
The Lightbringer Necromancer

Thane is an ordinary young lad preparing to become an adult on his own. Time was simply too fast for him to flow with and was therefore stuck in a state where he has no dream, bidding his time for a push to come. His wish fulfilled, after a brief encounter with a bizarre person, he was then forced with the book of Necromancy. Stuck in his daily life, the book was cursed to always appear near him. However, it isn't in Thane's morality to use it for evil, but he can't exactly show it off to help people. As the Church forbids dark magic and frown upon the use of it, the young lad decides to hide his identity and help prevent the war that would crumble the state of the world.

Snowtrick · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 5: A strange sense

"Ah--tata! That kinda...kinda feels good?", the patient said, rubbing his shoulders where the wounds are just a minute ago.

"Alright, if you can still move retreat back. The knights are coming."

I said, tapping his shoulders before moving to the next. I turn around and saw a man was kneeling on the floor, his stomach was punctured and the bloody mess spills onto the ground. I start to run towards where the man it, I feel something strange within me. I can sense it strongly, like something is there but I can't see it. Suddenly, my vision became blurry. I squinted my eyes, trying to see clearly but I kept running. It was for a second, but when my vision cleared out the thing that I've been sensing manifested before my eyes.

"His spirit?!"

It was different, the spirit is not restricted to the movement of the body. It wasn't attracted and it would slowly drift away. Unlike with the spirits I binded, the bonds between body and spirit weakened due to the inability of the body to hold it. It's just like when Robin cuts down the demons. Maybe the chains could hold it together!

"Chains--!!", I chanted and casted the chains, but it was too late. Before the chains could even manifest, the spirit disappeared like smoke in the wind.

Tsk-- I was too slow!

I gently lift the dead person on my back, careful not to drop him I head back to the town. The guards that are fighting have already retreated and the knights have arrived. Looking around, it seems that some already took back the injured to get treated.

After some time, Robin approached me. The battle is already over and the bodies of the imps cluttered the battlefield. They don't disappear like monsters, they rot and turn to earth just like others. The foul smell of the decaying bodies would be a problem and we don't know exactly how the abyss handles the dead.

I brought back the guy to the guards, the room holding a burial ceremony was solemn and I had to get back here. We were a minute late, and I am far behind to help those that are in critical condition.

"You must be thinking that you were slow. That would be wrong.", Robin said, noticing the burial ceremony going from afar.

"I know that but, if only I could be faster--"

"Thane, if you have someone to be angry with then it should be me. I am a failure. As a leader I should have expected the demons to attack from other directions--"

"Geez, enough of that. You're making me feel bad for feeling bad about myself. You were really heroic out there, taking a group by yourself--"

My eyes caught a red figure hiding on the woods. But as soon as I focus my sights to where that figure is, I found nothing of that sharp red color. Have I started hallucinating? Was the thing earlier a hallucination too?

"Thane? Are you listening?", a voice recalls me to reality.

"Oh, sorry. Something caught my eye just now."

"As I was saying, these demons are acting strangely. In addition to their increased size, there are occasions where they would suddenly look exhausted and slow down. Have they gone mad and forcibly strengthened these imps by mystical means?"

Of course Robin would notice, but I can't exactly reveal it was my doing. But the story he made seem to line up.

"Is there magic that can boost the physique?"

"Oh, then I take it that you don't know there are a fair number of variation to magic. Flashy ones are common, but magic that enhances the strength also exist."

It seems like Robin gets talkative when it comes to magic. Or perhaps an even broader topic, like tactics.

My eyes went back to the pile of imps. I notice that the skies have an orange hue and that the sun was about to set. It was time to head back.

"The sun is falling. I need to go now, Captain Wyrmweiss. Make sure to rest up."

"O-oh, sure. Likewise."

The twilight arrives and the skies soon darken. The town was bustling even in the night, going on as if nothing happened just outside the walls.

"Thane! It's nice to see you here. Just about to go home?"

The voice of Lady Rhea called my attention. I turn around to see her standing in front of a stall, meat skewers in hand.

"Yeah, I got recruited by the knights. So I helped out for today too.", I answered. She raised her eyebrow and took a bite out of the meat skewers.

"The knights? You mean those outside the camp? Hmm, that's interesting. So will you be going?"

"That's right, we should be going whenever the imps stopped attacking. Ah, I remember I haven't told father and mother about it yet."

"Meh, I'm sure those two would agree to it. About time their little boy grows up to become a man."

"So, what brings you outside? I rarely see you here at this time!"

"Well, let's just say I'm particularly waiting for someone.", Lady Rhea answered, shyly biting into the meat while she tries to avert her eyes.

"Do you wanna go to my house...? You know, keep me company. O-oh yeah! We should celebrate your enlistment.", she added.

Something feels off. Just like what happened earlier, there's something in here, I know there should be. I can feel it, there's just something that doesn't add up. For now, I should get away from this place.

"Sure, Lady Rhea. It's been a while anyway since I hanged out with you."

Her eyes widened in surprise and her lips formed a sheepish grin.

"Is that so! Let's go then, Thane!", she gleefully answered, taking my hand as we go through the crowd.

It may be weak, but I can still sense it. Are we being followed? No, perhaps it's something else. Speaking of which, what is this feeling? I still see nothing unusual from my sights yet my mind is tricking me there is something...ominous.

"Wait, follow me.", I said, pulling her onto the alley. The alley is dimly lighted by the moon, yet it was enough for the two of us to see each other.

"W-wait, we're doing it here...? I mean, I understand.", she answers meekly, pushing her buttons off her blouse and her fingers shaking as she does so.

Answering in kind, Necronomicon at hand, I chanted the chains at my command.

"Out with it. Who exactly are you?"

My vision have finally cleared out. Like how I see spirits after I pull it away from its body. In my eyes, there's a spirit with a mismatch of a body. A spirit much closer to my height, horns, tail and most of all, a strikingly attractive figure contrasting the modest and petite body of the vessel its using!