
Resentment (Part:1)

In a very dense forest was an old big mansion, inside that mansion in a small room illuminated only by 8 candles a handsome young man was sitting cross-legged above a red blood pentagram as his body was shining with a black red light

That young man was Zeran who suddenly opens his eyes widely revealing a pair of monstrous yellow eyes. As the surrounding light disappears, he smirks with amazement and whispers " Bastard, he made me lose the bond, but you still have to teach me more " Zeran closes his eyes again making a small smile and the red light begins to appear around his body again


In the snowy forest, Zeran's Homunculus opens his eyes again he was surrounded by a pool of black mud he sits and noticed the severe damage that he had suffered and the worst thing for him is that Hayato is flying towards him, so he says softly " Heal me, go to distract him " the purple pool where he was laying moves and takes the form of three humanoid monsters in just a second, then one of them flies towards Hayato emitting a faint light green light around him while the other two point their purple hands with claws towards Zeran, and they start to emit a yellow light from their hands that cover Zeran's Homunculus healing him quickly

Zeran saw the Ghoul fly towards Hayato to then get grabbed by the neck and being torn in half by Hayato with just his bare hands in a second " Bastard " said Zeran with a smirk but then the Ghoul that Hayato cut in half, divides in two new thinner Ghouls that flew towards Hayato again giving Zeran a little more time to heal again

Then Hayato takes his swords out of his inventory, surprising Zeran with that ' Space Magic? He can do that as well? ' Later *SWOOSH* *SWOOSH* Hayato swings his swords around him making blurry movements, the Ghouls that were so close to him were torn into small pieces

The small pieces were floating in the air, but then they begin to burn with a purple-black flame that turned them into dust that dispersed with the wind

Zeran frowns seeing that ' From where did that fire come from? It managed to kill the Ghouls so easily ' Zeran then noticed that Hayato's swords were covered with a barely noticeable layer of purple-black fire

Zeran then whispers " That fire is something else, you better put good attention to everything he does Leon, I don't think this Homunculus could handle the power that that guy has "

One of the Ghoul's eyes shone, and his eyesight landed on Hayato while it and the other Ghoul ended healing Zeran

Hayato sees them with a frowning and cold expression then his swords emitted a lot of purple-black fire it even covered his arms and *SWOOSH* *SWOOSH* *SWOOSH* *SWOOSH* Hayato swings his swords at them again and again sending after them countless huge waves of purple-black fire

" Sh*t " Said Zeran and he and the Ghouls begin to jump as far as they could from the flames but Hayato keep sending waves of fire after them not caring at all that he was burning the whole forest with it


In the cavern, Maya ran towards the hole on the mountain that Hayato made, when she arrived at the edge, she saw Hayato burning the whole forest below him with purple-black flames.

Maya was watching Hayato with a face full of worry ' I need to do something, Hayato isn't in control, that kind of overwhelming dark power is stronger than the last time if he keeps emitting that kind of power he could attract someone worst that that bastard, like the guardian races and if they come they will try to kill him '

Maya jumps to the outside through the cave, and she begins to run in Hayato's direction

Wade and Dye ran after her " What is happening? Why is he showing that monstrous transformation? " said Wade with a frowning expression

" Maya seems to know what is it we have to catch her " Said Dye with a serious face, and she runs after Maya just like Wade

Deeper in the cave, the Captain noticed that Kara was still alive he was taken by surprise by it then he ran towards her ' That amount of fire that covered her before should have killed her, but she didn't suffer any harm from it, but her arms and legs are gone ' the Captain was angered and frustrated so much that he wanted to kill Zeran by himself, but he knew that Kara was delicate, so he needs to take care of her first

The Captain with Kara in his arms as he says in a loud concerned voice " Kara! Please resist! I will save you! " He stands carrying Kara but just when he was about to run through the gap in the cave Alyra yelled at him " Wait! I can heal her, at least enough to stabilize her! "

The Captain stops and runs towards Alyra to then put her in front of her. Alyra kneels and starts to heal her thinking ' With this she should be able to stay alive, but I can't do anything about her arms and legs... maybe Maya with the advanced healing magic that Heroes had could do something if she already had that kind of mastery over Light Magic ' After begin her healing Alyra noticed that Kara wasn't bleeding too much so with the risk of fall unconscious she says " Blessed Light Healing " and a shining white light covers the entire cave even the Captain have to cover his eyes slightly by how bright it was

Kara looks a lot healthier than before, but she didn't recover his legs and arms, besides she didn't wake up with that. Alyra was a little agitated but not as much as she expected " She will be ok, but it's all I can do with my current strength "

The Captain nods with a grateful smile and says " Thank you very much, young lady, I speak even in my Lord's name when I say this "

Alyra nods with a smile and says " Now you should take her to Shokan city where she could recover in a safe place far as possible from that bastard, we will go there after we finish here "

The Captain nods again and leaves the cave with the Captain carrying Kara in his arms

Then Alyra sees the hole in the mountain and begins to run towards them " I have to catch them "


*BOOM* *BOOM* Burst of purple-black flame keep raining on the now burning forest until Hayato finally stops and puts down his arms, watching the ground with a cold face

Down below a big purple ball of mud was burning with purple-black flames the mud seems to tremble until it explodes leaving a smaller mud ball that was calm

The mud that separates from the ball was still trembling until it finally turned into dust while the mud ball opens traveling Zeran who was fine, but his clothes were a little torn Zeran sees Hayato in the sky with a frowning expression, and the mud takes a humanoid form again and jumps against Hayato shooting hundreds of yellow Light Arrows against him

Hayato flies against the ghoul at full speed using his black wings as protection *CLANK* *CLANK* *CLANK* *CLANK* The yellow Light Arrows explode at the contact with Hayato's wings, it was like they were hitting a dense wall of steel

Zeran saw that and smiles coldly like he was wanting that to happen. Suddenly when Hayato was close to the Ghoul he opens his wings and kicks the Ghoul's monstrous face with his right foot, the kick was so strong that the Ghoul was sent to the ground like a cannonball

*BOOOM* The Ghoul crashes on the ground raising a lot of dust and pebbles from the impact

Zeran who was close uses his arms to protect his face and he jumps back as far as he could where the Ghoul crashed but then *BOOM* Hayato lands in front of him with a bang

Zeran opens his eyes with surprise and thinks ' Too fast ' then he says " Berserker " and his eyes turned orange-yellow, his muscles grow enough to tear his sleeves and the last change was that every vein in his body turned red and became visible

Zeran sent a fast attack with his right fist aiming at Hayato's face that was getting too close to him, Hayato ducks his head evading Zeran's attack effortless, then *SWOOSH* he cuts Zeran's right arm completely with his Katana

Zeran frowns in anger then the Ghoul appeared behind Hayato with his long claws extended and shining in a yellow light but *SWOOSH* *SWOOSH* Hayato's wings turned into tridents that pierced the Ghoul's body in a second

" Damn it " Said Zeran again and attacks Hayato again with his left fist but *SWOOSH* the same thing happened again and Zeran lost his left arm, and before he could react *SWOOSH* Hayato cuts in half from left to right Zeran grits his teeth and finally *SWOOSH* Hayato decapitated him before he could even touch the ground

Zeran's Homunculus finally falls senseless to the ground, while Hayato rips the Ghoul apart with his wings to later slam its parts in the same place that Zeran's Homunculus perished

Hayato points his Katana at the remains of the Homunculus and the Ghoul, and the purple-black flames burned both to the ground

In the end, Hayato just sees the burned ground with a frowning expression, but then he moves his head to his left side and that's when he heard " Hayato? "

It was Maya she has a very worried expression but at the same time she seems doubtful about Hayato, after all, he was looking at her with an empty expression something that hasn't happened before

Maya puts her left hand between her breasts and says with worry " Hayato, it's you, right?! If not, come back to me, I know that you can control that power! "

Hayato just keeps staring at her with an empty expression, so Maya frowns and yells " HAYATO! " Then *BOOM* Someone landed right in front of her surprising her a lot then she says " Hayato?! "

The one who landed was Hayato, but this one was wearing a complete white armor, leaving his head exposed. Hayato turned to see Maya, and she noticed his blue Draconian eyes that's when she noticed that it wasn't Hayato but Albion the one who appeared, so she says " Albion? What? "

{ ' It happened again, right? I noticed the moment we lost connection ' } Said Albion as he turned to see Hayato who was looking at them coldly

Maya nods with a serious face and says " Yes, as far as I know, we just need to wait for a little for him to regain control, but he isn't responding "

Albion shakes his head and says { ' Impossible, he can regain control again ' }

Maya was surprised at the statement, but when she was about to speak again Hayato charged against them, breaking the ground where he was standing

Albion reacts quickly by jumping back, grabbing Maya by the waist, and jumping high to the sky. Albion carrying Maya in a bag says { ' He is far too aggressive, I have to weaken him before trying anything ' }

Maya looked at Hayato with worry then she turns to see Albion who now has his helmet and says " What do you mean he can go back? There is something wrong?

Hayato once again jumps toward them displaying his wide black wings, Albion frowns under his helmet and takes some distance then he descends and leaves Maya saying { ' Stay here, I will explain it when I weaken him a little ' } and he flies against Hayato not leaving Maya a chance to replay

Suddenly behind Maya Wade and Dye arrived, Maya sees them for a second to then turn to see the sky again. Dye and Wade see where she was seeing and Dye says " Why is he fighting against himself? "

Maya didn't respond, so Dye turned to see her and when she saw her worried expression and decided to not ask anything then she turns to see Hayato in the same way as Maya


Albion flew against Hayato and Hayato begin to swing his swords against him from the distance, each swing of his swords created a wave of black fire

Albion evaded the flames with fast changes of direction as he gets closer to Hayato and when he finally was closer he attacked Hayato with his right fist *SWOOSH* Hayato evades the blow by tilting his head back immediately after he sends a kick toward Albion's stomach just to be evaded by Albion who moves his body to the left immediately countering with a right punch to Hayato's face, but as well was evaded by a sudden jump back. Albion then chases after Hayato flying fast toward him

Maya who was on the ground with a worried expression couldn't do anything more than clench her fists with frustration seeing the fast battle they are having in the sky right now ' Come on Albion, you just need to touch Hayato to reduce that dark power a lot but.... ' Maya noticed that neither of them has managed to land a hit, making her more worried about it ' They are so fast, and they seem to have the same strength right now... why is this happening? Why Hayato hasn't come to his senses yet? '

" None of them will achieve anything if this continues, they basically have the same strength and speed " Said Wade with a serious expression, seeing the sky

Dye bites her lower lip and sees Maya, then she yells at her " Maya! What the hell is going on?! Why they are fighting?! Isn't that Hayato's clone from before?! "

Maya doesn't turn to see her but this time she answers " Yes, it's the clone from before, but why they are fighting, well he needs to bring back Hayato "

Dye and Wade saw Maya with doubt and Dye says " What do you mean? Isn't that Hayato? "

Maya shakes her head slightly and says " That is pure power, anger, and evil, the Hayato over there can't control himself and can't distinguish between friends and foes, that's why the clone is trying to suppress him, he just needs to hit him once, but maybe he can't do it our only hope is to wait and see if he manages to regain control again, we can't do anything more even if we try to "

Maya's voice was full of frustration, so Dye didn't ask anything further she just turns to see the sky with frustration again and finally, Alyra arrived to see the sky as well asking " What is happening? "

" Something bad " Wade says as he turns to see her making Alyra see him with her eyes wide open, then Wade turns to see Maya and says with a serious voice " Hey, maybe I have something that could help the clone to hit him even if it's just one time, that will be enough, right? "

Maya and Dye turned to see him with surprise and Maya says " Yes, that should be enough "

Wade grins as his entire body started to glow a little with blue light, his hair turned light blue completely and blue marks appeared on his body like flame tattoos then he says with a confident smile " Leave it to me "


Meanwhile, Hayato and Albion were exchanging attacks with a very fast speed and strength, but they still could land a hit

Albion frowns under his helmet and thinks { ' The kid's strength and speed are greater than I expected if I can't hit him, I can't divide his power, I need to find another way to do it ' }

Albion reduces his attacks speed giving Hayato the chance to land a hit on him, but the attack wasn't what Albion expected instead Hayato attacked him with one of his wings that turned into a trident

{ ' ...? ' } Albion frowns and moves back as fast as he could, but the black trident pierced his armor, luckily he wasn't injured by that attack, but his armor now has three vertical holes in his chest

Albion frowns with a smile under the helmet, then he thinks { ' He knew my intentions? It seems right....hmmm? ' } suddenly Albion noticed that a light blue aura begins to appear around Hayato, the light blue aura seems to come from down below

Albion moves his eyes to the direction from where the aura was coming without putting down his guard against Hayato, below he noticed Wade pointing his hands against Hayato while his body was covered with an intense light blue aura { ' What is he doing? ' }

Later *BOOM* like a shockwave the bright aura around Wade moves against Hayato who hasn't noticed anything yet and *BOOM* the bright blue aura appeared around Hayato making him make a pained expression, and he seems to be paralyzed by it

{ ' ...!? Now! ' } Albion charges as fast as he could against Hayato who had already removed the bright aura from his body already

{ ' Too late ' } Said Albion and *BANG* he hits Hayato in the right cheek sending him back a few meters until he stabilizes himself again in the air

{ ' It's over kid, time to wake up already ' } Said Albion pointing his palm at Hayato but *TEAR* a strange sound came from the sky a few meters close to Hayato and Albion

Next to them, a blue fissure appeared in the sky leaving Maya, Alyra, Dye, and Wade in shock, while Hayato and Albion watched the crack with frowning expressions. The Fissure begins to open wide until it was a few meters wide then from it a woman came out surprising all of them

The woman was very beautiful she has white milky skin that looked almost like a corpse, she has pointed ears and a very sensual body, the most notorious thing about her was her red blood eyes and long black hair. The woman wears the same style of armor as Maya but hers was completely black, and she wears a black neckband too, that woman was none other than Seth's sister Isabella who was seeing in Hayato's direction with an amused smile planted in her beautiful face