
154. Idiots

Evan nodded stiffly. "That's right, I am the lifegiver."

The purple-haired woman immediately prostrated and held the young man's feet. "I'm sorry I killed a lot of people! I've also killed the people closest to you! I'm sorry that I wanted to take you where you didn't want to be!"

"That's enough! There's no need to be like that!" Evan tried to straighten the woman, but she still held on to Evan's leg while crying bitterly. Evan was confused about what to do. "I have already forgiven you!"

Not long after, Tony and Dovi entered the room. Tony walked over to the purple-haired woman who was still crying, then crouched down beside Evan. The old man rubbed the woman's back slightly.

"What's your name?" Tony asked.

The woman finally straightened herself while wiping her tears. "My name is Fionexyazboserutzekozynraexaventioze."

"Ah, you're from the north, huh?" Tony nodded.

"Too long!" Evan was immediately irritated for no apparent reason.