
The Line of Sight

They sent a signal to us, we receive, and so, we were called. It was the very first contact since we achieve Faster-Than-Light Traveling and go beyond our star. // A anti-cliche, cliche story of a man who once inherently follow moral values became a detested beast in a foreign world where magic rules instead of logical technology. A man born to be a hero, but with a demonic twisted desire.

KittyKatKat · Sci-fi
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5 Chs


The journey to this unknown region was uneventful, just like usual. 

it took 3 weeks before they left the border of Earth, and 2 more weeks to enter the region where the laser originated. Unexpectedly, the region seems normal. No radiation readings, no natural anti-matter readings either. Though crystals, and other necessary material is present and seems to be flourishing in this region according to the navigator's report.

"Commander, in the southwest part of the region, we reads an unknown burst of 301 element, it seems to be weak but it may lead us to our target."

301 element, or Element 301, also known as Zuporium. Once used to be rare back at the early years of space, yet after millennials of exploration, it became a common element in our nation. It can be used for civilian fuel, such as gas oil, liquid fuel, etc.

This means that this potential world could be as advance as Earth or just a regular pre-space civilization that came across such element in coincidence. Either scenario is not good... or perhaps, terrifying.

If it's the former, then Sterling just received an SOS from an advance nation like them.If that is case, they are fighting someone or something much more technologically advance than us. For them to send an SOS means they are on a brink of extinction.

But such scenario is highly improbable. Their quiet journey says so.

However, if it's the latter. Then they are about to deal with a primitive civilization that uses an advance resources. If such thing is used wrongly, it could be catastrophic.

This might be the reason for they distress message.

'What a pain in the ass.' Sterling exhaled as he watch the star of A133 star system.

"Commander! We received yet another message from the same form of communication! Decrypting it as soon as possible!" A xenolinguist soon exclaim from his rear.

Another one, one that might come in handy to track the source more accurately. "Do it, then have Christine navigate the planet of its origin. And I want it fast." 

Sterling clicks his tongue. 'Yet another one, I just hope this isn't some sort of final SOS' Sterling laughed in his mind. 'I don't want to rule a dead civilization.'

Sterling has made up his mind. Regardless of the species, he has made his plan to exterminate the corruption that currently overwhelms Earth's government. And doing so is to remove their power.

A coup d'etat. But a large-scale one, one that promises full authority. Cleansing the Earth Empire, with more than 60 star system currently occupies.

Although he has great fleets of his own. But it's not enough to face the largest armada in the galaxy. Which consists of only two known galactic empires.

"Sir! Message has been decrypted! Sending contents to your tablets now!" Soon after the xenolinguist aka Klaus said that, a form of holographic tablet appears in the left side of my seat. There, a notice appeared and the content received automatically appears.

[HELP, HASTE] It was a short message, but enough. They just have to locate it faster.

Soon, Christine has located the origin of the message. It was powerful in this area, but alas, it was in another star system. 

"I want all ships connected to the capital ship. We will warp in t-30 seconds!" 

30... 29.... 


3... 2... 1... 



Warp drive or warp mode, a process of traveling discovered after the fall of Polisiana. The invader's outpost.

Before the invasion, humans have given up talks about space. This is due to the grave theory one renowned scientist made that connects revolution. It was the inability of humans to travel beyond the solar system. It was stated that, just like how an octopus can't create a civilization due to its short lifespan, humans can't expand larger than the solar system due to the impending death everyone has to experience. No matter how much medical technological evolution, there is no way for humans to reach even the nearest star system.

A hundred years voyage or so they call it.

But it was proven wrong, brutally after the genocide done by the invader. There, they managed to salvage the technological remains of the ones who oppressed them.


A supposed star system that is 3.6 light years away only took one minute for them to reach it. As soon as they stopped the warp, all available navigators inside the capital ship, including Christine, were given orders to locate the message's origin. 

It only took them 3 minutes before they finally located the planet where the message origin. A smile creeps on Sterling's face once more.

"Patch me through the radio... " A thumbs up signals the ongoing fleet-wide radio communication. "To all captains of designated vessels, this is your commander speaking, have all assets to secure the region, and make sure no nearby ships, ally or foe, are within the Galactic meter. 

"Navigators, identify the planet. I want to know if it can sustain human life." Immediately after his order, all stationed navigators within the ships execute his command and thoroughly examine the targeted planet. 

While the planet examination was in progress, some of the ships within the fleet began separating. Some ships, such as frigates, began securing the region, while the support vessels tried to secure planets that they came across. 

What remains in the fleet are combat ships, such as battlecruisers, destroyers, the capital ship, and one auxiliary ship. With the fleet reduced to small numbers, they started to distance themselves from each other. A known tactical formation as Phantom Flotilla that grants Earth numerous victories. 

Soon enough, they arrived at the second satellite of the planet. This second satellite is much smaller than the moon and has more distance compared to Earth. Which makes a good base for an outpost.

The way of building an outpost is like a space city, but one that focuses similarly to a FOB(Forward Operating Base). Comprising of mostly docks and resources, it was meant not for entertainment but combats, and supposedly, it has to be floating for greater flexibility in case a surprise attack occurs.

However, since they are in an unknown region of space, they have to limit their resources. Building an outpost out of the planet's natural satellite is a genius idea. Although it can't be moved, reducing its function such as flexibility, it will however increase its durability, making it more efficient for such cases like this.