
The Light Maiden's Mark

Gabrielle wakes up to the beautiful world of Elega, the world of dreams, after someone put markings on her finger. She must juggle fighting the forces of darkness with being a nurse at her new job. She eventually meets up with an old friend she hadn't seen for ten years. Unfortunately, on top of him not being human anymore, he is supposed to be her enemy, as he is a Darkling. Darklings the opposing force in the new dream world she goes to when she is asleep, but why is he helping her? Author's note: This is my first novel that I have ever finished, and was made with little to no writing experience, so the first 10 or so chapters will be a little choppy, it gets better as it goes on I swear! Please give this novel a fair chance!

AneiDoru · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Night Chasers Part 2

After the rest of the Mole Darklings were cleared, they continued on through the caves.

"I wonder why they just suddenly stopped coming." Gabrielle turned to Skyler.

"They have pockets of activity, we might hit another pocket but I'm not sure." Skyler looked just as confused as she was.

"Don't fall." Fira was letting Lunara hang onto her as they scooted past the giant hole in the center of the room, leaving only a small bit of room to cross.

Lunara made a small yelp noise as her foot slipped, she regained her footing, but not before almost taking Fira down with her.

"So we may not see any more of them?" She yanked on his sleeve.

"We may, we may not, I'd prepare for the former." Skyler raised his lower arm blade and it morphed into a shotgun.

"So, how exactly do you remember what the entirety of a shotgun is like? You know, to be able to turn your hand into one." She pointed to it.

"Lots of studies, you'd be surprised on how many times I got it wrong. Sometimes some pieces fell off or it'd blow up in my face." He smiled awkwardly and imitated a cloud of smoke with his hand and shotgun.

"How long did it take for you to perfect it?" She poked the cold steel of the barrel.

"A few months. Come on, we should get going now." He looked back at Fira and Lunara who had just crossed.

"Alright." She smiled and walked around, then grabbed his other hand.

"You don't need to hold my hand you know, I don't own you." He looked at her, visibly confused.

"But I love you." She tried to make puppy dog eyes at him.

"I know. I just… Public displays of affection when we're in danger?" He gave a confused frown.

"It's to help me feel safe." She pouted.

"I see, alright, just letting you know it isn't a requirement." He shrugged.

She smiled and hugged his arm.

"I wish Drake would let me hold his hand like that." Lunara sighed

"Aw, I'm sure it'll work out in the end, Lunara." Fira patted Lunara on the back.

"I'll put in a good word for you." Skyler looked forward and winked. He spread his wings and gestured for Gabrielle to get on his back.

She hopped on, and he glided over the hole quickly. They landed, and he let her off, she immediately grabbed his hand afterwards, and he let out a small chuckle.

"You just can't get enough of me, can you?" He shook his head slowly as he put his wings away.

"Nope." She gave her head two quick shakes.

"I miss Pain already." Fira whined.

"We'll be there in a bit, just a small walk through these caves and up the canyon and we're there." He pointed into the darkness.

"Let's go then." She quickly but carefully walked forward.

They quietly continued through the caves, stopping every time they heard a skittering noise. She held her breath in those moments, and slowly let her breath out each time the danger passed. She didn't want to pass out in the middle of such a big quest, and was worried that if she had to cast one more spell that she'd faint again. They got to a small opening in one of the cave walls.

"This should be it." Skyler morphed his lower arm back to normal and put his glove back on, and stepped forward.

He knelt down and squeezed through the hole. Once he arrived at the other side, his hand came back through and he made a gesture signaling to follow him. Gabrielle looked to Lunara and Fira, who all looked at each other. She turned back and proceeded to squeeze through after him. She popped out on the other side, and surprisingly, there were little black plants and a large expanse of black grass. Skyler outstretched his hand since she was still knelt down.

"Oh it's so pretty here, why haven't you shown me this?" She asked as she took his hand and was helped up.

"I was going to once you got more in tune with your abilities, since it's pretty dangerous here."

Fira was the one who went through next, and then Lunara, who fell on her backside once she popped out. Fira helped Lunara back up and patted her on the back.

"Why is it so dangerous here?" She reflexively grabbed Skyler's hand.

"Because a very powerful Darkling roams around here, and I didn't want you to meet up with him." He turned to her, visible worry on his face.

"I'm sure we'll be fine, I have you, remember?" She made her grip on his hand more snug.

"I'm not sure if that'll be enough, unless I use the machine." He slowly shook his head again.

"Oh… I didn't think that he'd be that hard to beat." She knew Wira gave him that super weapon for no other reason than to beat Wrackivorn, and using it on another enemy would probably be a bad idea since Wira did say that it had limited charges.

"Yeah, I'm not kidding, that was to put it into perspective." He shivered.

"He must really be strong to make you scared like that." She took her thumb and started to stroke his thumb with it.

"I just hope we don't meet up with him." He sighed

"I hope so too." She nodded

They continued up the canyon and crunched through the dry grass. She wondered if there were any Darkling Fleas that would infest her clothes, and prayed that that wasn't the case. She didn't want to ask Skyler since it seemed like such a silly question to ask, especially in front of Fira and Lunara, so she just hoped that there weren't Darkling versions of fleas in Elega. The ground rumbled, and a large golem made out of black stone with black wood for a head and large branch horns rose from the ground.

"Who dares?" The golem boomed.

"Oh shit, it's him," Skyler whispered hoarsely.

"Uh, H-hello, we just want to get past." Gabrielle said meekly.

"Oh, so you aren't here for a fight? Prove it." The golem's round eye slots squinted.

"Over here, Look!" Skyler shouted up at the golem and waved his arms, then turned around and pointed at the back of his neck.

"Ah, a union. I see. Very well, you may pass." The golem turned around and walked away.

Skyler wiped his brow and let out a phew.

"Holy fucking shit that was close." Skyler shook a little still.

"He seemed nice." She put a hand to her mouth.

"I didn't know if he was the type to like or hate a Darkling who was in union with someone from the light side." He let out a sigh of relief.

"I thought you knew everything about this place." She wondered if his knowledge was really that expansive about his own land, even though he had been there for years.

"I barely even talk to the guy, and I was afraid he was going to get angry and try to squish us. He's basically elder god tier powerful, and I don't want to mess with that," he said.

"Oh, I'm surprised you've been here before, what with all the mole boys here." She wondered if he had to constantly fight his way through to get there.

"I usually go around, away from the Mole Darklings, also I can fly, remember?" He pointed to his back.

"Oh yeah! I'm sorry, I'm just a little spacey." She chuckled and put a hand to her head.

"I can tell, you take a load off, don't push yourself too hard, okay?" He grabbed her hand and held it in hers.

"Aw, thank you." She smiled and snuggled up to him.

The flora and fauna of the canyon was quaint, there were small animals all around. She was surprised as they looked fluffier than she thought they would be. She then noticed one other one that was limping coming up to one. They both looked like larger, fluffier hedgehogs. The one that was originally by one of the wilted trees started to eat the sick one, the sight of it made her stomach turn.

"They may look cute, but they're rabid." Skyler slowly shook his head again.

"I don't think I'd want to domesticate them anymore." She shuddered.

"Oh, horrible." Lunara looked away in disgust.

"Yuck." Fira gagged.

They continued past the disgusting scene, and up to a barren cliff. The ground was pointy and sharp, and puffs of black dust came up over their feet with each step.

"We're almost there, look." Skyler pointed in front of himself.

They had reached the top of the canyon, and in front of them was the sanctuary, just out of reach.

"I'll go on ahead." Fira started to run towards the building.

"Wait." Skyler grabbed Fira's arm.

"What is it?" Fira turned around, surprised.

"You don't know how dangerous it is around here now, you can't be going off by yourselves anymore. Stay with the group." He let go of her arm.

"Alright, I just… I wanted to see him as soon as I could." Fira pouted.

They walked to the sanctuary and went in. Fira immediately rushed to Pain and tackle hugged him.

"I'm so glad you're here, I don't know what I would have done if you weren't" Fira sniffled as she held back tears.

"It's alright, I'm not going anywhere." Pain embraced Fira.

Lunara ran up to Drake but then stopped right in front of him.

"Are you… Doing okay?" Lunara asked, her gaze averted.

"Yeah, I'm alright." Drake nodded.

"That's good." Lunara played with her dress.

"Alright, we have time for random stuff later, right now, we need to figure out what we should do." Gabrielle waved everyone down.

"I'm thinking we should just go straight for the castle, but we should also get to the Gravekeeper Darklings hideout on the way, they like me." Skyler smiled.

"Oh? That sounds good, what do you guys think?" She turned to the others.

"I'm in, what about you, Pain?" Drake turned to Pain

"I'm in as well. Girls?" Pain looked to Fira and Lunara.

"Sounds good to me." Fira nodded.

"I'm in too," Lunara whispered.

"Well, that's settled then. Should we head out now?" Gabrielle looked back to Skyler.

"Yeah, I think we should." He nodded slowly

They all agreed to head out after they got ready. Everyone summoned their weapons and headed out. The evening sky was full of dark clouds, telling that rain was off in the distance. They stepped out into the cold dreary air again, and the overall energy of the place hit her again like a ton of bricks. The dark energy that the land radiated was heavy on her, and she was afraid she would be consumed by it. She fiddled with the markings on her finger, she hoped and prayed that Skyler's mark would protect her from the forces of darkness.

Read the rest of The Light Maiden's Mark here: https://moonquill.com/book/46