
The Lion's Bond - Side Stories

These are the accompanied side stories to The Lion's Bond: Revenge of the Ex – An Alpha's Trial of Love. Side Story 1, Vivi & Leon: When Vivian Hendrix turned 22, She never expected to find her fated mate. Nor did she expect that her mate has always been in her life; by her side, ever present; ever there for her. When Leon Bartley turned 18, he knew he needed to make his move, to get his fated mate to really see him. He had known his fated mate all his life, yet all she ever saw him as; was her family. They grew up together. Their parents are best friends, so they were called cousins all their lives. It was time he made her see him as a man, as an alpha, and definitely not as her cousin! When Vivi looked into the eyes of her now 18-year-old 'cousin', she became instantly aware of their connection. However, Vivi misunderstands something that sends her fleeing in tears, leaving Leon to rush after her. Will these two ever figure things out? Side Story 2, Jeanie & Chad: When Jeannette Matthews, a beta, unexpectedly drops into heat during her high school homecoming dance, she is protected by her friend, Chadley Baker. As a newly presented omega that has only known being a beta, she is at a loss of how to handle this situation. Then, with the help of her best friend, Vivian Hendrix's family, she soon gains control of her new secondary gender. Now she is 18 and graduating from high school, and she's been dating Chad since her freshman year of school. She thinks she is ready to take the ultimate step with her high school sweetheart and bond with him. However, hidden anxiety and self-esteem issues are just one hurdle they have to overcome. She dreams of becoming a doctor and Chad wants to become a renowned artist, but their dreams are expensive. What will happen when one sacrifices their dream for the other? Will they learn to trust and rely on each other and live happily ever after?

SimMermaid · Urban
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30 Chs

Chapter 12

And so, their weekend getaway ended, and they went back to their everyday lives. Only their careful and once thought secret rendezvous over the months became the target of Leo's ex-girlfriend. She somehow found out about them and thought that the two of them were related so she made a big fuss to a professor about it. Only the professor that she mentioned this to, was none other than his Father.

After that, it didn't take long for a family meeting to be held between him, Vi, and their parents. In fact, they were waiting for them when he drove Vivi home that day since they had carpooled to school that day.

When he pulled into the driveway of his uncle's house, both sets of parents were waiting outside the garage for them to arrive. He figured the jig was up after that bitch confronted them outside of an unused classroom that they had been using as a quick getaway to satiate their desire for one another.

Leo stepped out of the car and went around to help his goddess out as well. His chivalrous side was all thanks to his Dad's treatment of his Mom. Growing up watching them, he had always wanted to emulate that sweet and caring behavior, so he did that for Vi. He treated her as not only his sexy goddess, but as his object of affection whenever possible when he thought they weren't being observed.

They had been secretly dating for months now and it was almost time for graduation and Vi would find out if her thesis was accepted or not. He hoped that she would achieve her dream this year and that she would continue to achieve her dreams. He still had a year left in school before he achieved his masters degree so he would miss her around campus once she graduated.

"Leon, Vivian, a word with you two please…" Lionel said as he stood beside Asher and Darrol, with Kaito on his other side, outside the garage. He was only a little upset that Leon had hidden his relationship with Vivi from him and his mother. They had tried so hard to make sure that their children could come to them with anything without fear. Yet his son had decided to date Vivian in secret for who knows how long! He was happy that his son was at least dating a good girl, unlike the obviously jealous one that had brought this secret relationship to his attention.

Asher was so confused. When Lionel came to visit him at his office today. He had asked him if he knew anything about Vivian and Leon dating each other and he had nearly given himself whiplash from the speed and force of whipping his head up at that question! Now here he was with Darrol who seemed to have had at least more of a clue than he had all this time, that there was something going on between their eldest daughter and Lionel's oldest son. Kaito too seemed to have had an inkling to this secret relationship as well, leaving him and Lionel, the odd men, out.

"What's up Dad? What's with the serious faces and the crossed arms?" He tried to feign innocence, but he was a terrible liar so if confronted, he was bound to let something slip to give things away. He knew this was the end of his and Vi's secret relationship, so he clasped her hand tightly and tried to stand tall in the face of their parents.

"First, why don't we take this inside?" Kaito suggested. He was certainly surprised, but not upset with his son for having a secret relationship with Vivian. He and Lionel had done all they could to encourage their children to come to them with anything. But that didn't mean they expected them to tell them everything. They were entitled to their secrets, and it wasn't as if the two kids were kids still. His son was 18 and an adult in the eyes of the law, but he had been mentally an adult for far longer than that. So too had Vivi, since she was almost 23. She had a couple months before her next birthday though.

Once inside, Vivi appreciated the fact that Leo wasn't even trying to hide his affection for her from their parents now. He treated her no differently than he would have if they were alone. His hand held hers and gave it a reassuring squeeze as their moms smiled, but their dads sighed in unison.

"If this is about me dating Vivi, then yes, it's true, Dad, Uncle Asher." Leon took the direct approach.

"Now wait just a damn minute! How long have you been keeping this a secret from us, Princess? Leon is not coercing you into a relationship with him, is he? Is that why you are keeping this a secret from us?" Asher cried.

Vivi sighed and took Leo's hand and kissed his knuckles. "I love Leon and he's not forcing me to do anything. It was both of our desires to keep this from you guys because we knew that you would overreact, Dad. Just like Uncle Kaito and Uncle Lionel were fated to be together, Leon is my fated mate, just like Jeanie and Chad are too." Vivi started.

Leon picked things up where his goddess left off, "We wanted to have time where it was just the two of us, to enjoy being ourselves, without you all nitpicking and making a big deal about it. It's not as if we are breaking some horrible taboo by being together, now are we? Mom and Uncle Darrol have made it clear that even though Vi and I grew up as cousins, that we aren't blood related in any way and therefore we have nothing to be ashamed of."

Vivi spoke next, "I'm also not a little girl anymore, Dad. I'm a fully grown woman now and I am about to see if my thesis was accepted or not. I will be a doctor soon and have a plan for my future. So too does Leo. We have our dreams that we still plan on achieving so it's not as if we are sacrificing our lives by being together either."

Asher couldn't refute anything that Vivi was saying, so he looked to Lionel who seemed to be silently laughing at their bold children.

"The only thing I want to know, really, is if you two are happy. I am fully aware of how being fated can draw you in, but didn't you two not get along not that long ago?" Lionel smiled at his son, encouraging him silently with a nod.

"That was because of my ex-girlfriend, the one who no doubt told you I was some horrible monster for dating my cousin. She was the one that threw herself at me time and time again the second she saw Vi approach me. This caused Vi to misunderstand me, when all I wanted to do was talk to her to try and get her to stop seeing me as a kid. I've known Vi was my one ever since I presented, Dad. I knew that as soon as I turned 18 that I wanted to prove to Vi that I was a man and alpha that was capable of being her partner."

"Why do you think I've worked so hard all these years, even though I hate to study? I want to stand by Vi as her alpha and support her dream as you have done for Mom all this time." Leon explained passionately, as he returned the kiss his goddess gave his knuckles and kissed hers as well.

Darrol was now grinning, seeing for himself the sweet affection the kids had for each other. He once upon a time feared Vivi growing up and moving on with her life and leaving him behind, but seeing her now, somehow strangely reassured him that even though she was grown up, she wasn't leaving him behind, she was just moving forward with her life.

And if her life included Leon in it, then so be it. He had no objections to their relationship and knew that something had been up since at the very least Leon's 18th birthday when she had peeled out of the driveway recklessly with Leon hot on her trail. Ever since, he had been very careful about trying to distract Asher from questioning Vivi and Leon spending so much time together lately.