this girl, I have to do that now, well I was in my plans anyway so... ' Hayato thought seeing Maya at his left side

Hayato turns to see left and right carefully searching for a specific building until he found it then he stops making Maya turn to see him with a face of doubt but Hayato pulls her to the store direction as he says " We have to do a quick stop "

" What's wrong Hayato? " Maya asked with doubt and then Hayato released her hand making her even more surprised, Hayato turns to see her and say " Wait here, I will be right back in a minute, alright? "

And with that Hayato left Maya standing in the middle of the street with a confused expression, Maya waited as Hayato told her and many men tried to approach her in the meantime but with just a look full of coldness she drove away every one of them

And after a few minutes, Hayato returned but Maya was a little annoyed where did he go? And why he didn't take her with him? Those kinds of thoughts passed through her head but still, she smiled at him beautifully

Despite her smile, Hayato knew that she was still angry, but he smiled at her then he pulls a small box from his pocket and opens it while Maya sees its content with wide eyes

" I wanted to buy this, sorry for making you wait " Hayato said while he looks at the small box with a ring, the ring was silver with three diamonds on it being the middle one the biggest, the ring looked expensive after all he expended a Platinum coin in it

Maya covers her mouth with her hands as she sees Hayato with an incredulous expression then he says " Maya, well.. we are still young... but in the future, I mean... do you want to marry me? " Hayato said with a nervous face as he scratched his nape

Maya begins to cry making Hayato look at her with confusion then she jumps at him having a broad smile on her beautiful face " Yes I do! " she yelled as she hugged him tightly

Hayato was surprised by Maya's sudden jump that he almost dropped the ring, but he still managed to grab the ring and Maya. Hayato and Maya hugged tightly for a few minutes while some onlookers clapped at the lovely couple and with that, both of them separated in a flash with blushed expressions and nervous smiles on their faces

Maya sees Hayato from the corner of her eye and she says with a pouting face while her face still red from the embarrassment " You should think about the surroundings next time Hayato "

Hayato makes a wry smile and then Maya smiled at him, then she moves fast towards him and grabs his hand pulling him out of the place while the onlookers saw them with smiling faces but one robed man wasn't looking them like that

" It's... how is that possible? " He sounded shocked then he turned around and he begins to walk fast " I have to report this " And he disappeared into the crowd

Hayato smiled as he was being pulled by Maya ' She has better humor now, yes we stand out more than I had wished, but I don't think that would be so suspicious, no? '

After a couple of blocks more, Maya stopped she turned to see Hayato and with a big smile she says " Let's have our first date here, Hayato "

Hayato raised his eyebrows and says with a small smile " Right here? I don't think it's a good idea, besides, we have something to do, Maya "

Maya looks sad after Hayato's answer so Hayato sighs and pats her head " We can have that later in a less hostile location, but I tell you what, let's have a quick dinner together, what do you say? "

Maya smiled again and nods " Okay, let's go then "

The young couple walked a few blocks searching for a restaurant but as they were doing that a group of three men blocked their way. They were wearing leather armor and each one had different weapons, the three of them were older than Maya and Hayato looking around 25 to 30 years old yet the three of them saw Maya with a visible desire

The man who seems to be the leader walks towards Maya and with a flirtatious smile he says " Hello beautiful lady why don't you leave that skinny brat and come with me and my friends to have some fun " The man was very plain looking just like his partners but he as the others have a good complexion, short black hair, and blue eyes and his face was full of scars

Maya's face grew cold seeing the men blocking their way yet she wasn't angered by the way they were looking at her but she was angered that they were interrupting a date with the man she loves and not only that they dared to look down on him when she was with her so she says " Get lost " in a very menacing voice

Hayato turns his head slightly in her direction and knew that she was even more angered than before so he knew that she would do something very drastic and just as he predicted *SWOOSH* Maya unsheaths her sword in a blink of an eye and then and attacks the man in from of her but *CLANK* the sound of metal closing resounded and Maya noticed that her sword was stopped a few millimeters near the man's right eye

The man blinked and when his eyebrow touched the tip of the sword " Ah... " He made a few steps back in terror to then fell on her butt looking at Maya like she was a monster

His partners were as surprised as him, neither of them saw Maya's movement but what they were even more surprised for then was the one who stopped her from killing his partner

Hayato was grabbing Maya's sword with his left hand, he stopped Maya from killing the man so Maya turns to see him with surprise, so Hayato says with a calm expression " Hey, you can't do that "

Maya pouts and says " But they are interrupting our date "

Hayato grins slightly at her and releases her sword to then say " I guess you can say that but you are going to waste our time with them? remember that we are in a hurry "

Maya opens her eyes wide and then Hayato grabs her hand as he says "Let's go to the restaurant already "

Maya nodded with a smiling face and she hugs Hayato's left arm and then both of them leave the place walking calmly, as they passed the three men there who didn't dare to look or say anything to them, even so, some passengers were impressed saying things like " The Lyrel kingdom brought some serious Adventurers this time I wonder who are they? " while the three men saw Hayato's back with nervous yet incredulous expressions ' How he could stop that attack with just a hand ' ' They are monsters in human skin ' ' I shouldn't have done that, I was lucky this time, but maybe the next time I... '

The three men were completely impressed and they stayed in the same place for a few minutes wondering why they do such a stupid mistake that almost cost one of their partners' lives

Hayato and Maya ate in a fancy restaurant expending a couple of gold coins on their meals Maya sat near Hayato to fed him while Hayato eat everything with a slight smile


A couple of hours later

Maya and Hayato arrived at the graveyard where Veronica was buried, the place was surrounded by a wall with only one entrance they had to pass some knights that for some reason were protecting the entrance. The cemetery was big nothing like Hayato was expecting, it was a huge place with the tombs aligned, there were flowers and trees on some paces and the ground was covered with a layer of green grass. Hayato was taken by surprise by such a place at the start, besides, he was seeing at the structures that could be the mausoleums all looked the same yet Hayato says to Maya " Veronica must be buried in a mausoleum in the deepest part of the cemetery, we should go there and search for her "

Maya turns to see him with a frowning expression and says " Ok "

Hayato nods and walks taking Maya's right hand " We should hurry, we took a long time on our date "

Maya nods with a beautiful smile as she says " Mmm, but it was the best day of my life " Hayato smiles at her nodding and saying " And it was mine as well "

Hayato and Maya ran through the cemetery

Hayato noticed that the place was empty, with no guards or people in sight, that was a little strange after all most of the tombs have fancy decorations made with gold or precious gems there, there should be more knights guarding the place, no? why there only a couple of them outside?

Hayato makes a face full of suspicion and couldn't help to think that something was wrong suddenly he saw Maya stop, Hayato turns to see her with confusion so he asks " Maya, what's wrong? "

Maya turns her head to the right and begins to walk slowly looking left and right like she was searching for something but what surprised Hayato the most was Maya's expression, it was like he couldn't believe what is going on so Hayato turns to see at the direction where she was seeing while he made a frowning expression but as much as he searched he only saw a few tombs and a small deteriorated crip closed with a rusty fence

Maya turns to see Hayato with a scared expression and says " A voice, Hayato... it's a voice... it sounds like my... mother's voice "

Hayato frowns but he didn't hear anything, he activates his Sharingan to see if any energy fluctuations could be messing with Maya's mind but still he can't see anything, he turns to see Maya again making a serious expression and then he says " I can't hear anything, are you sure Maya "

Hayato turns to see Maya and he noticed that she now had a blank expression " Maya " Hayato said again but she didn't respond and now she began to walk towards a big deteriorated crypt, with the entrance closed by a rusty metal fence, she Hayato frowns and embraces her from the back, stopping her walking but she was still trying to walk ' What the hell is going on? it's this some type of attack? ' Hayato searched for someone or something that could be causing this and once again he couldn't see anything so his best choice was to teleport back and let Maya with Alyra and Arleth but then Albion said

{ ' I can hear the voice too ' } Albion said with a calm voice { ' It isn't a dangerus ' }

Hayato frowns without releasing Maya then he asks ' What? Then why is she acting like this? '

{ ' Don't know but this is caused by vestiges of Ancient Dragon Magic, it's been a while since I saw this kind of magic ' }

Hayato opens his eyes in confusion ' Dragon magic? what the hell? from where it came? and why is affecting her only? '

{ ' From the crypt over there, this seems to be some kind of test for her so she is the only one who can stop it ' } Albion said with a calm voice again

Hayato looks very confused so he asked Albion ' A test? Why...? Wait a minute... its because she is a Heroine? ' Hayato frowns with understanding

{ ' That must be the case, now let her face the test, it won't be any problem if she fails, I'm sure of that, so you can release her ' }

Hayato nods and releases Maya and she begins to walk again toward the crypt ' That Magic, is dangerous I have no way to deal with something like that yet ' Hayato just couldn't stay still so he followed her closely

When Maya arrived at the crypt she stretches her hand towards the rusty fence and when she touched it *ZOOM* green sparks flew from the fence causing Maya to fall unconscious in an instant and thankfully that Hayato was close to her he catches her before she could hit the ground

Hayato checked if she was alright and when he noticed that she was only unconscious he sighed with relief then Albion says { ' The test seems to be completed and she had failed ' }

Hayato frowns slightly and asks ' Failed... the gate should have opened if she would have passed the test, no? '

{ ' Indeed ' }

Hayato sees the crypt with a serious expression and thinks ' Just what the hell is inside there? Why does it have that kind of magic as protection? '

Hayato lays Maya on the grass softly and stands then stretches his right hand toward the fence while at the same time, Albion said { ' I wouldn't do that if I was you ' } but it was too late because *ZAAP* " Ah! " Hayato received and powerful lightning discharge that burned his hand the moment he touched the fence

{ ' It has a defense mechanism as well if you aren't chosen you will suffer a backlash ' } Albion said with a calm voice

Hayato sees his burned hand with a serious expression ' Now I'm even more curious about this crypt, there must be a way to open it, maybe if I blow it? ' then Albion answers him { ' It will be impossible for you in your current state, even with the Balance Breaker you won't be able to do it, maybe with the Juggernaut Drive, but are you sure you want to take the risk? ' }

Hayato makes a thoughtful expression seeing the crypt but then " Mmm... " he heard Maya's moaning it seems that she was waking up so he kneels next to her

Maya opens her eyes slowly as she says " What happened? " then she sees Hayato's serious expression and says " Hayato? "

Hayato looks at Maya's face searching for any anomalies and says " How are you feeling Maya? "

Maya makes a confused expression and she stands saying " Did something happen? Why I was on the ground? "

Hayato stands as well and he sees her with a serious expression then he says "Don't you remember anything, Maya? " Maya still in confusion shakes her head slightly and says " No, the last thing I remembered was that we were searching for Veronica's crypt and then I opened my eyes in the ground "

Hayato makes a serious expression and Albion talked again { ' This is normal, don't need to worry about it ' }

Hayato nods slightly " Ok, Maya, we need to keep going, I will explain everything to you on the way " Maya nods with a confused expression, Hayato walks to the crypt, while Maya keeps her eyes on him then he puts his right hand on the stones near the entrance and leaves a mark from his Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu)

Maya noticed that but she decided to stay silent then Hayato begins to make hand seals and "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu(Shadow Clone Jutsu) " Ten clones appeared and they dispersed the path they were walking before, Hayato sees Maya and says " It will be faster that way but still we need to dirt our hands as well " Maya grins slightly and nods then they both went in the search of Veronica

Hayato and Maya searched for Veronica's crypt, in that time, Hayato explained to Maya what happened to her. Maya was surprised about that, she didn't know that there were tests for Heroes besides the last tribulations to reach a state near godhood so she decided to research anything related to that but in the meantime, she will keep focusing on their main objective

A long hour later they finally found Veronica's resting place, the couple was underground, and multiple coffins were in the walls all of them from the Brywood family, each of the coffins was made with the best quality wood and had candles in sight, whoever is in charge of this place made sure to keep each one of these coffins in a very good state, because they weren't covered with dust or anything else, as well the coffins had their names of the person inside them in the coffin with golden letters

Maya and Hayato were seeing a specific coffin with frowning expressions after all it says Veronica Brywood, second wife of Gerald Brywood, both know that this was Wade's wife

Hayato stretches his hand towards the coffin and *SWOOSH* the coffin disappears leaving a hole carved in the rock then he says " It's done we should leave, I will revive her in a safe place "

Maya nods slightly and then both of them frown feeling multiple presences approaching and both of them knew who they are

Maya keeps her frowning expression and says " It seems that those two had become stronger but they now pale in comparison to me now, just a couple of them could be a problem, they have great strength I think only you can handle them Hayato "

Maya turns to see Hayato who was making a serious expression then he says " And not only they are here, that crazy princess is here as well, I can't believe how strong she has become in this short amount of time "

"It's Alyra's sister with them, right? " Asked Maya Hayato nods and continues " I don't think Alyra can beat her now, she needs more training "

Maya grins slightly and says " We could leave Hayato, without starting any conflict, but I will like to meet her if you don't mind " Hayato turns to see Maya with a calm expression and nodded, and then both of them left the place wanting to meet the newcomers