
The Lightbringer Necromancer

Thane is an ordinary young lad preparing to become an adult on his own. Time was simply too fast for him to flow with and was therefore stuck in a state where he has no dream, bidding his time for a push to come. His wish fulfilled, after a brief encounter with a bizarre person, he was then forced with the book of Necromancy. Stuck in his daily life, the book was cursed to always appear near him. However, it isn't in Thane's morality to use it for evil, but he can't exactly show it off to help people. As the Church forbids dark magic and frown upon the use of it, the young lad decides to hide his identity and help prevent the war that would crumble the state of the world.

Snowtrick · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 11: Runaway

"...never again."

Robin suddenly grabbed me by the waist and carried me on his shoulders. All my eyes can see is the scene of knights lining up behind Robin, holding their spears while waiting for an opportunity to strike.

"Captain Wyrmweiss, unhand the necromancer. Are you not aware of the consequences of your actions?"

"I beg your forgiveness, my Queen but I won't let the Divine Order take an innocent life. Not in my presence."

Queen Rehalia's voice remained calm even under this situation. The knights behind Robin are getting closer, taking the chance to approach Captain.

"This is true justice, Captain. It is the will of the Goddess of Life, and as her children we must follow her words. Do not let your selfishness take over you.", the Bishop says but Robin did not answer back. Instead, Robin turned towards the door. The sudden spin made me dizzy and it took me a second to recover. My sight cleared and I see the three still composed, as if they've been expecting Robin's actions. Well, except for the Bishop, but that may be due to her distance with the rebelling knight.

I roam my attention and notice that one man is gone.

"Chart, what are you doing?"

"Let's calm down, Captain. The Divine Order don't mean harm, they haven't decided to execute Thane. Let's not let this happen, okay?"

"You're still too naive, Chart. But that may be what this kingdom seeks. Come at me, if you truly intend to stop me."

Robin answered, while taking stance for a fight. Amazingly, he was able to hold his halberd one handedly despite it's huge frame. From behind, I hear a sheathe fall down to the ground.

"Haah!", Robin shouted while swinging the halberd, having only used one hand the halberd goes straight at the ground, crushing the floor with its force.

I hear footsteps coming close at a speed. Following that was Chart's grunt and the sound of air being pushed by the weight of the sword. Suddenly, Robin hopped back and I feel a breeze hit my legs.

Hey! Know you distance properly! My legs would have gotten cut you know!

I thought to myself, but I can't bring myself to move out of fear that I would indeed get caught up in their fight. Robin spins and I had a brief glance at Chart, who is backing away with his sword in hand, and in the corner of my eyes is the blade of the halberd. Again, I feel dizzy with the sudden movements and before I realize it, we were already moving further away from the scene. Chart tried to chase us, but his speed can't match the Captain's.

Wait, we're not going further from the throne. Instead, we seem to be getting further from the window on the other side.

"I hope I'm wrong about what you're planning to do, Captain?!", I said, wriggling from his grasp.

"Sorry, close your eyes for a moment.", Robin answered before I hear the sounds of glass breaking. Closing my eyes, I feel the wind brushing past us as we fall and I can no longer hear the noises from the throne room. There were no sound of metallic shoes pursuing us, no sound of panic, just the sound of the breeze. I opened my eyes when I feel that we've stopped falling. However, I don't recall the impact of hitting the ground.

We were suspended in the air, but it took no moment for Robin to jump on the wall of the Castle. I see his halberd stuck on the wall, in an amazing feat of strength it doesn't seem to budge from its impalement. Robin must've used it to break the fall.

"What about your weapon?"

"Doesn't matter."

Robin said and climbed the inner walls of the kingdom. From afar, I see the knights coming out of the Castle with Chart leading them.

"You're going to be branded as a traitor and criminal now."

"Doesn't matter.",

Robin answered the same. I feel every movement he makes. His feet lands on the ground heavily each step and every time I would shake in response. The castle was slowly overshadowed by the buildings in my sight, and eventually I can only see the walls that protects it. My eyes roam around and found that we are on an alley. There were not many people, and even if there were some, it have a terrified expression whenever Robin passes by. Understandable, considering the fear of an rapidly approaching giant would invoke.

"Where do you plan to take us now?"


Yeah, maybe I should ask that later.

For now, I think we should run away from here. It would be a risk if we stay here for any longer.

Eventually, Robin stopped and dropped me gently on the ground. Rummaging the pockets inside his armor, he took out a key and freed me from my restraints.

Finally, freedom!

Is what I would like to say, but given the situation we can't exactly relax yet.

"See those caravans? Slip in one of those when it passes by. Let's meet outside."


"Take the chance while you can, don't worry about me."

I only nodded in response. Leaning on the corner, I find the caravans passing at the gate. There were not many guards at the side where the caravans are exiting, perhaps they only focus on the other side of the city. I look behind me to find that Robin was already gone. I lean back at the corner once again, finding the right timing to rush in and slip on one of the caravans.

One...two...no, that one's too fast. Alright, let's start again. One, two...darn it, the caravan stopped. If I go now wouldn't I be seen from the driver behind?

Let's go!

"Wah!", I uttered as I hit myself with a floating book that suddenly appeared behind me and with that failed attempt, I send myself back at the corner...

It took awhile until I got the courage to just jump in on a wagon and act like I own it as I lay on it and closed my eyes. Time seemed to pass slower as the wagon moved, especially with my eyes closed I could only hope the driver didn't notice me. I can hear the wheels rolling on the road. The chatter of the guards and the noise of the crowd slowly getting quiet while the wagon moves. After what seemed like a considerable time passed, I squinted my eyes open, hoping that I see the cloud and blue sky at my wake.

"Well, that went fine. I think?", I muttered as what I hoped did came. The wagon passed the gates smoothly and I am now outside the city.

Silently, I slid myself down from the wagon as it moves forward, leaving myself to fall on the ground unnoticed, I wish. Standing up, I try to sweep off the dust on my bottoms. After the thrill runs out of my chest, I start to absorb what just happened.

If I am going to be honest I am still unsure about escaping captivity, but knowing that Robin and Chart believes in me, I can't afford to destroy that trust. I will use necromancy for good, even if society sees it as a sin. That would be my obsession.