
The Light of a Hero: Heroes Rising

Hikari Yagi and the rest of Class 1-A visit Nabu Island where they finally get to do real hero work. The place is so peaceful that it's more like a vacation... until they're attacked by a villian with an eerily familiar Quirk! Now, Hikari, and her friends are the island's only hope. (Spoiler Warning: this book has scenes from the My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising movie.)

QueenB01 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

(Another) Actual Villian Attack

 One of the telephones on the desks closest to me rings, and I answer it.

"Hello! You've reached the UA Hero Agency -"

"There's a villain at the fishing harbor!" The voice of a certain little girl interrupts me.

"Mahoro?" I raise one of my eyebrows as I remember her pranks from yesterday. Because of her previous shenanigans, I'm a bit skeptical. "Wait, it this another one of your pranks? I thought I told you to stop!"

"I'm not lying!" Mahoro cried out from the other end. "We really are in trouble! I swear!"

Before I could reply to Mahoro, Izuku snatched the phone away from me. He calls out to the girl on the phone, but for some reason, the call ended. Izuku turned to me with a serious expression. 

"What did she tell you, Himawari?" Izuku asked. 

As upset as I am at Izuku for snatching the phone out of my hand, I'm going to let that slide.

"She said that there's a villain attack at the harbor." I shrugged. "But after yesterday, I'm pretty sure it's just another one of her tricks."

Deku immediately left the agency without a second thought. I remember the realistic panic in Mahoro's voice, but I shook the thought away. It's just a false alarm. Right?


"Huh? Hey, guys, I'm not getting a signal!" Ochaco said, showing us the screen of her flip phone.

Upon hearing Uravity's words, everyone in the agency, including me and Katsuki, looked at their phones. None of our phones have any bars. What's going on? As we all wonder why the phone signals dead, one of the islanders came to us on his motorcycle. 

"Hurry!" The man yelled from outside. "There's a villain on the island!"

Hearing that, all of us immediately ran outside. 

"A villian?" Sato said with wide eyes.

"He's tearing apart the shopping center! Your people are trying to hold him back."

"Reporting in!" Tokoyami and Dark Shadow approach us from the air using Dark Fallen Angel. "We've got a villain down at the beach."

"What?" Katsuki said.

"Ojiro is holding him off. But he needs help."

"What's the plan?" Creati asked Ingenium.

"We act quickly and decisively." Our class rep answers. He looks at each and every one of us. "All right, everyone, we're fighting on two fronts, so we'll need to split up into teams. Yagi, Bakugou, Kirishima, and Kaminari intercept the villain at the shopping center! Yaoyorozu, Jiro, and Ashido go with them to help with first-aid and evacuation. Todoroki, Sato, Sero, and Tokoyami come with me to back up Ojiro at the beach. Uraraka and Koda, you'll be our relief evacuation team. This is a rave against time."

"We're the only heroes on this island, which means we're the only ones who can save the people here, so let's do our best, everything!" Yaomomo adds.

"Are you ready, Class 1-A? We've got work to do. Let's move out!"

With that said, we all disperse with our teams to aid our friends. This really is a villain attack... that means Mahoro was telling the truth this time!I owe her an apology next time I see her. How many villains showed up? Where did they come from? Why did they come here? I'll just have to wait for answers. Right now, I need to focus on villains that are attacking my friends. At the shopping center, Mineta, Aoyama, and Toru are being attacked by a man wrapped in burgundy-colored bandages. The mummy villain is using his bandages to ensnare inanimate objects and turn them into humanoid red mummies he controls. Just when the group of mummies were about to attack the trio, Katsuki and I jumped in. Both of us attacked the bandaged puppets before they laid a cloth on our friends. 

"The three of you can't even handle on villain?" Katsuki remarks, glancing back at the trio. "You guys are pathetic!"

"It's Bakugou!" Toru and Mineta said simultaneously with relief.

"Oui!" Aoyama smiles while clutching his stomach. "And mademoiselle Tourmesol!"

A humanoid mummy hovers over our three friends for a surprise attack, but luckily, Eijiro appears and strikes the puppet.

"Red Riot is on the scene!" Eijiro yells.

"Hey, are you guys okay?" I ask Toru, Aoyama, and Mineta while destroying several mummies.

"We heard you could use some help." Kaminari smirks as he zaps mummies left and right. His back is pressed to mine.

"Oui. Merci!" Aoyama said. 

Kyoka, Yaomomo, and Mina showed up to the scene next. While the three girls evacuated the local residents, our team fought off against the Mummy guy. At some point during the fight, the mummy villain wraps Katsuki up and turns him into a mummified puppet.

"Objects wrapped in my bandages move according to my will." The mummy said. "I can't affect living things, but your body is covered by much that is inanimate. Your weapons, your armor, your clothes. They're mine to control."

My mummified boyfriend attacks me, Kaminari, and Eijiro. The three of us dodged the attack in time.

"Watch as your friend becomes your enemy." The mummy chuckles. He then continues to use his puppets to attack us. If there were only two of us left, fighting off this and his bandaged minions would've been difficult. Thanks to my Quirk, I skillfully took out multiple mummies. I used my Sunflower Whip with 8 tails to destroy seven more mummies, but then the villain wrapped my arm with his bandages. Before I could free myself, he entraps my legs, torso, and other arm, making me drop my whip.

"Yagi!"Eijiro and Kaminari ran to help me, but they got blocked by the other mummies.

"You're quite strong." The mummy comments. He uses his bandages to bring me closer to him. "You know, instead of fighting me and my comrades, why don't you join us?"

"What?" I'm the only one who heard what he said because Eijiro and Kaminari are still trying to get past the puppets to help me.

"Your power is being wasted here. And because of that, you haven't reached your full potential. We are aiming to create a world where only the strong rule is over the weak. Join us. With your power, you could destroy armies! Help us find the kid with Cell Activation and accomplish Nine's goal!"

I glare at the mummy freak. So, that's why these villains are here. They want to kidnap someone who has a cell activation Quirk. Based on what he just said, their boss is named "Nine," and this "goal" of hih is just the same BS any power hungry asshole dreams about. I still don't know how many of them there are, though.

"Flattered, but no thanks! Now get your damn ugly ribbons off me!" I made my body burst into flames to burn away the bandages off me. The mummy backs away from me and the heat of my flames. "And while you're at it, stop using my boyfriend as one of your crappy puppets!" I raised my hands and created a swirling mass of Aqua Slicers around my mummified boyfriend. "Aqua Jigsaw!"

"Yagi, are you insane!?" Kaminari yells. "You're gonna end up shredding Bakugou into confetti!"

I am not worried, and I definitely am not insane. I'm not trying to mince Katsuki, I'm cutting him free! I'm also raising the water to a boiling point to give my boyfriend some sweat and using the water to heal his arm muscles. I made a large mass of water vanish, and my boyfriend landed safely on the ground. He's pissed, but at least he's not injured.

"Mummy bastard." Katsuki stared daggers at the villain. "You're gonna pay for that."

The villain's eyes widened in shock at the sight of my freed partner. He then pulls himself together and attacks Katsuki with his puppets and bandages, but my boyfriend dodged them all. Plus, I watched his back and made sure he didn't get turned into a mummy again. Within minutes, Katsuki grabs the mummy's head and pushes him hard against a wall.

"Gotta lotta sweat stored up, y'know." Katsuki readied one of his Grenadier Bracers. "And you get a maximum blast. Die!"

Katsuki defeats the villain using his Grenadier Bracer to release a highly concentrated explosion at point-blank range, knocking him unconscious. I stand next to my boyfriend as the mummy puppets revert back to normal objects.

"Thanks, babe." Katsuki said, making me smile. 

"You're welcome, Blasty. I'm just glad you're okay." I pointed at the knocked out villain. "And that we took out one of the bad guys." 

"Nice one, you two!" Red Riot praise.

"Himawari cut Bakugou loose without leaving a scratch on him, and Bakugou kept collateral damage to a minimum!" Kaminari stares at us in amazement. 

"There you are!" Yaomomo calls out as she and Kyoka run toward us.

"You good?" Kyoka ask.

"Yeah." My partner answers. "That was too easy."

"What about the islanders?" I ask. "Are they alright?"

Yaomomo nods. 

"Yes, we evacuated them to the western district."

"Okay, I'll leave the rescuing to you guys." I use my flames to fly into the air.

"Yagi, where are you going!?" Eijiro shouts.

"I'm going to go look for Deku!"

I fly off with Katsuki following behind me. Knowing Deku, he definitely went to check on Katsuma and Mahoro after that phone call. I can also bet that he knows these villains caused the lost phone signal. Since Izuku didn't show up to help, he probably encountered one of the villains when he went to check if Mahoro was lying or not. I thought about looking for Deku and the kids around Mrs. Suzumura's place, but suddenly...


My head starts to hurt, and I hear that buzzer sound again. It's the same from the Shie Hassaikai raid. Only this time, I hear Mahoro crying for help, and I an image of an injured Deku and a masked man with white hair flash in my mind. Then I notice this large, weird-looking Deku appear out of nowhere. It's as big as Mt. Lady and I'm sure everyone on the island can see it. Another thing I notice about the giant Deku is that he has the same injuries as the image of Izuku that popped in my head. This has to be Mahoro's doing.

"Somebody, please!" I hear Mahoro's cry for help. "You have to protect Deku!!"

Out of pure instinct and intuition, I made my way to where that illusion came from. Sure enough, Katsuma and Mahoro are there with an injured Deku. The same sinister man that flashed in my head is slowly approaching them. Without a second thought, I ignite my left arm to create a bow and arrow made of flames. 

"Sunflower Arrow!" I mutter to myself before firing the arrow. I made the arrow detonate as soon as it reached the villain. Unfortunately, he activated his force field Quirk, so he was safe from the attack. Katsuki and I stood in front of our injured friend to face the villain. The villain is a tall man with fair skin, thin, rectangular gray eyes, and white pupils. He has white hair that reaches toward his shoulders, worn swept back from his face. He's dressed in a blazer and dress pants of a pale lilac color with black boots. The villain's most interesting feature is the large black mask covering him from his chest to just above his nose, four extra pieces winding around his face and head. Four darker plates cover each side of his neck, lined with dark purple, and he has a flat muzzle over his mouth that's decorated with seven gray studs, as well as a giant purple and black cylinder protruding from each of his shoulder blades. His appearance reminds me of All For One. Could this be the Nine that mummy guy was talking about?

"Found ya, damn villain!" Katsuki grins as he looks at the villain. 

"It's Miss Himawari and the mean one." Katsuma said. 

"Sorry we're late, Izuku." I apologize to my friend. 

"It's fine, Himawari." Izuku hissed in pain. "You two are here now."

Since electronic communication is useless at the moment, I use my flames to shoot a flare into the sky to alert our friends where we are.

"All right, kids." Katsuki yells. "Watch closely. Here's what it takes to become the number-one hero." Katsuki blasts toward the villain. "This is real strength!"

While I gave Izuku first-aid, Katsuki fought the villain. The boss put up a force field against Katsuki's attack. Katsuki anticipated that and got behind his blind spot. Before he could land an attack, the villain did a completely different move. It isn't the force field... he shot purple lasers from his fingers! Luckily, Katsuki dodged the lasers and only got a flesh wound. Next, the villain blew Katsuki back with his force field and my boyfriend fell to the ground. Hard. Izuku and I called out to Katsuki, hoping that he didn't gain any serious injuries. 

"Be careful, Kacchan!" Izuku warns. "He has multiple quirks at his disposal. And he can steal them."

My green eyes widen in disbelief as I glance at my friend then at the villain. 

"Well, that sure sounds familiar." Katsuki said, getting back up on his feet as he glared at the villain. 

"Damnit." I curse under my breath and get to my feet. "And here I thought only his mask reminded me of a certain a-hole."

"I guess we've got even more reason to take 'im down." 

Katsuki and I charged at the AFO copycat. Together, the two of us were able to outsmart the villain. We dodged every bullet laser; then, as soon as I got close, I used Sunlight to blind him. While the AFO copy tries to regain his sight, Katsuki and I are about to attack him up close when the villain summoned two gigantic blue sea snake-like creatures from his back and pins us down. I'm sure he broke Katsuki's ribs and several of my bones. Izuku's attempts to attack the villain next. As Izuku is close to landing a blow, the villain summons a massive lightning strike to zap me and my friends. The three of us yelled in pain from the jolting attack. It felt like a thousand flaming horses trampling on us and knocking the wind out of us. When the lightning finally stopped, our ears were ringing, and an excruciating pain coursed through our bodies. This is unbelievable. How many Quirks does this guy have?!

"Now then." The Villian said, turning to the scared Katsuma and Mahoro. Before he could take another step, Izuku, Katsuki and I grabbed his legs to stop him.

"Stay away... from them!" I weakly gritted out, burning his leg.

"We'll stop... you." Izuku manages to say.

"Yeah." Katsuki agrees. "This fight isn't done. So face us."

The three of us could barely move, but this is the only thing we can do to protect those kids. I don't know if this guy is "Nine", but I don't give a damn about this bastard's goals. I would rather die than let him touch even a hair on Mahoro and Katsuma's heads! The villain uses his force field to forcefully blow us off him. My entire body went numb and I blacked out

To Be Continued...