
The Little Ancestor Teaches You How To Live

The ancient Divine Beast Susu descended to endure trials and became the youngest daughter of the Qin Family, who were nearing eighty years old; young in age but high in seniority, even the men in their twenties had to call her auntie. Susu was also the only girl in three generations of the Qin Family, cherished by her parents, doted on by her brothers, and her nephews would fight over holding their auntie and protecting her. Protect her? Susu said she didn't need it, for she was a mighty and ferocious Divine Beast! With her around, no one would dare to bully the Qin Family members! Those who bullied her family got sent flying; those who coveted their fortune got sent flying; those who tried to kidnap her got sent flying. The kidnappers who captured Susu were frightened by her and willingly handed over their cell phones for her to call the police. "How do I unlock the cell phone?" Susu asked. "It requires fingerprint unlocking, you can use my finger," explained the kidnapper. "How do I use your finger? Chop it off?" Susu asked again. "No! No need to chop, it can be used while still attached to my hand!" the kidnapper wailed. Chop off a finger! What kind of thought process was that? Way too scary! Ever since the lucky-buff-carrying Susu had come to their home, the family's luck had improved, their business prospered more each day, and the previously naughty young masters had become much better behaved, truly a little lucky star. It was just that boy from the neighbor's house, who kept thinking about kidnapping Little Susu, causing the Qin Family men quite a bit of concern. Maybe they should just break his leg again?

Er Fengchong · General
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471 Chs

Chapter 16 Violent Susu, Online Teaching Lessons_1

Translator: 549690339

Hearing this, the old lady of the Qin family could no longer hold back. "Qin Jinfang, people need face, trees need bark! There should be a limit to being shameless! Money was given to you before. When we gave you a billion, it was made very clear! You also agreed at that time! You said you would never come back for money again!"

Qin Jinfang argued, "Eldest sister-in-law, I really don't want to do this, but life is really tough right now. Look at my granddaughter, Little Yunyun, she's about the same age as your daughter. Put yourself in my shoes. Both are precious girls of our Qin family. Can you bear to see her suffer in the future?"

The old lady of the Qin family was furious. "Stop using an innocent child as an excuse! If you want your child to have a better life, why don't you make the effort yourself!"

"I do want to make the effort! It's just that I've been unlucky, haven't I? How much can I earn in one day at a job? That's definitely not going to make me rich. It certainly takes money to make money! How about this time I consider it as borrowing from you? I'll write an IOU!"

As Qin Jinfang was speaking, suddenly a small hand grabbed his clothes.

Turning his head, Qin Jinfang saw that it was Susu, that little bundle, clutching the hem of his shirt.

Qin Jinfang didn't pay much attention and planned to turn back to continue his woeful tale to his elder brother and sister-in-law.

But just as he was turning back, a huge force from behind yanked him backwards.

With a thud, Qin Jinfang landed heavily on the blue stone slabs of the Qin family's courtyard, bottom first.

Qin Jinfang wore a twisted expression of pain, not yet having recovered from the sudden agony.

That little fleshy paw grabbed his collar again, dragging him toward the direction of the gate.

"Ah... ah... ah..."

With cries of pain, Qin Jinfang's bottom scraped across the lawn, dragged by that great force.

Now and then, his bottom bounced over a slightly raised blue stone slab that stuck out from the grass.

The pain left Qin Jinfang's cries feeble and weak.

"Little precious!" The old Master Qin and the old lady hurried over when they realized what was happening.

"Grandpa!" Qin Luoyun, seeing her grandfather being bullied, also ran over.

Qin Luoyun tried to hold onto Qin Jinfang, but her strength was no use; Qin Jinfang continued to be steadily dragged towards the gate by Susu.

The old Master Qin followed Susu cautiously and asked, "Little precious, what are you doing?"

Susu, with determined steps and a stern face, said, "He bullied daddy and mommy, he made daddy and mommy angry! He's not good! He's not welcome!"

Susu was very protective; no one could bully her daddy and mommy!

She hadn't understood much of the conversation earlier; she hadn't encountered human society's investment and finance, and she didn't have a clear concept of what a billion was.

But she clearly saw this old man making her beloved daddy and mommy angry!

Daddy's face had gone red with anger; mommy was about to explode!

Susu could not tolerate such a serious matter.

After a moment of stunned silence, the old lady of the Qin family burst out laughing.

Her daughter had done what she had always wanted to do but never did over the years!

In the past, when Qin Jinfang came to ask for money, she had already found him quite irritating, and more than once had imagined throwing him out!

Now, watching Qin Jinfang howl in misery, the old lady of the Qin family felt a long-held resentment dissipate in an instant.

The old Master Qin was also stunned for a moment, then quickly tried to appease Susu, "Little precious, be good, don't be angry. Daddy and mommy aren't that angry, don't worry!"

Compared to the injuries Qin Jinfang suffered, the old Master Qin was more concerned about Susu. If their little precious was upset, his heart felt as if it were being clenched in someone's fist!