
The Limitless Young Master

A genius inventor transmigrated into the cultivation world were powerful cultivators were respected while the weak were like insects fortunately he transmigrated with his artificial intelligence chip plus that talent that he got in the game

Nakacwa_Masturah · Eastern
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12 Chs

Blue star planet, Ace Frost !!

In the void there existed a world known as the blue star planet,On this planet, there are three continents . These continents each had its uniqueness and professions.

In the Brahma continent, they were good at farming, most of the foods in the whole world came from this continent,

In the Mentana continent, they were good at industrial produce , they basically supplied the whole world many things. But on the whole planet, the most powerful continent was the Metta continent, even if you were to ask the kids, they would tell you that it was the most powerful continent in the whole world because of its technology.

This continent was the most advanced when it came to technology,the continent was so powerful to the extent that it led to the technologies that changed the whole world.

They had many inventions that were powerful to the extreme. They had six countries in total and each of them had its technological expertise. One of these countries was called "Zech".

This country was good at gaming technology and was very rich, in the whole world, One of the richest people came from this country, he was known as the youngest magnet of the world. At the same time, he was acknowledged as the most intelligent person by many because of his achievements .

He started his junior studies at the age of two, after three years, the parents were forced to take him to secondary studies because the teachers had nothing to teach him anymore, it should be noted that one had to study the junior studies for six years, yet he studied it for only three years and passed successfully, this showed how talented he was.

He joined the secondary school and in a short time of four years, he had to join the university eve though he had yet to finish the seven years study. in the university, he shocked the whole world when he invented a game called "The World".

This was the first virtual reality game that was played by all teens, two months after, he invented yet another game called "Descent". this made him one of the richest people in the whole country, this person was known as "Ace Frost".he was from a family of four, his father John Frost was one of the political giants in the country. His mother Mary Green wood Frost was an entertainment boss who owned many companies, he had an older sister who was a live streaming goddess,he was the so called" perfect in everything".

At this moment, the so called perfect in everything was in his room seemingly out spaced ,he seemed to be in many thoughts

'Sigh, if only that game's software becomes successfull today, then that game can be launched, at that time, I can play another exciting game'

'Those people thinks that I developed those games for money but sigh, ' meanwhile as he was in his thoughts, a voice came from outside of his room

"Ace, will you come down and eat with us or should I bring your food here?"

When he heard this voice, he immediately replied with a slightly sweet voice.

"I'll be there in a minute,I have something to discuss with you all"

When she heard his voice, she went downstairs to prepare.

By the time he went downstairs,the whole family Sat on the dining table and started their meal.after some time , his father asked,

"Ace , what is it that you wanted to discuss with us, did you get into a conflict with those companies again? do you need any help?"

"No, I just wanted to tell you that I developed a new game, in about two weeks after it is tested" said Ace as he put more salads on his plate.

"Really? you developed a new game this quick? I've now started feeling what those companies feels, you are basically living them no customers, they are going to put in even more effort in pressuring me 'hehe' I'm looking forward to seeing them cry" said his mother who was quite the whole time.

"Mom, it's not like I wanted it to happen, I took my projects to them but they rejected them so I just built my own company to make my imagination into a reality" said Ace.

"As expected of my little brother, mph!, How dare them reject you, if only I was there at that time" said Jane Frost angrily

"Son don't worry, if any of those companies makes things difficult for you, then I'll have to pay them a visit " said his father

After that little conversation, they continued with their meal. After the meal , Ace went in the basement and started tapping on the walls in different angles, after a second, a screen appeared on the wall he then put his palm on the screen. After a second,he put his right eye near the screen,then he put in a password, after doing all that,

Click!! click!!

Unknown kinds of mechanisms were heard then the wall that was in front of him started splitting and soon enough, a separate big hall can be seen, it was as large as a pitch and it was filled with all kinds of screens.

The whole underground room gave off a technological feeling, it was simply amazing, after he entered the room, the door behind him closed with a bang. Meanwhile after he entered , a robotic voice was heard,

[Master, the software you asked me to build was completed a few minutes ago]

"Oh! I didn't expect you to finish it this quick, did you finish that talent bestowment software too?" Asked Ace as he looked at the headgear in front of him

This was one of his inventions that were unknown to the outside world, even his parents didn't know about it, he had modified this computer's artificial intelligence to a very high degree.

[Master, I finished everything you told me, it's just that its energy consumption was a little bit too much, maybe you should check it out]

"Mmm, I will check it, let me first check the if the game can be played "said Ace as he put on the head gear

After he put on the head gear, his vision blurred and the next moment, he found himself in a dark room.

"What is going on here" after he asked,a virtual screen appeared and a voice could be heard

[Congratulations player for activating the game" Limitless" in this game, as long as you have awakened your talents, you can experience the world of cultivation were power is supreme]

After hearing the voice and seeing the screen in front of him, Ace was shocked but again excited at the same time, in a daze he asked

"Sera, what is going on?"

[Master, have you forgotten that a few days ago, when you modified me, you added in a perfect assimilation software in my system? This is the result as I can now be assimilated with the system that runs the whole game, and because this is a virtual game that is run by artificial intelligence, I'm powerful here]

"What? I didn't expect that this would happen after that little trick, maybe now I can enjoy this game even more" said Ace

[Player is advised to record his name and awaken your talent as soon as possible]

"Ehh? Sera, even if you are a separate artificial intelligence chip , you still can't separate from the game procedures? "

[Master, even though I'm a separate artificial intelligence chip, after assimilating with the game's artificial intelligence, I can't bypass the laws that you set to run the game ]

"Ohh! It's okay,now let my name be*The Limitless Young Master* "

[Congratulations player for choosing a name*Limitless Young Master*, please proceed with your talent awakening]

"Then awaken my talent, let me see which talent I'll get, I don't believe that I the game creator will get a useless talent"

[There is no useless talent, there is useless owner] said Sera.

"Ehh? Did you gain emotions?"asked Ace as he felt like Sera was angry.

[No , I just copied it from the internet just now]

[Congratulations player*Limitless Young Master*for awakening a talent]

"Talent seed naturing? What kind of talent is that, even though I put in a lot of talents, I don't remember this talent, where did it come from?"

[Congratulations player for awakening... Error....]

[..... Error... Unknown...]

[Unknown energy detected...].

[Error... Countermeasures...]


"What is going on? Sera ! Sera!" Ace was terrified as he heard many unknowns and errors, before he could understand what was going on, he felt a force pulling him and then he fainted

Meanwhile in the room, an unknown force enveloped the whole room and everything in it started vanishing as if it was being devoured, outside of the house,


Crack!! Rumble!!

Booom! Boom!

Lightning appeared out of nowhere and wrecked havoc, in just a minute, it started raining heavily. What everyone didn't know was that at this time, the genius of the world was dead.

We have started a new book, I'm New here, so I need your support

Nakacwa_Masturahcreators' thoughts