
The Lightbringer Necromancer

Thane is an ordinary young lad preparing to become an adult on his own. Time was simply too fast for him to flow with and was therefore stuck in a state where he has no dream, bidding his time for a push to come. His wish fulfilled, after a brief encounter with a bizarre person, he was then forced with the book of Necromancy. Stuck in his daily life, the book was cursed to always appear near him. However, it isn't in Thane's morality to use it for evil, but he can't exactly show it off to help people. As the Church forbids dark magic and frown upon the use of it, the young lad decides to hide his identity and help prevent the war that would crumble the state of the world.

Snowtrick · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 7: Hopeful to see the world

The day after that night, the demons stopped attacking. Assuming Lucina retreated back to the Abyssal continent, there should be no more raids from the demons. However it is still too early to lower our guards, and so the Eagle knights patrolled the area around the town. Fortunately they found no more threat even deep within the forests, and it was time for them to go back.

"Ready to head out?"

"Yeah, I said my farewells to everyone."

Of course as part of their group I had to tag along too. I said my good byes to Father and Mother, which admittedly was a bit teary eyed to say my farewell on. To my friends, to Master, basically everyone I've worked with to be honest. It would be rude for me to suddenly disappear after all.

"Good. Hop in the caravan, we'll be setting out to the kingdom of Faust."

Robin ordered and I complied.

As I recall, the Kingdom of Faust is the name of what is known as the Kingdom of Humans. There are a total of five kingdoms in the continent of Terra, each governed by their respective race. Elves, Dwarves, Draconic, Beast kind and Humans rule over Terra as a council, formed through the alliance they made from the last war between the Abyss.

"Eagle knights! Move out!"

Robin shouted, ordering the group to move.

Speaking of which, I do wish to see the other races. Would I be able to see dwarves and beast kind on our way? Perhaps not, considering that we're still in the territory of Humans. Such an encounter would only be possible if we were headed to the Free City. It's a city that allowed any races to mingle, even way before the alliance was formed. It was symbol of unity and a place where the Council holds their meetings.

"Hey lad, remember me?"

"The driver of the caravan suddenly called out. Leaning over on the supplies to see the driver, I recall a familiarity to the voice.

"Chart? That must be you, am I right?"

"Haha so you've heard. Yeah it is me, Chart! So, how is it? Getting to join the Eagle knights?"

"I'm quite nervous if I am going to be honest, it dawned of me that I am gonna take a big responsibility."

"Geez, you don't have to worry about that. Just do what you're best at. We don't expect a hero when we accepted you, everybody here is just a man doing their best."

"That's actually kind of unexpected. Didn't think you're such a humble person, Chart."

"Heh, humble? I am always proud of where I came from. Who would think a backwater country kid like myself would wound up joining the army, what's more part of the Fortress Knight's group!"

"Fortress Knight? Captain Wyrmweiss?"

"Yeah lad. I guess your town's more backwater than mine is but Captain was known as the Fortress Knight. His reputation grew in popularity during a tournament. A knight that stood strong no matter his opponent, never to flinch nor waver!"

Hmm, as expected of Robin.

"As expected of Captain. My town don't get much news and we usually just get hear says from merchants travelling."

"That's a pity. Your town is definitely missing out on the thrilling news."

The group picks up the pace as follow the path. A slight few bumps on the road happens but nothing major caused us to stop. However, I was getting a headache as we go further. My eyes are rolling around subconsciously, making me dizzy in the process.

"Not used to travels aren't you?"

"Yeah, I've never rode a caravan before."

"Just how isolated were you...? Oh yeah, Thane. Let's get to know each other."

"What do you have in mind?"

"Well, nothing much. Just some casual talk. What was your dream before you got invited in the Eagle knights?"

What was it...before I picked up the book, I was just waiting for the inevitable. That time when I was thinking of becoming independent, but I really had no idea where to go to.

"I was thinking of becoming a merchant and selling my merchandise throughout the whole continent."

"That's a nice dream. Quite grand though, but it's never bad to have high visions!"

"Grand? What do you mean? I'd say it's quite a laid back life."

I expect I would just go town to town, kingdom to kingdom. Like a peddler.

"You think that's laid back? You have to always be on the move, you know. Atleast that's what I know from the merchants that visited my village."

"I guess that's true, but it seemed like a job that I can just simply stop when I need to?"

"In a way it is, yeah, depends on what you're selling. But throughout the whole continent huh, it'll take years before you can even do that. You'd probably even grow whites on your hair before you get the license to trade between the five countries!"

I...err, I honestly didn't think it through.

"I didn't take licenses into account if I am going to be honest. You're pretty knowledgeable about this, Chart."

"Hehe, guess it's the things you learn when becoming a Vice Captain."

"Wait! You're the Vice Captain?? As in second-in-command?"

"You heard that right. This country bumpkin is a Vice Captain. Amazing, right?"

When he's not wearing the armor, Chart sure doesn't give the impression at all. He looks like a simple cheerful buffed man with an optimistic outlook.

We occasionally stopped for the horses to get a rest and for us to have lunch. I was able to talk with Chart and the other knights while we do so, with the exception of Robin. Robin simply went away during those times and when I asked, the knights said that it's the usual strolls. They assume Robin preferred eating alone, taking in nature's serenity by himself. Quite eccentric but when they do battle the only person they see is a indomitable wall that their enemies cannot overcome.

The night arrived and we had dinner. Having no tent for myself, I slept on the caravan. Robin even lent me a blanket to stay warm. It was certainly hard to sleep without the comfort of my bed. In addition, the excitement to see what the world has more to offer—has only but troubled me, but the night skies were really beautiful that I cannot help but feel calmed at such a view.

The light of day hits my face and its warmth woke me up. I opened my eyes, realizing that I wasn't on the caravan anymore I sat and looked around. Bars, I've been surrounded by iron bars. No, more specifically, I'm in a cage. I turn my head to see Robin, standing guard in front of the cage. Caught in surprise, I tried to stand up and reach to her, only to slip and hit my hard on the bars. My hands have been cuffed behind my back.

"Captain...what is...?", confused but my mind can't simply catch up from just waking up, I could only let out a quiet response.

"You've slept well, dear Necromancer."