My right hand is so amazing that it can make any inanimate objects come to life. Crazy, right? Do you think I’m god? Nah, I'm just a freshman in college with all his problems. However, my brother sucks. He's a selfish prick who wants to see the world burn. Looks like I have to use my power to stop him. That must be really sucks. By the way, my name is Evan. I'm an alien from a planet called Xionezsoqiuvenoririrexunaxiantiqinoverizovadusuruxivurunzezex. Being an alien is also sucks.
Shane put down his video game console controller and stopped playing the game. His eyes were so droopy and red. His body was also utterly devoid of energy. It's not too late yet, but Shane hasn't slept since yesterday after Evan defeated the bullies.
Shane felt that because of him, Evan was so severely injured. If Evan's condition is fit, Shane is sure that his friend can win easily. However, Evan's body condition is far from healthy. The young man had just woken up from a long sleep of six months.
Taking a deep breath, Shane got up and threw himself on the bed. His gaze landed on the ceiling.
How long will he continue to trouble his best friend? How long will he continue to be a coward? What if Evan wasn't by his side anymore?
Hell, he ended up studying in a major he wasn't interested in just so he could get protection from Evan.