
The Lightbringer Necromancer

Thane is an ordinary young lad preparing to become an adult on his own. Time was simply too fast for him to flow with and was therefore stuck in a state where he has no dream, bidding his time for a push to come. His wish fulfilled, after a brief encounter with a bizarre person, he was then forced with the book of Necromancy. Stuck in his daily life, the book was cursed to always appear near him. However, it isn't in Thane's morality to use it for evil, but he can't exactly show it off to help people. As the Church forbids dark magic and frown upon the use of it, the young lad decides to hide his identity and help prevent the war that would crumble the state of the world.

Snowtrick · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 3: The chains that binds life

Next thing that happened was that the town's guards arrived, armed appropriately for their role. Since the guards were much weaker than the knights, they focused on staying outside of combat and instead equipped bows to snipe from afar. The battle was rowdy and it was hard for the guards to aim properly due to the quick feet of those imps, yet misfires did not affect the knight partly because of their thick armor as compared to the imps whose practically bare to the elements.

"Huh? Where did that guy go?"

Before the tall knight even raises his suspicion, I left the scene and told the others that I would get back to my work. The knights were friendly and perhaps even I developed a sense of comraderie, just a little bit. As I report back to Big Plate's, I said that I was caught up with the affairs of the knight. After that, even if the sun hasn't gone down yet, I went home.

My head is still trying to catch up what happened just now. I acted on impulse and did not exactly register what was happening earlier.

Demons? War? Weaken?

So many things happened in just a span of hours and I have so many unanswered questions.

Why are the abyssal kind attacking once again?

How was I able to use magic as if I have been trained with it? My mind prefers to fool me by thinking I already knew about it before, but I do not remember learning any fundamentals.

Most of my questions do not have an answer for me right now. However...

I take the book out and opened it.

I just killed someone. While it may be not by my blade, nor it was simply a matter of defense, in the end I took someone's life. I don't exactly know how to feel.

I recall a faint glow in the book before I keep it away. My suspicion says that something must have changed because of what happened.

By witnessing the chains that strangles life, the awareness of the connection between the spirit and body appeared clearer. Resulting in an understanding in the manipulation of the intangible.

So the text says.

Just as I thought, the book writes itself. Strangely without any manner of physical interaction. Did it occur after it had absorbed the spirit of the imp?

But how could I make this out? Manipulation of the intangible? What is intangible? Does it mean the spirit? If so that would refer to the chains, isn't it.

I still remember it. The feeling of those chains weighing on my hand as I pull it. It feels real yet at the same time it is not, it was a strange feeling.

It may be because I've tried it, but I don't feel any sense of evil overcoming me. I don't exactly know what to feel after taking the life of that imp. I used the power of the Necronomicon yet it felt...nothing. Or perhaps it is just waiting for me to use it more? Honestly, I don't know anymore.

"I've got to atleast try.", I said to myself.

While the Knights are here, if I were to lose even a bit of my sanity, I would turn myself in. If I turn out to be insane, then they would be there to hunt me down. I have no other path to follow anyway, and at this point I would just aimlessly wander without a dream. If anything else, I would like to atleast have an attempt to turn it around.

But as soon as I get my hopes up I remember that dark magic is often frowned upon. That's exactly why me going insane would not cause too much trouble, since armed forces would immediately be deployed to hunt me down.

Disappointing as it is to see all of it crumble down as soon as I build it up. It just can't be helped.

The next day came and I visited the knight's camp once again. This time, they seem to be merry. The tall knight whom I presume to be the Captain is looking far away, keeping an eye for where demons might come.

"Hey, Captain! The lad you're looking for is here!"

One knight shouted to which surprised me. The Captain then approached me, staring at me silently.

"Take this. As thanks.", the knight briefly stated, handling me a pouch of coins. Business is business, even if when I only got caught up with it.

"I should be the one thanking you. I didn't exactly helped with coins in mind if I am honest."


Seemingly not dismissing me, the knight only stared at me through their thick helm. I can somehow feel it, like daggers stabbing me.

"...What?", I ask.

"Sorry, I'm not much for talks. But can I ask you to assist us once again?"

"Eh? But I am just a mere worker, I'm no knight like any of you are."

"How do I put this...like how armies need a banner to represent themselves. This squad of mine needs a good luck bearer."

"So you'll hang me on a pole and swing me around like a flag?"

"NO! I-I mean--"

"Haha, just kidding. I get it. Why not? I don't have much going around in this town either."

But man, this guy sure is awkward. However, I feel like that is one attitude to show at your superiors.

"Thanks. I'll be counting on you.", the Captain answered before walking off somewhere else.

The knight from before approached me. Speaking of which, I haven't really properly introduced ourselves yet. They only know my name. I should've asked the passing knights before, but the moment was not particularly right either during that time. Maybe now is a good time.

"Hey, lad. Guess you're part of the team now? Glad to have you. How about it? Wanna cele--"

Before finishing his invitation however, a loud alarm from a horn was heard, calling the attention of the people at the camp.

"Tch, should've known they wouldn't stop at that.", the knight said furiously, mad at being interrupted.

"You all better gear up! Expect the worst! Get to your formations and wait for your orders!", the Captain shouted, which is quite uncharacteristic from his mild personality that they showed.

"Same routine, lad. Get those potions and assist in their well being."

The knights then friendly waved at me as they get to their formation. The moment they line up, their stance straightened and their stature was that of a knight, contrary to their cheery mood from earlier.

The demons are coming, I still feel conflicted taking the life of someone, indirectly it may be. I really should stop justifying my choices.