
The Light is Dark

A gorgeous woman in a long sleek red dress with heels sat on a chair with a cigarette dangling in her hands spoke " In a world where sometimes the light is dark and the dark is light... Who can really be trusted? And who can you really judge? In a city where a thief steals from the rich to feed his sick daughter, or the rich who earns this money by selling guns to feed their family Who is wrong and who is right? That is my real question, Is it not? ". She sighed as her other hand ran through her hair There in the darkest corner of the small but fancy room stood a devilishly handsome man as he chuckled at what the women said, he spoke in his deep voice as he said. " Mmm it depends, did the thief steal more than what was required for his sick daughter? and did he actually try to work to earn the money? or was he forced to steal, the rich may have sold guns to feed their family but don't other families also need to feed themselves it's clearly not like every family sells guns and what about the consequences of those guns being sold on the market then, who's lives would those guns then take? Light and dark can never be equal because either would outweigh each other." he finished saying as his lips curled up into a devilish smile as his pearly white teeth showed on his handsome face, even when it was so dark in the room the women could still see his face, her long eyelashes flickered as her lips curled into a smirk as she spoke in a pleasant but firm voice " Well Your Wrong. Because just as the light is dark, So is the dark light and sometimes all you need is a push to turn the light dark and the dark into light but there is always a balance otherwise that push would never be required in the first place So now tell me, Mr. Darius King are you the dark or light? " She said as her head titled in a questioning manner as she smirked while her eyes started twinkling with amusement.

Fluffypie123 · Teen
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4 Chs


(Aina's feelings from third POV)

"its raining and heavily too... When it rains like this I can't help but think of memories I would rather forget "

Aina thought.

"Agh" Aina said out load as she suddenly felt a painful buzz in her head

"ugh Where did I keep my cigarettes again?" Aina said as she got out of her seat while rubbing her head with the tips of her fingers she stopped looking at the rain to see where she had left the pack of cigerattes

She looked around but still couldn't find anything

"where the fluff are my cigerattes?!" she said, she continued to keep searching for her cigarettes while looking out the window because of the rain

The door suddenly opened and in came her brother he stood by the door and rested his hand on the handle

He suddenly smirked and chuckled deviously as he leaned at the doorway

" you won't find it ~" he said as he stared at Aina

" what did you do?" Aina said sharply as she had a suspicion now about what her dear brother must have done so her eyes started to gleam in a dangerous light as she squinted them towards her brother

" you know? they're actaully bad for your health and your only 19, plus I can always get you something else that might help" he said as he looked worried

Exasperated by the amount of times he had said this before Ania replied immediately and the weather wasn't helping in clearing her mood or her painful headache

" Wrong Ian . I'm 20 and nothing else works as well as the cigerattes do and you know that, now give them back" Aina said in a tired voice as she moved a hand through her hair with annoyance and finally gestured for her brother to place the cigerattes in her hand

" but Ania -" Ian said as he stepped closer to his sister

" ENOUGH give them to me now before I lose my patience Ian, and you know they're medicated cigarettes they were made specifically for my condition so give them back NOW." Ania said in a calm but impatient voice as she gestured for Ian to pass it to her, these cigerattes contained a herb which she had to inhale to calm her nerves and headache

With no room for Ian to talk he gave up and passed the cigeratte box back to her

" I'm sorry " Ian said as he apologised in a guilty and sad tone

" no Its alright. But I hope this does not happen again Ian." Ania said in a sharp voice

'My god that brat! Can't he just leave me alone' was all she could really think about though..

After hearing her words Ian slowly walked out of the room and closed the door as the atmosphere had turned depressing somehow

"it's all his fault for acting immature and not considering the situation." Aina said as she tried to reassure herself.

She sat back down in her seat and lit the cigeratte with a lighter as she held it with her fingers

She sat there inhaling the cigeratte while looking at the rain fall.