
the lion blood princess, the crown of blood trilogy

K_L_L_Mullens · Fantasy
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17 Chs

The journey

we began our quest to the next city quite slowly. I didn't know how to handle the situation between me and Dane seemed extremely distant he barely spoke, furthermore when I thought of him I felt scared the encounter in my bedroom and made a fear of him bloom in my heart.

in truth I hardly know him but had given him my absolute trust. even though i felt a connection between us I would not make the same mistake twice.

hours had passed when the carriage finally came to a halt and my carriage door opened.

" your grace we have stopped to water the horses and take a meal" said one of the knights accompanying us for the journey and for the life of me I couldn't remember his name,

" thank you ummm"

"Alistair your grace"

"thank you Alistair I shall be out shortly to stretch my legs" I said dismissing him quickly I felt the wind hit my exposed skin I looked to see the sun was starting its descent in the sky. I could smell the rain before I saw it, large clouds began to form above us.

stepping out of the carriage I made my way to a stream which was surrounded by wildflowers, I splashed my feet in the chilly water it made me shiver it felt good. Looking around I could feel eyes on me. I spun around to spot Dane sitting there on horseback, looking directly at me, he wore an expression that was unreadable. he rode closer to me on his steed he sat straight in the saddle with one hand on his sword at his hip his eyes where looking everywhere but at me, it almost seemed like he was trying hard not to make eye contact with me.

He dismounted his steed with ease and approached me, I stood still until he was right in front of me, he took one look at my face, and then his expression softened, "Are you alright?"

I blinked surprised, I hadn't thought he would ask "yes I'm fine why shouldn't I be?" I looked up to meet his gaze his eyes weren't cold anymore they held nothing but concern.

" I was worried about you after everything that happened..I wanted to make sure that you're alright" he replied, I frowned "oh yes I'm fine your grace" I spoke in a hateful mocking tone, Dane lowered his head "Ellie please" He begged me I shook my head "No" I answered coldly

his jaw clenched his teeth and sighed he closed his eyes for a second before speaking again "Please, I promise i won't do anything else you just let me stay at your side for the rest of your journey, I'd hate for you to be alone during your travels" My body began shaking I couldn't believe he wanted to come with me, but if that's what he wants than who am I to refuse him "I will think about it I'm tired" With those words I turned on my heel and started walking back to the carriage.

"Ellie wait I-"

"No I'm hungry I'd like something to eat" I interrupted him, I didn't look at him I kept my back to him and waited for him to leave I heard him walk away I didn' want anything to do with him and the memory of what happened earlier played over and over again in my head I didn't think I'd survive being in the same space as him after what he did, what he did to me was terrible I couldn't bare to look at him, I could barely control myself every time I thought about it I felt fear and now anger when I thought about it.

after about an hour or so uncle had decided it was time to continue on.

Dane came to ride beside the carriage I was resting inside the carriage with the curtain closed, I had my arm around my stomach, I felt a horrible pain in my stomach , I could feel myself getting sick, I needed to get out I could feel bile rising in my throat I was struggling to catch my breathe.

just then I threw the door to the moving carriage open.

"STOP" I shouted making my driver pull to a dangerously quick halt as I practically flew out of my carriage to spill everything in my stomach I had vomited everywhere all down the front of me and on the ground.

" it okay Ellie your gonna be fine" a voice spoke while gently pulling my hair back from my face.

When the vomiting subsided I looked up and saw a concerned Dane standing in front of me holding me steady, I felt dizzy.

" are you oka-" he paused for a split second.

"I'm fine no need to bother" I replied with a bitter tone I pushed away from his grasp my heart sank I wasn't feeling so great right now I tried to walk away but stumbled on my feet, he caught me in his arms.

" What is going on why have me stoped?" uncle baron yelled while dismounting his horse,

"the princess has motion sickness it would seem my lord" he called back from behind me, I felt the strong scent of soap and sandalwood surround me he was carrying me to the carriage and putting me in "sit here and stay quiet for a few minutes I'll send for someone to clean you up" I nodded I didn't know how much longer I could take,

" we should stop for the night and let her rest my lord" I heard Dane say from somewhere outside the carriage.

" No impossible we need to make it through those woods today before night falls or she and all of us will be in danger" exclaimed uncle baron he sounds annoyed, good.

after several minutes my maid Ella who has been with me since childhood brought me a clean dress to change into after I was done we were moving again, but it wasn't long before sickness over took me again.

"my princess you may feel better on horse back" suggested one of the guards.

"why don't you ride with me" Dane questioned as he road his horse up besides us.

"no I will be fine lord Dane".

I was not fine my head was spinning and after a few miles I was just dry heaving,

so I finally agreed to ride with Dane.

"your grace how are you feeling now?"Dane asked with concernhe lips dangerously close to my ear.

"I'm quite fine sir now please focus I hear the forest is full of evil and ancient magick".

Dane chuckled sitting up straight " yes Ellie this forest is very old and full of magick but it's neither good nor evil, magik is neutral, now the creatures that wield that magick that's a different story l, it the fae we must fear and respect for fear of being ghosted away and consumed mind body and soul."

his words made me shiver remembering the beast that tried to whisk me away to this very place, and suddenly feeling Dane behind me brought me much comfort.

"fear not Ellie I will always protect you even if you no longer trust me." Dane spoke softly and gently squeezed my hand.