
The lion on the golden path

Late night on his way back from the convenience store, Mineta spots his classmate Mina on his way home. A sinister prank on his mind and a will to match it he follows her down an alleyway. His night takes a dark turn as he stumbles upon a murder in progress, a hellish reality awaiting. And so, a battle of fear and death commences

DegenerateCentral · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 4: Good day

The thundering steps of thousands filled the air as his feet sluggishly followed his guides. The tall imposing figures of adults and his peers surrounded him, his presence almost lost in the sea of humanity, an irritated sigh left him.

Crowds, the years spent adjusted to this somewhat smothering yet comforting lifestyle, all done away swiftly. Unease now king of his experience, the towers scraping the sky of pink and orange only enforced its rule. Naturally the feeling of suffocating would follow, the dreary towering slabs of concrete and glass, the overwhelming number of persons march to home, leisure and work respectively, the ebb and flow of life in its average course, yet still the sea of faces caused a great anxiety. To walk amongst people, to be almost smothered by the mundane presence, meant to be out in the open, his only weapon a mediocre quirk, the presence of death was overwhelming. The ominous growing black of the alleyways only facilitated by the setting sun, a grim surprise waiting, stalking, preying on an escaped conquest, the fluke redeemed. The being of Mineta Minoru…tenderized, beaten, broken, the contents of his...his… A wave of nausea followed as his breaths grew more ragged. The paranoid thought dazed him, a swift shake of his head the liberator from the pernicious thought, a desperate fight on the nausea front.

Slowly, his eyes wonder back to the duo ahead of him in search of an anchor. The animated movements of his classmate and the pale boy's awkward scratch of his head were all that met his gaze, the couple lost in their own world, the sense of awry he felt when he first met the pale boy still present, his occasional stutter dismantling the image, a kind of kinship established in his mind, a brother in his former struggle. However, a reminder of the unease churned silent, the source unknown. Another irritated sigh left him, the nature of his unease lost in the unknown, to ponder further was a waste, the meeting would tell him what he needed. Wait, the meeting…

"Right, they were meeting up before me" he muttered. The nature of their meeting now the subject of his pondering in avoidance, the crowd gradually thinning.

A scheduled meeting between boy and girl, the upbeat nature of Mina amplified tenfold in the pale boy's presence, the pale boy's occasional stutter and pink cheeks sold him on his theory. A date, the scandalous meeting of men and women, the foray into intimate connection, a step away from the taste of succulent lips and a few away from the adulterous bliss of sex. Sex, the ultimate pleasure where the long-awaited reveal of the sacred tips of the delicious mountain of pink to place, his eyes it's soul spectator, the black and gold narrowed in seductive allure screaming for him. The villainous skirt laid away, healthy thighs separated, his eyes tracing her inner thighs up to lacy black before slowly, slowly, slowly the lacy is lo-

"U-uh Mineta-san? You still with us" a voice said. The vision robbed even from him even in his fantasies, the world's cruelty upon him once more. Swiftly he met the eyes of the enactor of the world's cruelty, a silent curse left him.

"Y-yeah, zoned out a bit. What's up?" he asked. Whipping away the excessive drool off his face, the fantasy will wait for another time.

"Just curious, you've been quiet for most of the walk. Must have been cause you're real hungry, right? Sorry for not noticing" he said. Slightly bowing, the sincere aura of the pale boy somewhat blinded him, his face scrunching up in scepticism.

"N-no need to apologize," he said, cursing the stutter "Uh-um, I'd say I'm more thirsty then hungry if you catch my drift. But never mind that, what happened to Ashido?" As he scratched his neck. Unsure of what to say.

"She got held up by some fans. Honestly, I feel like I'd see her head from space after this" he said. A mini photoshoot a bit away from the two…

"You win this round Pinky, but Grape juice will win the war" he said. A prickle of envy invading him.

"Pinky?" he asked. His brow arched in quiet curiosity.

"Her hero name, or a temporary one. Had to pick one in class today" he said.

"Really? Too bad she couldn't pick Alien queen. Honestly sounds a lot cooler" he said. A nostalgic smile on his face.

"Huh? She already had that name picked? Thought she just came up with it" he said.

"Almost forgot, here" he said. Throwing a can of orange juice, Minoru fumbling the catch, muttering a small thanks "Nah, something that started when we were kids, long story, maybe another time" he said smiling. His tone somewhat melancholy.

"Childhood friends, so I interrupted a joyous reunion, huh?" he asked. Taking a sip of the juice somewhat reluctant, orange just paling in comparison to the majesty of grape.

"Interrupted? Nah, well it was meant to be a reunion but unfortunately the crew was busy, they couldn't make it" he said.

"So, you were gonna have some alone time with her, huh? Lucky…" he said. The envy barely hidden as brotherhood flew out the window. Perverted bastard, alone with the athletic girl, her soft hands finding their way to his thigh, her tender touch and even more tender whisper before slowly lowering his hand down between her own healthy thighs… 'I knew he was devious from the beginning! Sly fox, he probably planned to be alone with her…Wait' he thought.

"Then why'd you invite me along, huh? Looking to make a better impression or something" he asked. His theory announced plainly, scepticism oozing.

"A bit harsh don't you think? We barely even know each other" he said. An amused smile on his face.

"S-sorry, I've been said to be the kind to look a gift horse in the mouth, especially if the gifter receives no benefit" he said

"Benefit? Well, the easing of my conscience is the benefit. Atonement for my sin" he said. Shrugging off the suspicion with sincerity, his cynical black doubtful.

"Your guilty conscience compels you, huh?" he muttered. A hint of scepticism still.

"Guilt's a powerful motivator, don't you think? It can inch its way into every crevice of your life, destroying your self-image, leaving only a potent sense of disgust… I'd rather not be haunted more by it" he said. The tail end of the sentence more akin to a whisper.


"Kept you two waiting, didn't I? Sorry~ They seemed really excited to see me, I think I'm getting a fan club very~ soo-Hmm~ What's up with you two?" she asked. Her cheery smile dropped into a curious frown.

"Nothing much, just getting to know each other. But what's this about a fan club and where do I register as president" he said. The conversation forgotten, though the word more still filled his mind. Maybe there was more to the unease then he thought.

"Eh~ Then I get to come hang out with everybody, right?! Right~?!" she said. Fist drumming the air in excitement.

"I swear, parties are like a drug to you, sure when I take the seat, you'll be burnt out" he said.

"Underestimating the Queen of DDR is a mistake; I could go all day. You'd be begging for me to stop" she said. A challenging smirk on her face.

" "Begging for me to s-stop", huh?" Mineta said. His cheeks pinker by the second.

"Eh~ N-not what I meant! You're more of a perv then I ever hoped or wanted" she said. An annoyed sigh leaving her.

"I'm a red-blooded man, nature's course at work, I can't help but be drawn to uber hotties" he said. A smug smirk on his face.

"Control yourself at least. Don't have to scream it every 5 minutes, now do you, huh~?"

"That's a crime against nature, a crime! And you call yourself a hero, shame, for shame" he said.

"Ugh, I'm starting to lose faith that the question was anything normal. You so~ owe me for this, Yuki… Yuki?" she asked. The silence of the boy drawing her curiosity.

"Huh? O-oh sorry, I was just wondering what he meant by begging you to stop" he said. His face scrunched in concentration. A comically sized sweat drop appeared on both their heads at the statement.

"Oh, you sweet summer child" they said in unison. Confusion only heightening in the pale boy.

"Gah~! Enough about that, we came for fun and answers, right? Then I found just the place" she said. Fist pumping.

"Wait, we were walking around randomly this whole time then?" he asked. Amazed at the amount of time wasted.

"E-enough about that, we came for fun and answers, right? Then I found just the place" she repeated dejected. A blank stare was all he could level her before he moved to speak, a firm hand on his shoulder and shake of the head of the pale boy stopping him.

"And where is that Mi-chan?" he asked. The loop ended.

"Well, I'm glad you asked since we're here already. Welcome, to the cool, awesome, amazing super… Café Razko" she said. Her gestures evoking a grand reveal, his brow arched in wonder 'Seems be a good place' he thought. The two began to enter, himself two steps behind as before.

A sudden shiver travelled down his spine as he stared. Staring, someone had been staring but from where? He swivelled his head swift, the cause his immediate concern yet a waning crowd was all he saw. Nothing, nobody was staring yet the chill of the stare still pervaded. It was like the morning after all over again, he was ever so sure of what he saw, what he felt, however in a world where powers are the norm, where what was thought to be ridiculous was fact. How could he trust his own mind?

"Mineta? You okay?" "Mineta-san? You still with us" they asked. A look of concern on both their faces.

For a second, he stood silent, their eyes forgotten. He breathed deep, his nerves calmed a bit. He knew why he was here, for the answers to his questions, for peace of mind, for some sense in the non-sense. He didn't have to worry for at the very least, he wasn't alone.

"Y-yeah, thought I saw something but never mind, lets head inside" he said. A forced smile on his face. With that they headed inside, where answers would be given, everything would be fine. However, for a second, for tiniest fraction of a second in the corner of his black, he saw something familiar, someone familiar, a figure in grey hood. He stared yet again before he shook his head and followed inside. E-everything would be fine.

"Pretty great, huh~?" she asked. The welcoming atmosphere dragged him in. The warm hue of blue and red painted the walls, the opposing wall alternating said clashing colors. Leather and cushion sets were few that sat upon the hard wood polished floor, but all seats filled to the brim with people, laughing, smiling. For a moment the world seemed at peace, the paranoia fading as if to say nothing will go wrong. As the waiter led them towards their table, slowly, fatigue set in, the burden of stress forgotten. His stomach ached; days of emptiness consequence growled loudly as if to announce to the world its hunger.

"Yeah, better than I'd imagined but the question is how good's the food, Mineta-san is calling for some" he said.

"Yeah, how good's the foo-fuck, I forgot my wallet" he said. A regretful moan left as the hunger pangs rocked his body, his head hung silently in defeat.

"Since I pushed for it, I'll pay your portion so don't sweat it" he said as they sat down, their menus laid out in front of them. The waiter leaving them time to decide. Stuttering a thanks, he began to read the menu, the two's chatter background noise or so he wished, however.

"Always so sweet, Yuki, you haven't changed a bit"

"H-hey, I-I have changed, I'm way bigger and stronger, not that whiney little brat back then"

"Hey, you were five~, your cuteness overwrote it"

"Q-quit it"

"You were so cute, cute, cute, cute, cute, cute, cute~"

"Oi, lovebirds, should we order, or should I get you a room, huh?"

"Eeh~ Is that what it looks like to you? It's just a little teasing, it's fun seeing him squirm sometimes, his like a brother to me, right, Mister kiddie meal~?"

"…Right, what she said. Also how am I the little bro? I-it's not like I always order the kiddie meal for the toy, it's only half the time, okay, half the time" he said. Addressing both, a sombreness taking hold of his face before.

"See~ That right there is what I was talking about my pure lil bro" she said, raffling his shoulder length white hair. Silently, he seethed, banished to the brother-zone, he could feel the second-hand pain of that, a straight knock out.

"H-hey, quit that, how am I pure, there's nothing pure about me at all" he denied. His head hung to hide the blush.

"Eh~ You fishing for compliments? Cause, I can dish up a whole school if you'd like" she said smirking.

"Alabama exists but never mind that you guys decide what you're gonna order, yet?" he said. The hunger sparking impatience.

"Okay, okay~ Since eager beaver here is so peckish, we'll order now" she said. Ignoring the jab, she rose her hands in defeat before calling the waiter, the orders made swiftly. The wait now the only thing he had to endure, his stomach growling. Shaking his head, he stared at the two adjacent to him chat idly, his back resting in the adjusted seat. Without much in the way distraction, he began to take in the surrounding once again, it felt as if he was having a picnic on the Elysium fields. Relaxed laughs and smiles as far as the eye could see in this Café, it almost felt supernatural.

Idly Yuki checked his phone, the mirth he had had been stripped swift before a weak smile, his brow arched in curiosity.

"…I-I'm so so sorry. Seems like I have to run something important came up at work" he said. His blue turned duller at the message on his screen before a sheepish smile, the apology heartfelt.

"What, you're gonna bail at the last second? Boo~, I say boo~" she said. Her pout in full force, his black somehow drawn to it before a shake of his head.

"Yeah, after pushing for me to come here, want me to dine and dash or something? Also about that night" he said. His stomach growling louder.

"Look, I'm really, really, sorry but it's important. I'll answer them some other time and leave some money for both meals as an apology, so Mi-chan please quit making that face, please?" he asked. The burden of guilt heavy on his face.

"Hmm~? What face, what face are you talking about?" She asked. Turning away from in faux madness, the sight reminiscent of generic soap operas.

"T-that ever so loveable face" he muttered. The words under his breath. The shadow of melancholy there a mere seconds worth, his smile natural once more as he stuttered for an response, however to his black the shadow was present still.

"Hmm~ What was that, did a deserter say something?" she said. Her tone somewhat convincing, somewhat had it not been for a great grin of mischief on her face as she faced away from him.

"Gah, Really, I-" "Hahahahahaha! O-okay, stop you're making me feel bad now. You gotta do what you gotta do, I can handle being stood up. Next time, no bailing though, alright?" she said. Cutting off the attempted apology with a melodic laugh, the ether far brighter by her alone.

"Okay, I promise I'll spoil you rotten next time, okay?" he said. Smiling sadly before leaving a couple of ten-thousand-yen notes left on the table. He stared in surprise before moving to speak, his pale peer already gone.

"Uuu~ This sucks~! Everyone bailed at the last moment, today was gonna be super, super~ fun" she whined. Her head slumped on the table in defeat. He stared for a few seconds at the whining girl unsure of what to say for comfort.

"T-thought…Thought café's only sold pastries, learn something new every day, huh?" he said. Pausing to correct the stutter, changing the subject his only choice.

"Hmm~? Oh yeah, I thought so to, this place's just a weird one, I think but everything looks so delicious, the pastries especially" she said. Drooling in gluttonous want.

"You're starting to sound a lot like a walking ad, people'd think you getting sponsored by it" he said.

"Can't help it~, the food, his great especially the red velvet cake, the seating is so comfortable you could fall asleep in it, I have and it was some of the best sleep I've had. And the waiters are so cool and kind, everything's just really good" she mock gushed.

"Now back to your scheduled programmes" he said. Mimicking a static tv.

"Hey~ didn't get the chance to finish" she said. Pouting before a giggle left her. A chuckle left him in turn.

"Shocked to say this but you're not so bad to talk to when you aren't being a perv, glad you got out of that okay" she said. A bright smile on her face. He paused stunned, his cheeks reddening.

"U-um, thanks, though being a perv is an intrinsic part of my being, respect it, please" he said. His eyes watery as a big goofy grin spread wide across his face.

"Proud little perv, huh~ Of course the cheerleader sting was your plan wasn't it, that was so mean~" she said. The statement coming out more like a whine.

"Use the shadow of authority, the crowd and the fearful sway" he said. A smug smirk on his face.

"Boo~ But whatever, got to look extra cute in that cheerleader outfit, I rocked it, didn't I?"

"Absolutely" he said matter of factly. His eyes lost in concentration.

"Wow, I'm that hot, huh? Thanks, I'm really, really~ flattered," she said. A relaxed smile on her face.

"But compared to your hero costume. That purple and green spandex hugging your tender firm body. Your slender legs, healthy thighs, toned narrow s-stomach, tender soft-Ow" he said. His fantasy cut short with a flick to his forehead, a pouting Ashido the perpetrator.

"And here I was thanking you. Don't know the saying, "keep your thoughts to yourself" do ya?" she said pouting. A sigh leaving her.

"O-oi, don't you understand, the heat of passion prevents me from keeping these thoughts to myself. It's the allure of thick, gorgeous babes that compels me, dares me to shout to the world my inner most thoughts. It's natures malicious code that rips the roar out of me when I see a lovely cou-owowowowowowow, okay, okay, I yield, I yield" he said. His ear at the mercy of her torturous grip.

"I take my thanks back. Seriously, I'm so~ regretting bringing you along. Yuki owes me big time for this" she said. Her face twisted in an annoyed sneer as a sigh left her. Her cuteness still only heightened by the unwelcoming expression. However, compared to the glow of her smile…

"Enough banter, the question I had?" he said. With a subtle shake of his head, the memory of the enchanting glow of her smile dissipated along with a question. His answer for that question shelved for later.

"…Right, you had to ask something?" she said. Her words following a brief pause.

"That night of my mugging, two days ago, you were heading home, right?" he asked. His start unsteady.

"Yeah, I was at the arcade with some friends, headed home around 9:00 pm, why~?" she said. Her black and yellow narrowed in suspicion.

"I saw you on the way home that night, we were heading the same direction, Aokiji Heights and the other buildings surrounding"

"No way~ You live there, really? We've lived in the same area for so long, how'd we never run into each other?"

"My thoughts exactly, though, there might be plenty of reasons but enough about that, so you do live in that area" he said.

"Yes~, and what's this got to do with your mugging" she asked. The connection not clear enough yet.

"There's a shortcut to get to the area, a relatively short alleyway, I…I remember seeing you head down that way too and I followed as I was heading the same way… and then…and then…" he paused. The memory of his jaw dislocating haunting his mind's eye, his fist clutched in fear.

"Then, I got jumped, barely had the chance to scream before I got my shit kicked in, I tried to fight back but…" he paused yet again. His breath more ragged, the vision of sloppy gashes, bone and blood causing a wave of nausea.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, it's okay. You're safe here" she said. Her hand stroking his forearm in a effort to calm him. He felt somewhat ashamed and here he wanted to become a hero. A soothing expression plain on her face, 'had she gotten cuter somehow' he thought as he stared, her efforts calming. With deep breaths, he fought the wave, his final line of inquiry to her a breath away.

"D-do you remember anything about that night?" he asked. The question weighing on the peaceful atmosphere, tense silence was all that followed before…

"…I'm…sorry, don't remember anything like that, at all" she said simply. Her words honest, sincerity bare in them. However, dreadful confusion was all he expressed, she didn't know anything. She didn't know, she didn't know, she didn't know, she didn't know, she didn't know, she didn't know, she didn't know but it didn't make sense. He knew, he knew he saw her, he knew he heard her, he knew she was there, he knew, he knew.

"Mineta?" she asked concerned.

It didn't make sense, he knew what he felt, what he smelt, what he saw. That hero had been killed, that killer had wished to kill him, that man wished to break him. He wasn't mad, he wasn't, what she said didn't make sense.

"Mineta? You sti-" she began.

"I-I'm sorry" he cut off. Her words slowly fading into the background. His head pounding in dismay, for a moment all he saw, all he felt, all he experienced was a lie. His view violated, the trust in his eyes lost, the world telling him he was mad. He wasn't, he wasn't, he wasn't, he wasn't mad 'shut up' he thought, cursing the train of thought. Loud, so loud, everything was so, so loud. He had to blocked it out, he had to, he had to. The world incomprehensible, his sense of reality violated. Out, he needed out, he needed, he needed out. Swiftly, he stood to rush to the bathroom. Everything had been a lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie.

The marble sophisticated sink calling him. Clumsily he opened the tap, the stream of water began gathering in his hands, his face the target of the stimulant.

Splashing his face a few times, he began to cool down, rational returning. His breaths no longer ragged, he breathed deep, his sense slowly returning before…

"Mind control" he said. The answer that was in front of him all along. He had forgotten that in this world consciousness could be tempered with, a world with so much defiance to what was previously believed. The possibility was always there, however, due to the absurd wheel of fate's ever so uncaring selection, he had become victim to it. His nerves were shaken still by the sheer absurdity of said power, his vision would still be violated but… an answer had been reached; an understanding had been reached.

A strained laugh began to leave him as he slowly backed away, the door of a stall his support as he slowly slides to the ground, relief filling him. It had been so obvious it had him sigh at the sheer stupidity of his investigation, none of it had been real, all some elaborate ruse to get his money. It was all a lie. A lie…suddenly the image of the mush of meat that had once been human attacked his mind, a wave of nausea attacking once again in tandem. A vigorous shake of his head wiping away the lie, his being embracing the truth whole heartedly. There wasn't any point in continuing.

Leaving the comfort of the ground, he slowly stood up. Trudging towards the sink he was using, he splashed water on his face once again, a fatigued sigh leaving him.

"Everything is okay, you're okay" he said. His black staring deep at his reflection. The unease not escaping his notice.

"Everything is okay, you're okay" he repeated. Strengthening his will, the lingering pesky doubt to be banished. Slowly, he repeated the line over and over like he always had until the darkness of negativity stayed hidden. With time, the horror had been forgotten. With time like Jiji always said.

Sluggishly, he left the bathroom, his gait more akin to dragging a log then walking. However, his heart at least no longer held the burdened of paranoia. The unease and fright still lingering, the weight no longer overbearing. The ether and his heart in true unison, however his body refusing his desire, his darling bed calling for him. Lethargic steps carrying him to his companion, the need to announce his departure, his apology at the for front of his mind. A sudden obstacle disrupting his trance. Wincing silently, his black slowly raise to the towering obstacle, enigmatic emerald staring down at him, the usual experience more unnerving than usual.

"Hmm?" the man sounded. His emerald scrutinizing his entire being, accompanied by the silence, dread filled him. As his retort began to leave his mouth, the man's sudden movement leveled their eyes, a shiver traveled his spine in response, his retort lost.

"Not him" "Huh?" he sounded unintelligible. The man muttered barely audible, the stillness of his stance gave way to confusion, his personal space restored.

"I'm terribly sorry, I seem to have mistaken you for someone else. Apologies for my rudeness and for the discomfort I've caused you" he said. The eloquence of his speech shook the already tender stance of his mind, a suitable response not reached.

"U-umm, it's okay. No harm done, just surprised is all. Not every day you meet someone who looks straight out of the enlightenment period, honestly, it's impressive, unnerving but impressive…" he said. Trailing off, unsure of what else to say.

"So, I have unnerved you? No good, no good at all…Alright as owner you and your companion shall eat free, as an apology. Is that alright with you?" he said. Pausing briefly as his finger tapped his face in pensive silence before his offer. The pause to brief to even be called a pause.

"N-no thanks. It's no big deal" he said involuntarily. The prospect of this man being the owner somewhat dubious.

"I insist. Though my appearance might tell the contrary, this dwelling is mine. You can think of me as something of an eccentric" he said. Soundly laying his doubts and rebuffs to rest as the man wordlessly draws a random waitress. Her attentive "Yes Mr Raz" only selling it further.

"This boy and his companion are to receive free meals am I understood" he spoke. Authority resounding in every word, his stance straightening involuntarily. A simple "Yes, Mr Raz" was her response.

"Y-you really didn't have to do that" Mineta rebuffed weakly. The kindness' glow suspicious.

"Nonsense. It'd be a shame to lose a potential customer due to my own faults. Think of it as a welcoming to the community" he said. Smiling, his suspicions laid to rest once again. His tension melting away.

"The community?" he asked.

"A place for weary hearts to rest, for the heartbroken to heal, for the lost to find their footing. Therefore, I created this place, to return peace to those who were robbed of it. Even for just a meal, their hearts can be at peace" he said. The man's green staring firm in his eyes as if the message was for him and him alone. His cynical black stared back doubtful, however his heart, his heart trembled, the tendrils of belief grasp firm. An excited clap of hands breaking his trance. Truly, he had wanted to hear more.

"Well, I can't keep the lady waiting any longer. I'll be out of your way" he said. Stepping out of the way. For a moment he continued to stare unsure of what to say or do before shaking his head, his gait carrying him back to his classmate. As he walked past the man one thing was all he had on his mind, one thing.

"Sir?" he asked. Somewhat silently, his eyes firmly on the ground.

"Yes?" Mr Raz said.

"Thank you" he said. Black meeting green firm.

"…You're welcome" he said with a smile. Walking away his gait had been still slow, however a certain life had been in his step.

"Enjoy your meal, Mineta" Mr Raz said. Swiftly he turned back, the man's eloquent powdered wig nowhere to be seen. A question now firm in his mind. Had he even introduced himself.

"Ugh, I'm so full~" she said. Lethargy lacing every word, her gait more akin to a trudge.

"Your fault for entering the burger challenge" he said. The cool evening breeze causing a shiver. The walk home calm, the once packed sidewalk lonely.

"No fair, that patty must have been the whole cow! How could anyone finish that in an hour, how~!" she said.

"I said that challenge was rigged didn't I?"

"Yeah, yeah Mr smarty pants at least I didn't have to pay. Though mark my works I will beat the meat!"

"Wh-what did you say?"

"I will beat that challenge, mark my words"

"No, your exact words"

"Though mark my words I will beat the me…DAMN IT"

"Heheheh-Ow, the hell was that for you were the one who said it"

"And you were the one who made it perverted, so ha!"

"Sophisticated reasoning right there"

"It is sophisi-sophisca-sophisti-"


"That word alright"

"Applause to Pinky for such an exquisite pronunciation"

"You're just throwing big words at me now aren't you"

"Call it revenge"

"I call it you being an ass"

"Oh contrare, Madam Ashido, I am not the ass, I'm the one who eats the ass"

"I don't want to judge but seriously?"

"Wha-I meant a lion, okay?! Lion!"

"Aw~ Calling yourself a lion, huh? Cute"

"O-oi, I have my pri-Wait did you say cute?"

"Anyway~ Thanks for the food, don't know what you did but really thanks"

"C-cute, huh? Is this the start of my popular phase? Is this the start of my harem?! Is this the start of THE ORGIES?! ANSWER ME, ROMANCE GODS, ANSWER ME!"

"Ah~ You really don't know the meaning of keeping things to yourself, huh? Also keep it down, your gonna shout my ear off"

"O-oi, you really said I cute right? I w-wasn't hearing things?"

"You're still on that, yes I did. Now no more shouting, alright?"

"Yes, eat your hearts out bastards, you ain't the only ones getting the honey's attention!"

"Alright, Mr Casanova, now would you quit screaming"

"O-okay, I'm just really excited, okay? Never had a girl call me cute before"


"Yeah, not counting my mom surprisingly girls never said anything to me back in middle school. Guess they never realized what they were missing out on"

"Highly doubt that with your antics"

"Hmm, don't get what you mean I was a real wallflower back then"


"I sense some doubt in that "Really~"

"I guess I'm just surprised, what changed?"

"Thought I be more open with my thoughts, be less apologetic for being myself like Jiji always said" he said. The high of the compliment dying down, a bitter memory the assailant.

"Your dad sounds like a really great guy. Maybe~ just dial it back a bit, huh?" she said. The shadow of grief overlooked.

""Dad" huh?...Yeah, he was…" he said. A bittersweet smile on his face. Swiftly, the realization hit along with regret, her smile robbed.

"I'm so sorry for your loss" she said. Her words meant to console; however, the pain worsened. The word loss, an agonizing reminder of reality.

"It's okay, it's just…the wounds still healing y'know" he said. The pain will be ever-present, he realized it, he knew the absence would always be felt. However today had taken a great turn, his scar would not get in the way.

"I get it…" she said. The want to continue, to say anything plain on her face, the right words nowhere to be found. Her search was futile, however, the search itself had brought a small smile on his face. So sweet.

"T-thanks" He muttered. An awkward air between them, both unsure of what to say next. Slowly they trudged, Aokiji heights rolling into view, the overbearing atmosphere soon to be gone.

In the silence, his mind wondered. The day's events replaying in his head, the unpleasant memories recounted one by one. Each compounding, heightening, combining towards the worst day possible. However, as he continued to walk, the presence of the ever-energetic pink strong as ever, her face scrunched in thoughtful silence and the memory of an eloquent older man and his welcoming speech, he wondered. Had it been a completely bad day?

"This is me, I guess I'll see you at school tomorrow, bye" she said. Waving goodbye as she departed opposite him, his trance broken swift, a clumsy wave back was his response.

"Y-yeah, bye" he said. Cursing the stutter as his stomach sunk, the cause unknown. Reluctantly, he ripped his eyes away from her retreating form, his path lonely.

"Mineta?" she called out. His journey halted.

"Yeah?" he asked. His black meeting gold as he turned his head back.

"You're…okay, right?" she said attentively. Worry plain on her face.

"Y-y…Yeah, I think I am" he said. His words steady, his heart steady, his being steady, his sense restored.

"See ya tomorrow then, little lion~" she said smiling. His cheeks reddening.

Slowly she disappeared and swiftly he made his way home. Through the door, the usual drone of true crime documentaries in the background, Rin's addiction filling his head with useless facts. Wordless he trudged towards his room exhausted. Flicking the switch, the light had conquered the darkness of his room, his bed calling him. Unceremoniously, he placed his phone on the dressing table before he flung himself into bed, his uniform carelessly discarded on the ground, the ceiling in his view.

"Little Lion, huh?" he muttered aloud. A big dumb grin spread wide across his face, his stomach filled with butterflies before a swift shake destroyed it, a mighty yawn escaping him instead. Slowly he stood, wandering towards the light switch, his gaze finding his mountain lady poster, a smirk forming.

"Soon, it'll be me and you and those giant boobs" he muttered as he flicked the light off. Wandering back to bed his mind began to wonder back to his earlier question. Had it been a completely bad day? He thought and thought and thought before smiling, his eyes drifting shut. Lost to the world. Suddenly his phone came to life, vibrating, vibrating, vibrating, the exhaustion of the past few days knocked him out like a light. The phone still vibrated, vibrated, vibrated, and vibrated once more before the screen reading…

(21:55) Unknown: Mineta Minoru, found you…