
The Little Witch Under The Tree

Enter in a magical world as Elara Moon shadow ventures out to gain the Grand Magic Licence, however there's a slight catch in order for her tog rt it she must go to a grand magic shcool at that shcool there exists "spotters" who want to use her for the invading human army

Mana_Cake · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Sham Fight

[General Korov]

The sun sets over Aetheria Academy, casting long shadows across the grounds. Elara and Stacia walk back to their dormitory, still buzzing from the day's events.

As they settle in for the night, Elara feels a strange sense of foreboding, as if something is about to happen.


Elara is jolted awake by a sharp knock on the door.

She opens it to find a letter lying on the floor, sealed with an unfamiliar crest.

Curiosity piqued, she picks it up and breaks the seal, revealing an ornate, hand-written message.

**"Meet me at midnight in the shadowed grove by the old oak tree. Come alone. — Prince Sham"**

Elara's heart races as she reads the letter.

She knows she should report it to a teacher, but a part of her is determined to confront Sham and put an end to his threats.

She turns to Stacia, who is already awake and reading over her shoulder.

Stacia says

"You're not seriously thinking about going, are you?"

Elara replies,with her voice being steady

"I have to,"

"I can't let him keep bullying us."

"Besides, I won't be alone."

"I know you'll have my back."

Stacia nods, a determined glint in her eyes.

She then says

"Of course."

"We'll make sure he doesn't get away with this."


Elara and Stacia sneak out of their dormitory, making their way through the dimly lit academy grounds.

They arrive at the shadowed grove, where the old oak tree stands like a silent sentinel.

The moonlight filters through the branches, casting eerie patterns on the ground.

Prince Sham steps out from behind the tree, a malicious smirk on his face.

He then says

"So you decided to show up."

"I must admit, I'm impressed by your bravery—or is it foolishness?"

Elara stands her ground, her wand gripped tightly in her hand.

She then says

"I'm not afraid of you, Sham. This ends tonight."

Sham laughs, a cold, menacing sound.

He then says

"Very well. Let's see if your actions match your words."

[The Duel…]

The air crackles with magical energy as the duel begins.

Sham conjures dark tendrils of shadow magic, launching them towards Elara.

She dodges nimbly, countering with a burst of light magic that dispels the shadows.

The ground beneath them trembles with each spell, the grove becoming a battlefield of elemental forces.

Stacia, hidden behind a nearby tree, watches anxiously.

She knows she must remain hidden to follow Elara's request, but every fiber of her being urges her to jump in and help her friend.

She tightens her grip on her wand, ready to intervene if things get out of hand.

As the duel intensifies, Sham's spells grow more vicious. He hurls bolts of fire and ice, but Elara deftly counters each one, her determination unwavering.

Suddenly, Sham summons a massive wave of dark energy, aiming to overwhelm Elara.

She braces herself, drawing on every ounce of her strength to form a protective barrier.

The clash of magic sends shockwaves through the grove, and for a moment, it seems as though Elara might be overpowered.

But she digs deep, recalling the faerie's words of wisdom. With a burst of raw power, she shatters Sham's dark wave, sending him sprawling to the ground.


Panting and exhausted, Elara stands over Sham, who lies defeated on the ground.

She then says

"It's over, Sham. Leave us alone, or next time, it won't just be a duel."

Sham glares up at her, his pride wounded.

He then says

"This isn't over, Moonshadow. You'll regret this."

Elara steps back as Stacia emerges from her hiding spot, rushing to her side.

She then says

"Are you okay?"

Elara nods, though her legs tremble with fatigue.

She then says

"I'm fine, thanks to you."

As they start to leave, Professor Foxina appears, having been drawn by the magical commotion.

She takes in the scene with a critical eye, her gaze settling on Sham.

She then says

"What's going on here?"

Elara and Stacia explain the situation, and Foxina's expression hardens.

"Dueling outside of sanctioned events is strictly forbidden."

"Prince Sham, you will face disciplinary action for this."

"Elara, Stacia, you both showed great courage, but remember to seek help from your teachers in the future."

With a final warning, Foxina escorts Sham away, leaving Elara and Stacia to reflect on the night's events.



short chapter, I know.

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