
Training camp

As soon as I arrived at the front, there were several coaches in front of a field with different wooden dolls, one after the other. I saw some individuals who looked like players in the lines and some others hitting the dolls.

"Well…I don't think everyone wants to read the whole book…"

I whispered softly.

And I stood in a line, ignoring the different looks, I decided I should look for masks and a hooded cape later.

Soon, it was my turn.

"Good morning, coach, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Ummm, lively and with better manners, what's your name? And what weapon do you want? We have a staff, dagger, sword, axe, bow and so on…"

"Alex, I would like a light sword…can I know your name, trainer?"

He seemed to be surprised for a moment, but smiled slightly.

"I'm Daniel."


I shook his hand.

And then he handed me a light iron sword.

And I watched her.

Item: Iron Sword

Type: Weapon.

Rank: Normal.

Description: A normal iron sword, nothing special.

"Good, now go destroy some training dummies, and then come back, remember to get used to the sword movement and observe your surroundings."

[You have received the Mission: Destroy the training dummies, do you accept it?]

"Ok, I'll be right back, coach."

I smiled at him and went next door.

Mission: Destroy the training dummies.

Objective: Destroy the training dummies (0/3)

Reward: 3 low-level HP potions, 3 low-level MP potions, and 4 white bread.

Description: It's time to stretch your muscles.

I stood in front of the dolls and got ready to train, I practised a sword art as an exercise and I always found it interesting… although I'm not sure if I want to follow the warrior since I'm interested in other things…

While thinking about this I started to move, I moved my sword quickly and hit the sword on several vital points of the dolls and quickly destroyed it.

And I continued, it's fun to train this way and it's been a while since I trained like this...

"I think I'll destroy a few more…"

And so I spent more than an hour destroying several dolls…

And in fact, when I left I packed some extra things.

"Well... it seems that in fact, in addition to evolving, there are different ways to improve status... I gained +2 vitality, +1 strength and +1 agility, this should make the variables high in fights in addition to class level and personal skills... "

So after drinking a bottle of water I went next door to talk to the coach.

"Daniel! I finished training!"

"It…looks like you tried well, I'll give you some extra rewards."

He spoke and handed me some items.

[You have received 6 low-level HP potions, 6 low-level MP potions, and 7 white bread]

"Now to get used to some targets, go to the hunting ground of the horned rabbits and bring me 3 skins and 5 rabbit meat, and 2 horns."

[Mission: First hunt received. Do you wish to accept?]

Mission: First hunt

Objective: Go to the beginner level hunting camp (1~5), and acquire 3 skins and 5 rabbit meat and 2 horns.

Reward: Gold coins (depends on the number of items brought), Adventurer armor (normal).


So I spoke to him a little more and said goodbye, then headed to the hunting camp he indicated to me.