
The Lightbringer Necromancer

Thane is an ordinary young lad preparing to become an adult on his own. Time was simply too fast for him to flow with and was therefore stuck in a state where he has no dream, bidding his time for a push to come. His wish fulfilled, after a brief encounter with a bizarre person, he was then forced with the book of Necromancy. Stuck in his daily life, the book was cursed to always appear near him. However, it isn't in Thane's morality to use it for evil, but he can't exactly show it off to help people. As the Church forbids dark magic and frown upon the use of it, the young lad decides to hide his identity and help prevent the war that would crumble the state of the world.

Snowtrick · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 15: First task

With one fell swoop of her spear, the belly of the boar was cut, sending the poor fella staggering. It's intentions were obvious, backing away, the boar smartly hops around and turned tail. Robin didn't gave it chance, a strong thrust was enough to pierce the body of the boar.

"...twenty four.", Robin muttered to herself while wiping off the sweat on her forehead.

"Good work, Captain. Six more to go!", I said while approaching her with a towel in hand. Robin takes it and dries off the sweat on her face.

Now it's time for my work. I kneeled down at the dead boar and opened it's guts using a knife that we got on some local blacksmith. It was rather bloody, but I can't exactly wait for it to bleed out, given that we have limited time. Its organs revealed, I put my hands into the bloody mess and reached out for its heart. Eventually, my hand touched something hard. I pulled it out and let out a dirty piece of core.

"Got it! Let's bring this back to the pile.", I said to Robin.

I put the dirty core to the bloodied pouch. As much as I want to clean it, water is quite precious to have and we'd rather do it when we find a source of water.

"Can't we really just bring them back and sell it?"

I ask. Looking at the boar behind her back, I can't help but really get the feeling of regret. Although, it's kind of disgusting since I'm facing the stomach where the guts are.

"They're pests. Unlike normal boars, their meat are potent in magical energy that it's poisonous for human consumption."

"Right... We have to get this finish early too before other monsters find the pile we're making. A lot of meat, wasted.", I can only cry out in regret. Really, this amount would have kept us fed for more than a mount.

We can't exactly have other beasts to eat them, they'll only just get stronger and cause more trouble in the process. The only solution is to bury them to the ground, where it would decay.

"Let's find the remaining six."

Robin drops the boar to the pile of dead boars. We've been going at it since morning and I am kind of surprise we can get this many in a span of few hours. No wonder a commission was placed to thin down their numbers. Still, it would be nice if we could have a wall placed to prevent beasts from reaching it. Oh well, guess there's no helping it. We're barely scraping by with the coins we have.

The next six boars were easy tasks compared to the dozens that we need to fulfill earlier. The pressure lightened up compared to before and we were able to finally rest our senses with the acquisition of the final core that we need. I looked up at the sky and found the sun still up. How long were we hunting? It felt fairly short once we've reached this moment. I am sure a considerable amount of time has passed. Despite that I don't feel hungry, I rather throw up air than to eat food. My sticky hand are really putting off my appetite, I have to wash my hands.

"Wait a moment--",

Robin blocked my way with her hand. She looks vigilantly to our surroundings. Once again, I let my spiritual vision out. In just a command in my mind, my eyes can now spot a spirit regardless of obstacles. I've been getting a lot of practice today given that I had to use it frequently to find the red coated boars.

"O-oh no--"

In a distance, I see a large figure circling around an area. Recalling what area that is, I turn pale from my realization.

"A beast found the pile of boars, Captain!"

"Good. Follow me!"

Robin commanded before dashing to where we leave the pile of dead boars. Following her, I observe the large figure using my spiritual vision. Its spirit walks on all fours and looking at its physique it's similar to that of a wolf. As we were heading straight, I find its mouth digging on something. It's probably already taking a taste!

I did my best to follow Robin's lead, but she was too fast on her own and I was left behind her trail. By the time I reached where she was, I was already losing strength. My heart's beating fast and strong enough for me to hear it. I try to take in some air before I aim my hands to the tall wolf.

"Be careful Thane! If it notices you then run!"

The tall wolf was atleast my height, but Robin was still taller than it.

Now this isn't something I've practiced yet--!

I conjured the chains from my hands. The ephemeral chains materialize where my hand touches it, but most of it remained invisible to the eye. I pulled it and aimed at the spirit of the wolf. Applying what I've learned yesterday, I spread the heat to the chains, and it suddenly bursted aflame but even so the size and number of chains we're not enough compared to the proportions of the tall wolf.

"Perhaps the size's too big...", I muttered.

But atleast it's not breaking.

I looked at Robin and she's keeping her distance from the wolf. Taunting it with her spear, but unfortunately the wolf seems smart enough to not charge in. The two glare at each other while going in a circle.

I first inhaled some air and started on making another batch of chains. Slowly, I feel the weight of chains, not physically but rather the presence of it.

Suddenly the wolf throws an attack with its tail, spinning vigorously and making a powerful strike. Robin was prepared for it, but she chose to block it with her spear. It was an opportunity for the wolf to charge in while its enemy was still recovering.

"Weaken--", I muttered to myself, pulling the next batch of chains with my other hand. The chains crawled out of the ground and caught it's foot before slowly tangling itself to the wolf's body. One chain tied at its frontal body, the other at its back, pulling the two and the spirit is being stretched down to the ground. The leap that the wolf made to attack Robin worsened its conditions because the body only further separated itself from its spirit. The wolf weakly lunges at Robin and she caught its body. Jumping on its back, she wrapped her arms around its neck and locked it in a choke. Of course the distance between its body and spirit didn't come with a demerit. The weight of the chains increased, but like I said before, the chains are ephemeral and does not affect me physically. Simply put, the chains' presence are about to break apart.

Robin might be able to handle the wolf, given that she has the upper hand now, but I can't exactly give chances.

I called out to her in panic.

"Robin...! Why don't we just use the spear?"

"No can do.", she briefly answered before tightening her hold.

Oh goddess, the chains are about to break! I'd have to use everything before it breaks off. Time to go for one last burst!

I gathered all of the heat to my grasp. I see the blue flames in my fingertips growing wilder, engulfing my whole hands. I exhausted everything I've gathered and pushed it out to the chains. The blaze runs to the ephemeral steel and the moment it reached the wolf, the chains let out a violent outburst.

The heavy pressure pushed the chains to to break, letting the wolf go. However, as the chains slowly turn into fragments the spirit of the wolf followed the decaying chains as if it was being pulled to my direction. At this point, I don't know if it was my doing or Robin's. Was she able to kill it? Or was I simply able to pull the tall wolf's spirit out? I don't care...

My body was feeling weak, and cold if I may add. I could only barely walk towards Robin. Thankfully it didn't last long before I feel refreshed.

"All according to plan. You seem to be struggling earlier, but you seem fine now."

"It's nothing, Captain. I simply need to put more effort than needed."

Speaking of which, this also happened before right? I felt weak after I used the chains in group back in my town, but then a moment later I feel fine. Was it...the spirit? Am I absorbing the spirits to get that heat?

"Wait, according to plan?"

I asked in surprise after realizing what she just said.

"Yes. The purpose of this whole pile here is to attract beasts."

"But aren't these kind of beasts just pests?"

"They are. These boars are useless, be it their claws, fangs or their skin, it can't be used for how crude the quality is. The opposite can be said for the tall wolf, which was why I was insistent on keeping it less violent as possible."

"You wanted to choke it simply to keep the quality?"

"Indeed. Still, I find your magic to be convenient. Weakening your foes without engaging with them directly...It would make most conflict be less violent."

Robin stretched out her arms and regained her composure. She peeks at me with the corner of her eyes and let out a smile.

"Good work, Thane. Let's start to clean things up."

Robin reaches out her fist to me. I feel the joy spark in my chest after I recognize this means. Truthfully, it's been a while, but it's never late to do it again. My lips form a smile and I cheerfully answered by bumping my fist to hers.

Surprisingly she shivered the moment our fists bump. I remembered that the hand I used was pretty bloody due to the gutting I did.

"Can you not use your bloodied hands? You're lacking in delicacy!"

Uncharacteristic to her usual cool demeanor, Robin showed her annoyance and whined. Perhaps there is another reason why she left the gutting to me.