
The Light Within The Void

Raven Malice was raised in a heartless family. Will that all change when she meets people that make her feel important? Especially a Prince above all people? How can she be friends with the Prince that is supposed to be her rival? Join Raven and her friends on their journey of fulfilling a prophecy that was written long ago. The answer to the outcome is unknown. Will the fate of the world end in evil or good?

lil_huflepuff · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

The arrival of the first years had the Dining Hall buzzing with excitement. Each year the Gatekeeper escorts the first years to the front of the room, and they are all waiting to be sorted into their House. The headmaster, Alan Fairchild, gave a speech encouraging the students and explaining some basic rules. Each House is like a family and they each get points for following the rules and if they break them, then points would be deducted.

As the sorting began, Truman Reyes had the first years do a test to determine what house they would be in. The test consists of pricking a finger and holding it over a prophecy globe letting the blood drip onto it. The globe then glows and shows an image of their gift. Their school uniforms change colors to fit the house they're in. As the first years joined a house, the entire table cheered and clapped for their new members. 

The Professor called "Alicia Falla" up to the front. 

A cute-looking girl with fiery red hair that has an air of wittiness and mischievousness. The perfect balance of being a troublemaker and knowing how to get out of any situation. Her curious brown eyes grow wide with anticipation and contentment. The girl walked up to the front and pricked her finger with a needle, letting her blood drip three times, and looked into the globe. Her plain black uniform changes to red and gold before she takes her first steps to the Cadere House's table with a huge smile on her face, joining two other redheads at the table while everyone else cheers.

A girl from farther back in line watches the entire thing and connects the dots of those being her older brothers. She continues watching wondering who would be a potential ally or enemy. The words of her parents echo the same things over and over. Don't make friends. They won't do you any good. They're all competition and nobodies. 

The short girl never wants to believe what they say. They don't know anything of her longing, her desire to have friends. People that understand her and would love her no matter what. Her parents are never there. Leaving her alone with nobody to give her company. All she wants is someone to be there. Someone she can rely on. 

The girl continued watching and after a few more names, the Professor said, "Prince William Dain."

The Dining Hall became quiet, nervousness and queasiness filling the Prince's stomach. He steps up to the prophecy globe and pricks his finger, having a few drops of blood land on it. He saw his powers of ice and snow. His robes change to blue and white. The Hiems House table gloating and bragging about how they got the Prince of Silvestra. 

All of the first years got sorted, except for one. Raven Malice. The short girl who watched every first year go before her. Professor Reyes finally calls her to the front. She makes her way up with grace and ease, and she pricks her finger letting the blood drip onto the prophecy globe. A look of shock and surprise strikes the Professor. Everybody in the Hall is confused and silent; they do not know what is happening. 

The Professor remains quiet, staring at the orb, reading what the images are that flash before his eyes. Debating on what he should tell the girl, almost a minute of silence passes. The students get restless, murmurs going through the hall, wanting to know what the hold-up is. Raven stands unsure of herself, putting on a mask of indifference and showing little to no emotions. As if she's looking bored not caring about what's occurring even though on the inside she's feeling a bundle of nerves. Expecting the worst to come. She has no powers and is putting shame on the Malice family. 

He turns to Raven putting up a shield made of air adding privacy to their conversation. The Professor explains to her, "You have the gift of the elements and the ability to control the growth of animals and plants. This has only happened a few times over the centuries, but it is very rare for a student to be in two Houses at once. The Cadere or Aestas House. You must choose the right House for you."

The news shocks Raven. She feels relieved, but internally she's conflicted about what she should do. Subconsciously she picks at her cuticles while lost in thought. Professor Fairchild breaks the grey-eyed girl out of her thoughts, "Ms. Malice, you have to choose your House." 

"Right sorry. I choose…" biting the inside of her cheek thinking carefully, "the Cadere House!" The table claps and accepts her with warm smiles. Her robes change to the House's colors and she makes the short trek to the table where she is met with friendly greetings.

As Raven sits, the red-haired girl introduces herself, "Alicia Falla. Nice to meet you!" 

"Same here" She replies uneasily, but with hopes of her friendliness, she could make some friends at least. Raven's not used to friends, and it could take her a while to get used to thinking of people as allies instead of rivals. 

Two identical redheads across from Raven and Alicia say "Hello!"

 The one on the left, "I'm Meike and this is my twin—" 

"Lukas. Pleasure!" 


The dinner went smoothly. The short girl felt as if she was finally able to be herself. Gain some independence from her parents. Defying them gave her a feeling of headiness from the excitement of choosing another house, but that went away halfway through dinner. The feeling of rebelliousness, like she could do anything, faded into guilt and self-doubt. Wondering what would happen when her parents found out. What would she do then? 

With Alicia and her twin brothers trying their best even though it's not much, she's trying to be somewhat friendly. Creating or having friends is foreign to her and she does not know how to handle it. The Falla's continue to talk and do their best to include her. Something was bothering all of them about her. They couldn't quite figure it out with them already feeling protective over her. 

Once dinner is over, Headmaster Fairchild announces, "Now it is time for you to go back to your common rooms. Enjoy your weekend and classes start on Monday." 

All of the students got up and they all went to their common rooms. The Cadere common room is big and at first glance, it looks quite cozy. Red and gold cover the room, with an aroma of sweets, firewood, and cinnamon. It suddenly feels as if this is Raven's contemporary home for the next few years. Adding in a homey feeling Raven has never felt before. The colors are inviting and create a safe atmosphere where she wants to curl up on the couch with a good book. 

Throughout the night, Raven learns a lot about the Falla's. Alicia is very studious, loves to read books, and shares most of the same interests with Raven. The twins love to pull pranks and cause mischief around the school, and they are one year older. They even showed her a few tricks they had up their sleeves when it came to using their elemental gift. Unlike them all, Raven is quite shy, but once she talks more, the more comfortable she gets. Still on the acquaintance level but she can see herself becoming good friends with them. 

They were the first students that she talked to at Ilver-Lilywood and the only ones so far. The whole house is too scared to talk to her because of her uninviting face. Barely showing any emotion. All they want to know is what the Professor said to her and the only thing they can do is speculate. Nothing more. 

With 9:30 pm as the curfew, everyone begins to head upstairs when the Head Boy and Head Girl of the sixth year announce it. On the way to the girls' dorm, Alicia sees her name on a door with Raven. Excitedly she announces that they are sharing a room.