
The Lightning Swordsman

Can he really have a relaxing and fulfilling life, traveling the galaxy? Or will he have to face his past, present and future to grow and protect all that he holds dear?

Zyroknight_1706 · Sci-fi
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: What Happened?!

{A/N: the text between ~ means the words that the author can't understand, and the words between [] means the words of the system}


Pure Darkness.

That was all I saw, heard, and felt for a long time.

I couldn't see anything and didn't know for how long I was in that state.

...It felt like an eternity.

but slowly, after a while, I saw a bright white light shining in front of me.

...It looked a little like a light at the end of the tunnel.....

It was very bright as I came into the white light, and I couldn't see for a full second.


~Congratulations! It's a boy!!!~

'Huh? Where am I?'

As my eyes slowly grew accustomed to the light, I saw a face, it was wearing a face mask, the one doctors wear while doing surgery.

The eyes looked weird. There were concentric circles inside the iris as if something were in them.

I looked around me to figure out where I was.

I seemed to be in a room. Surprisingly the room looked futuristic as if I was a science fiction novel.

Bluish-grey metallic walls were what covered the whole room. On the walls, straight parallel lines adorned the walls near the edges. Weirdly, the lines seemed to be glowing in a yellowish-white light, illuminating the whole room perfectly, there was not a place in the room where the light didn't reach.

In the room, there were various futuristic medical equipment and devices that were beeping and looked to be working.

The screens on the devices showed an indecipherable script that he had never seen before in his life. The equipment and tools seemed to have some kind of glowing figures and symbols carved into their body. Those glowing symbols almost looked like a text, as if somebody carved glowing words and sentences onto the equipment for some reason.

~hmm... A curious one, I see...~

The man in front of me spoke in a language that I wasn't familiar with, however, they didn't even sound like any of the languages that were spoken on Earth, which gave me a strange feeling as if I wasn't on Earth.

"Where am I?", I asked.

However, instead of clear words leaving my mouth, only weird, soft, and gurgling noises came out of my mouth.

They strangely sound like baby voices, voices made by an infant.


Then I suddenly noticed my body, which felt very stiff and very very weak for some reason.

But then when I saw my hand, my eyes opened wide in shock, or at least they tried to, but they could only open half a millimeter more.

My hands were as small as a baby's!! Even my legs!!!

I was totally blown away.

...Suddenly a thought came to my mind and I looked (or tried to look) in the room around me.

There was a hand holding my body, which seemed to be of the man with the mask, which was supposedly a doctor, and my whole body, which was as small and tiny as an infant's, was being held by one hand by the doctor, who was talking with a lady next to him in the unknown language.

The lady was preparing to cut a long thin white tube from my stomach's navel.

That's when I finally understood everything.

I had somehow been transmigrated or reincarnated into the child of this infant...

"WHAT!!?!", I exclaimed as loud as possible, but they only came out as a weird shouting sound. I was truly in shock after figuring it out.

The doctor and nurses (presumably) didn't think much of it since shouting and crying was normal for a kid and the more I shouted meant the healthier I was.

After the umbilical cord was cut from my navel, the doctor, handed me over to a person behind me.

At first, I didn't think much of it as I was still shocked by the revelation, but then a small thread of thought appeared in my mind.

'...Right, if I've been reincarnated in this world as an infant who was just born right now, then the person who was now going to hold me was probably going to be this body's original owner's body.'

~...My child~

The person holding me said in a very warm, gentle, and tired voice.

The language barrier made it hard for me to understand what she said, but her warm and gentle, soothing voice calmed my heart, and the emotions and feelings passed through me.

I looked up at her.


Those were the first words that came to my mind after I saw her. She had beautiful red eyes, which looked like small rubies adorned in them. Long black hair was overflowing from her shoulders all the way to her back, her white and fair skin was smooth beyond belief. It wouldn't have been an exaggeration to say that she was the most beautiful woman I've ever met in my entire life.

... well, my first life...

Her face had a beautiful, bright, and warm smile. It also looked to be tired and riddled with fatigue all over.

'So this is this bodies' or more suggestively, my mother...'

After thinking that, fatigue washed over my young, weak, and frail-looking body and I soon found myself in a deep slumber after exhausting my body from all that thinking and looking around.

Hey guys, First chapter release. I know I'm not as consistent as the other people, I'm still just starting and learning about this stuff, soon, I'll start writing chapters daily, so please be patient with this budding novelist! Also, I'm not writing this novel for profits (at least not yet) so I'll keep all the chapters free, if I ever decide to make the chapters paid, I'll let you guys know. Have a nice day.

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