
170. Pillars

Anderson knocked on the door in an empty hallway.

"Who is that?" The person behind the door asked.

"It's me, Anderson."

There were footsteps from inside the room, then the door opened. Bob greeted Anderson with a tired face and droopy eyes.

"It seems useless to ask how you are, eh?" Anderson grimaced when he saw Bob's pathetic condition. "When was the last time you slept?"

"Please come in, sir." Bob walked over to the nursing bed Kara, now occupied. The girl was still unconscious, with an IV line connected to her left hand, a respirator in her nose, and monitors beeping quietly around her.

"How's her doing, Bob?" Anderson asked cautiously.

Bob sat limply in the chair, looking down profoundly. "Among the people who fainted suddenly, she was in the worst condition. Everyone's condition is stable, only Kara's continues to decline."

"Does the doctor know the cause?"