A few minutes after everyone woke up properly, they landed. The place is an archipelago of countless floating islands ,home to different magical creatures and objects. It was the most enchanted place known to man and all creatures. The Isles are the source of most magic in the world, where all sorts of magical creatures live. It consists of many different places, yet to be explored. Rumple smiled "we made it" he said, "yeah we surely did" Mira replied, "umm by any chance can we find a really nice spot, have a little snack and take a rest till morning" Amy asked, "yeah that is a nice idea, if that is okay with you guys" Angelina said, Mira along with Anton smiled "of course it is, besides we could use some uh sleep too" Anton replied. Everyone looked at each other smiling . In order to get through the night safely Rumple casted a protection spell around the spot that they will be spending the night, Julian gathered fire woods, Angelina lit it, as for Mira she used her imagination and created some nice big an comfy bed for them to sleep on in less that 15 minutes. They were astonished no one knew that Mira was that creative, " wow this is amazing, i thought i would have had to sleep on the ground which is no problem, but this" Angelina said, "you have a lot of hidden talents" Lily replied, "thank you when i was a child my mom thought me some things which could help you in the wild or unknown places, she and dad, they" she replied, "they what?" Anton asked, " they were good parents" she replied, "if they were then why do you look so sad about it?" he replied, tears came to her eyes "we were a happy family, until my father died when i was 13 years old, mom said he died because of some sick, i did not believe her" she replied, "why you did not believe your mother?" Ash asked, "because after my dad's death mom started to act weird around me, she changed and every time i try to talk about dad she would say "dear how many time i asked to not talk about your father, do not ask again" after that day i never asked or mentioned his name to her" the girl replied, "if i am thinking right then i would say, you umm think that your mother had something to do with his death" Anton said, "Anton!" Lily exclaimed, "he is right ,that is exactly what i was thinking, until about two years after my mother disappeared, no one knew where she went or why she left, that day i became an orphan and that too because of mother" she said angrily, "hey you need to stay calm, do not get influence by the bad things that happened in your past like i did" Rumple replied as he looked at Mira with pity. Mira had a harsh childhood but so did Anton and that is what makes them to special, "i am sorry for what happened with you, it is hard to lose one of your parent much less both" Anton said, Mira then realized that by listening to her past he is reminded of his, " i am sorry Anton, i should not have said anything" she replied, "no it is okay, you had to get that weight off, my mom died and my sister left that is that fact and something that i cannot change" he said in regret, " we are all here today because of what happened in the past, would any one of you like to change the circumstances?" Eugene asked, "no i would never even think about doing that" Anton replied, " i won't either, if it was not for that, the two of us would not be here together today" Mira said, Rumple smiled, "you two are going to make history, i think Mira knows that" Rumple said, they all looked at him confused, " i am sorry did i miss something?" Anton asked, " do not listen to Rumple, he talks crazy sometimes" Mira replied, "it is late, i am going to get some rest, good night guys" Eugene said as he left for bed, " i think we should all call it a night now, i am really sleepy for some reason" Mira said, they all agreed and went to their bed, Mira lay near Anton, the couple stared at the stars for a while, " no one knows what will happen to you tomorrow, are you will to take that risk?" Anton asked Mira, "yes i am, i do not want to hurt anyone, but why are you talking like this?" she said, " i do not know, for some reason i think something really bad is going to happen" he replied as he looked at her, {sigh} "there is no need to worry everything is going to be just fine" she replied in a tone of unsureness, a few minutes after she talked to him the guy slept away, Drogon then transformed, Mira got up and fed him "Mira i am having the same feeling that Anton had, what if something bad does happen?" the dragon said, she looked at him worried, " Drogon you are my best friend, you should know i will never let anything happen to you or these guys" she replied, "we are not worried about ourselves, it is you that we are worried about" he said, she exhaled deeply as she looked up in the sky, looking for answers to their questions, " i guess we will have to try and handle whatever happens, it is going to be a long day tomorrow try and get some rest okay " she replied, the girl went to sleep and so did her dragon. The next morning everyone woke up early, as for Mira she woke stressed, " morning everyone" she said, " good morning" they all replied, "Anton i want to take a bath" she said, "okay come on you can go by the beach, but not alone, i am coming along" he replied, she smiled " okay", after she got into the water Anton decided to take a bath with her too, when they were finished they went to have breakfast with the rest of the crew "well it is time to get off your asses, i now know exactly where the mermaids are, so we need to get going " Rumple said, "okay i guess we go now without eating properly" Amy replied, Anton laughed. A little while after they had eaten, they left to find the mermaids.