
Andrian's real Strength

Travis' eyelids parted as he looked around his vision cloudy with intense pain in his head. As he stood up still with his vision cloudy, the past events started to flash through his head. He remembered trying to break free from Lion's chains however since he couldn't handle the technique, he fainted. He also remembered waking up somewhere and meeting Andrain who said he was his bloodline. He even remembered the fact that Andrain tried to eat his soul! 

Apart from all those, he didn't remember anything apart from that. He remembered passing out. Realizing that he had fainted during the attack from Andrain, Travis started to survey his environment still with the intense feeling of pain in his head. Shockingly, he found himself in a place he was familiar with. He was back in his spiritual space. However, he didn't understand why he was back here though.