
The Limitless Young Master

A genius inventor transmigrated into the cultivation world were powerful cultivators were respected while the weak were like insects fortunately he transmigrated with his artificial intelligence chip plus that talent that he got in the game

Nakacwa_Masturah · Eastern
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12 Chs

Battle Of Old Enemies, Father Injured! Turn of Events

Just as the Heads of the two families entered the meeting hall, Brahan felt a sense of danger, he looked at the man who was wearing a mask and said,

"Family head Mande, Family head Mosh, and this fellow cultivator, please come and sit, butler Sozi, bring my Hundred Flowers enlightenment tea"

After he said this,the three people sat in the chairs and after that,Mosh Clouds,the head of the Clouds family, spoke,

" Family head Brahan,I was at my home when I saw a heaven and earth phenomenon that appeared in the sky,and today, your wife gave birth,it seems that your family is going to have a talented young fellow,at that time,it will be a matter of time before your Frost family becomes the lord of the Howling Winds City,as the leader of the Clouds family, I'll congratulate you a head of time"

After Brahan heard what family head Mosh said,he started frowning,it appeared as if he was congratulating him but in reality,he was indirectly telling the other two that right now, they were in a dangerous situation,if such a talented genius appeared in the Frost family,then in no time,he will cultivate and become more powerful than them,at that time,the balance in power and influence that has been kept for a long time would be non-existent,they will be like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

"Family head Mosh, Family head Mande, you are worrying for nothing, you all know that talented cultivators can't live in this small City, you may have forgotten about the young lady from the City Lord's Mansion , didn't she go away from the city after the resources here couldn't support her growth?she has never come back for about three years , you are worrying for nothing" Said Brahan as he looked at the three of them with a calm expression on his face.

" Family head Brahan, you have talked about that girl from the City Lord's Mansion, it's true that she didn't come back for three years, but you also know that she's also one of the reasons why non of us the three families dare to make a move on them,I heard that she was accepted as the head of the young generation of the 'Fire Phoenix Academy ', who among us can withstand the revenge of 'that woman'?"

As he said this,the head of the Clouds family also approved.Meanwhile Brahan was now in a dangerous situation, it seemed like these people really came prepared, they won't go away without taking some benefits for them selves

"Hahaha, family head Mande, you are all worrying for nothing, to tell you the truth, I was just about to come to your families to announce my departure, now that you have come here, it saves me the time to come to your places, Iam moving away from this city, Iam going to another city to settle down, I'm still very young, I want to continue with my cultivation, this city's resources have already been monopolized, the ones I get can't support me now "said Brahan as he looked at the three of them.

" If family head Brahan is really moving, then I have nothing to say, I wish you good luck in your journey "said family head Mande.

As the three of them were talking, the man who was wearing a mask said something for the first time since his arrival

" Brahan, you may have solved the problem with the two families, but what about me, what about the issue we didn't solve back then? I think you still remember me not so? "As he said this, he removed the mask from his face and what appeared was a handsome middle aged man, he had his hair tied up into a ponytail, with a scar on his neck.

" Fuulo " Brahan's voice was loud this time and in it was coldness, meanwhile killing intent was emanating from his body, he looked like he was ready to kill someone.

" Brahan, you thought that I will die when you pushed me at tha cliff? Here Iam, all living well, it's also thanks to you, now Iam powerful enough to kill someone like you without sweating hehe, how do you feel about that "said Fuulo as a powerful Aura was also released from his body, this aura was many times bigger than that of Brahan but it also carried a hint of madness in it.

" An Empty core realm cultivator? "Exclaimed the two family heads.

" No, to be more specific, an Empty Core realm demonic cultivator"said Brahan as he looked at Fuulo in vigilance.

Meanwhile after that powerful aura was released, all the cultivators in the city felt it. At this moment, in the room where Ace was 'sleeping', he also felt the powerful aura but instead of being suppressed by it, he was looking in the direction where it came from in worry, he asked Sera

"Sera, what is happening there? Is there a fight going on? "

[Yes Master, it seems to be an enemy of your father, he is in the Empty Core realm, while your father is at the peak of the Foundation Establishment realm] said Sera

" Then is there any chance of my father to win the battle? "Asked Ace in worry, even though it was his first time seeing him, he can't denie the fact that the two of them had blood ties, they were related by blood.

[There is, as long as he has a powerful trump card that can threaten a cultivator at the Empty Core realm and above] said Sera

"Can I see what is going on there?,I want to see just how powerful a cultivator can be "said Ace with an excited expression on his face,

As he was looking at the projection of what was going on in the meeting hall, the butler, Sozi came and knocked on the door and said,

"Madam, the family head has said that you should move to the basement, there are some troubles in the meeting hall"

"Old Butler, is Brahan going to fight with the guests? Is he in danger? Why do I feel like he is in a precarious situation? I feel like he may not....." At this moment, the worried Alice didn't get the chance to finish her words as a powerful aura came from the sky above the whole house, it seemed like the two of them decided to fight from the sky to avoid injuring the innocent people.


As Ace and his mother were moving, they saw Brahan being beaten up like a young boy, he had no way of retaliation, he was like a toddler fighting with a grown man.

Meanwhile a voice came from above

"Hahahaha, Brahan, you didn't see this coming back then when you injured me not so? I lived in darkness inside that cliff and ate demonic flowers in order to live , now I came back for revenge" as Fuulo said this, he performed yet another attack,

*Demonic Claws*

Two black claws appeared in the direction of Brahan and tore of a part of his fresh, blood started to seep out of him, but as they were still fighting, a change in weather appeared out of nowhere, dark clouds appeared in the city and thunder started rumbling,

As Ace looked at the clouds and thunder that appeared in the sky, he felt a natural suppression, it felt like a mortal facing the Heaven and Earth, but at this moment, something more shocking appeared,

His mother, who was only a 'mortal' bust out with a powerful aura, it was so powerful that it suppressed all the people around, and at this moment, the owner of the aura was looking at Fuulo with an angry expression, a cold voice came from her

"You should die"

A miraculous scene happened after she said this, the powerful Fuulo exploded into blood mist, not even leaving a piece of flesh, then the mist was carried away by the winds , just like that, a powerful cultivator at the Empty Core realm, was killed,

"Ki_killed? A powerful cultivator at the Empty Core realm, was killed by a word?I should wake up, this dream is not funny at all! " Said butler Sozi as he looked at the Madam of his family, he felt like he can nolonger understand the world

As the two family heads looked at this scene, they started sweating as the person that has just killed Fuulo who was many times more powerful than them looked at them with the same cold eyes,

" You should die too "

After she said this, the two family heads became mist which was taken away with the winds , after that, she looked at Brahan with a complicated expression, then said,

" You, you are very weak, too weak, you don't deserve her " after that, she fell down but before she reached the ground, Brahan came and caught her.

Meanwhile a stupified Sozi looked around, in his arms was the little Ace whom he didn't know when he reached his arms,