
The Lightning Dragon In Harry Potter

A young man named Luke found himself in a peculiar situation, transported to a world far removed from his own. Surprisingly, an unexpected invitation landed in his hands, beckoning him to Hogwarts, the renowned school of witchcraft and wizardry. Unbeknownst to him, his life was on the brink of a profound transformation. Accompanied by a unique and otherworldly traveling companion, a frog with the uncanny ability to traverse the multiverse and procure one-of-a-kind treasures, Luke's odyssey into the realm of magic was just commencing. However, the cascade of surprises did not conclude with his acceptance into the institution. As he unveiled the enigmatic package delivered by his amphibious companion, he stumbled upon a remarkable artifact known as the "Thunder Dragon Slayer Crystal." This enchanted gem possessed unimaginable power, capable of subduing the most tempestuous storms and harnessing the very lightning coursing through the skies. The astonishments persisted as Luke's frog presented an array of astounding treasures, including the mysterious "Eternal Mangekyo Sharinggan," a relic cloaked in legend, believed to bestow its bearer with unparalleled insight into the secrets of the universe. Yet, the most remarkable revelation of all unfolded when Luke's frog introduced an unexpected guest to the hallowed halls of Hogwarts – none other than the renowned "Erza from Fairy Tail."

Midnight_Wonder · Book&Literature
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Night Of The Full Moon

As a Thunder Dragon Slayer, Luke possessed the ability to devour attributes that matched his own to enhance his power. Seeing the lightning ball in Borgin Bock's shop, the magic within him surged involuntarily. The prospect of devouring these lightning bolts appealed to him, dismissing Borgin's comment about being struck by lightning as a mere joke.

"How many Galleons for this thing?" Luke inquired, retracting the lightning ball into his sleeve.

"A defective item made by accident, a gold Galleon," Borgin replied. Placing the compound potion in a nearby cabinet, he continued, "Just treat it as a friend, and there will be potions you can come to me to sell in the future."

Luke, unhesitant, placed the lightning ball on the counter. He proceeded to purchase ingredients for making Ecstasy and a withered thumb—a medium for casting curses, a skill seldom practiced at Hogwarts.

"That's a total of fifty gold Galleons," Borgin stated as he packed the items and placed them in front of Luke.

"Too expensive, more than the materials for my potions," Luke remarked.

"You have to know that the material for Ecstasy is not sold outside; it's banned!" Borgin emphasized the last three words. Unperturbed, Luke suggested he could gather the materials from the Forbidden Forest at Hogwarts.

"Hmph, you really fit to be a dark wizard," Borgin snorted coldly, extending three fingers. "Thirty gold Galleons, can't be less."

"These materials were brought back from the Forbidden Forest on my trustee. Deal?" he added.

Twenty gold Galleons were sufficient for Luke. He placed the money on the table, picked up the bag, and stored it in a different space.

"Neat magic," Borgin remarked as he watched the materials disappear into the vortex.

"See you next time, Mr. Borgin." With his desired items acquired, Luke prepared to leave. It was already evening, and the sky outside was adorned with stars.

"Tonight is the night of the full moon," Borgin commented, casting a gloomy smile towards the bright moonlight outside. "Little wizard, be careful with the wild dogs roaming outside. I don't want the new supply to be cut off."

After Luke exited the shop, Borgin promptly closed the door.

Wild dog? Full moon night? Luke gazed up at the bright full moon, contemplating the significance of these elements.

Are there werewolves in Knockturn Alley?

Considering Borgin's words, Luke quickly deduced the meaning. Standing on the desolate, dilapidated street, he observed that all the surrounding shops were closed, with no sign of life or even a flickering candle.

It seems there truly are werewolves here.

Surveying the area, Luke noted the absence of any movement save for the rustling of the breeze moving through the garbage-strewn streets. Fortunately, he had already set the spatial coordinates at home, allowing him to return when he activated his divine power.

Additionally, Luke found himself curious about these werewolves. Their saliva could transform a normal wizard into an insane werewolf. If merely scratched, the victim wouldn't transform but would bear scars that wouldn't heal.

After pondering for a while, Luke prepared to leave Knockturn Alley.

Just as he was about to use Kamui, a loud wolf howl echoed, causing Luke to look up. Under the full moon, a hairless werewolf stood on a high roof, its vertical beast pupils fixated on the potential prey below.

Bright red blood mixed with saliva dripped from the corners of its mouth, and its sharp claws gleamed menacingly in the moonlight.

"Nice to meet you Mr Wolf." Luke was momentarily surprised, then smirked, canceling the teleportation of his divine power.

Now that he had attracted the werewolf's attention, he decided to see what abilities the creature possessed.

Facing Luke's provocative smile, the werewolf's remaining sanity was entirely overshadowed by its animal instincts.

With a thunderous roar, the werewolf leaped from the roof and charged swiftly towards Luke.

"Too slow!" Luke remarked, unimpressed with the speed.

In the eyes of an ordinary wizard, the werewolf's pace was remarkable, but it fell short against Luke's kaleidoscope.

A massive skeleton arm, black and purple in tone, emerged, intercepting the werewolf's charge precisely where Luke stood.


Within Luke's scarlet pupils, the three sickles turned slowly.

The werewolf struggled to break free from the enormous palm, but its efforts proved futile.

Facing a werewolf, Susanoo, with just one eye open, was more than sufficient.

Luke extended two fingers, directing them towards the struggling and wailing werewolf. His body surged with magic, activating instantly.

The Thunder Dragon Slayer crystal's most straightforward ability is the control of thunder and lightning at will.

Golden thunder light descended from the clear night sky, striking the bone hand firmly. The dilapidated stone street erupted into a large pit under the impact of this golden lightning.

The werewolf, now scorched all over, continued its relentless roars. The recent thunder and lightning had fully unleashed its primal instincts. Any creature, cornered with no escape, would instinctively fight back—especially a werewolf, originally a wizard.

"Not dead? Perfect."

Luke narrowed his eyes at the scorched werewolf, which bellowed at him with an open mouth. Controlling the massive bone hand, he tossed it into the sky.

Soon, the power of the dragon within him erupted.

Luke raised the corners of his mouth, revealing sharpened teeth. The thunder scales on his arms shimmered with azura lightning. In this mode, he sensed his power increased by about four or five times, but it could only be sustained for less than a minute.

However, that was more than enough.

The two rows of sharp teeth parted slightly, and a flash of lightning gathered in his mouth.

The golden breath pierced the night sky, its unstoppable force crashing onto the werewolf suspended in mid-air..

After striking the werewolf, the Thunder Dragon's breath showed no mercy. The werewolf whimpered through the dilapidated house behind it, raising a cloud of dust. Lightning flashed intermittently within the charred structure.

Luke could even see through the house across the street. This deafening noise instantly stirred the dark wizards in the vicinity.

Borgin, the nearest, was the first to open his door. However, on the street, Luke had vanished.

Only chaos remained, along with a werewolf missing half its body and charred...

The werewolf hiding in Knockturn Alley...dead?


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