
The little blue friends?

The hunting field was close by and I arrived in a short time, wearing a mask and cape to avoid attracting attention. There were already several players there, including some launching fireballs, air blades and even other weapon effects.

"They probably already changed the class…"

I still came confident without changing the class because the passive skill and status bonuses, but the one in the title should help me, I also have better items and I bought good amount of potions.

While following the mission map, I encountered the hunting monster of this field, its enemy was a black fox.


Wild fox lvl 5

Rank: Normal.

Description: A relatively normal fox found in the countryside.


I didn't hide and she came running looking hostile towards me, she had a good speed but my speed was considerably higher due to the passive.

So I dodged it easily and stuck it in and cut it with a sword. The damage shouldn't be very high, but it's still good... and the sword helps a lot.

It didn't take me long and I killed her, continuing the path towards the location on the map.



And I soon found where it would be but I didn't see anything different, however when I went forward I felt something pass through my body.

[You have fulfilled the special conditions, and managed to enter the forest barrier hidden from the vengeful spirits]

I also received the mission completed and received an item.

[Mission complete]

[Item: Spiritual Contract Stone]


Spiritual Contract Stone

Rank: Special

Type: Used once

It is made:

Allows you to hire a spirit and then it will break

Note: A contract with a spirit can only be formed once in a lifetime, the connection will become deep in the soul and the spirit will have the same level as the master.

Description: A rare stone said to exist in the spirit dimension, and even there it is extremely difficult to find.


"Sounds interesting… where can I find a spirit…"

And coincidence or not, in front what looked like a spirit actually appeared.

I was a little surprised, but I walked forward and soon saw the right Status and the appearance of the being that looked like dirty water in the shape of a small ugly octopus…

and read the Status.


Low-level vengeful water spirit

lvl 4

Description: The fragment of his soul after he died resented humanity by eliminating him and he could obtain the purified fragment.


Without giving me time to think.

He spat small bullets of water, but I dodged them without any problems, and I moved my sword and cut, but despite causing damage it seemed minor... he probably has a high immunity/resistance to physical damage.

So I decided on something I saw in a book in the library, I closed my eyes and concentrated the mana in my body and directed the sword.

Soon it glowed with a small blue light of mana that is the color of most of the individuals' mana, and I went ahead and cut it and indeed it seems to have caused extra damage... in doing so it causes magical damage to the other...

Luckily it didn't take me long and I killed him.


Low-level water spirit soul fragment

type: Material.

Rank: special

Description: By gathering enough numbers it is possible to summon a low-level spirit.


"Well, it's time to hunt a little here, it's useful to gather experience.



It took me a while and I took some mana potions, but at least I improved a little in using the sword in the morning and finally gathered enough fragments, at the same time it became more difficult and I practically didn't find any more spirits... I also reached level 5 which stopped me to evolve further until choosing a class.

I saw the option that appeared in front of me as I stood leaning against a tree.

[Do you want to revive a low-level water spirit?]


As soon as I spoke, the fragments came out of my inventory and seemed to come together in the air, different magical symbols were formed and water formed in the air and joined them and then in the middle of the magic circle what looked like a small shrimp made of water all blue appeared, he seemed to fall and I put my hand in front of him.

"You're really cute…"

He looked at me with big eyes and used his little antennae and touched my fingers…

I gave him a kiss and spoke affectionately.

"Hey little friend, do you want to come with me?"

He seemed to think and nodded in agreement and looking happy.

Then I took the stone out of the inventory, it looked beautiful in my hand with a purple, bleached color.

And when I broke it, smoke came out and covered us and after that chains appeared out of nowhere and connected us as if forming a powerful bond in our souls.

[To end the contract, give it a name]

"I'll call him Aqua"

[You have formed a contract with a low-level water spirit, as it has been formulated by a special means of your own, your level will be the same as his.]

[The spiritual contract stone can only be used once per individual.]

[You were the first to form a contract with a spirit in the entire game, +10% spirit affinity.]

I looked at his Status.


Special Summon: Aqua

Lvl 5

Type: Low Water Level Spirit

Abilities: Water wall, Water charm, Healing bubble.

Description: A small, low-level water spirit. Due to being a spirit, it does not receive physical damage


Skill: Water wall

Type: Active

Effect: Spits a stream of water and creates a defensive wall of water that helps protect.

Cooling down: 5 minutes


Skill: Water Charm

Type: Active

Effect: Uses water from the environment or from your or the master's mana and can help enchant the attacks of allies or the master.

The master can use his spirit's water magic and enchant his own attacks or defense.


Skill: Healing Bubbles

Type: Active

Effect: Creates small bubbles of healing water, which help regenerate 10% HP and 5% MP per second.

Causes high initial healing.

Duration: 3 minutes.

Cooling down: 2 minutes (After the end)


"Ummm, that's good come on Aqua it's time to change the class."

I put him on my shoulder and he cutely spit out little bubbles.

'Lets go master!'

"Can you speak?'

'I'm still young, but I can communicate through the contract.'

"I see, well let's go, Aqua."
