
Fight with the big Rabbit

And without me waiting I saw a light blue light shined on him and he jumped at high speed, I barely noticed and spun around on the ground, and I used the sword in my left hand and cut the rabbit's tendon.


I got up and quickly continued to attack, he tried to cut the vital parts and in a moment that distracted me I was hit by a duck that despite its appearance, due to me not being able to defend myself I was thrown far into the tree and I took a potion of HP quickly.

He shone again, but this time I threw the bottle on the ground and used the jump to climb the tree. The rabbit hit his head directly on the tree, and taking advantage of the fact that he seemed dizzy, I jumped on his back and stuck the sword in his neck. He screamed with pain and fury, and he tried to get up and spin around on the ground, but I held on to him tightly and kept moving the sword trying to do as much damage as possible.


It took a while and I almost died and spent good potions, but I finally killed him.

[You killed the hidden Boss, this hidden boss will now be free for all players in that village, becoming a Boss field]

[You gained fame by killing the hidden Boss, your reputation in the starting village has increased reasonably.]

[You have received the horn of the great horned rabbit (Unique), skin of the great horned rabbit (Normal)]

[You have received the "Agility Skill of a Rabbit"]


Skill: Agility of a rabbit

Type: Passive

Rank: Unique

It is made:

-+12 agility.

- 6% increase in general speed (movement and attack).

-You can jump 2x higher than normal.

Description: Jump and jump free like a rabbit.


"It's an excellent skill will help in moving and other means, the items are also good ingredients. It also has a good rank, similar to monsters, the Skill classifications follow: Class, Subclass, Racial, Unique, rare, Epic, Legendary, Mythical there are also others but the beginner book says that these are the most common.

For similar items they are Unique, Rare, Epic, Legendary, Mythical with other classifications in the middle above and others that he did not go into.

"I should investigate further, is there information in the books? I should try to read all those books in the library, I'm good at reading carefully and quickly, and I obviously like it…"

I can't see the fame and reputation as there is no related option… but they help with relationships and the like… now it's time to see the coach, I bet he will be surprised"

I smiled happily and moved out of the hunting area.


"Trainer!! Here are the items!!"

"O!? You hunted well."

While he was inspecting the items that it took me a while to remove from the inventory, by the way, my inventory was completely full… I will have to spend money to increase its space later despite there being a limit to how much it can be increased with money…


He looked at me surprised and looking a little in awe.

"Did you kill the boss of that field?"

"A..yes, even though it was a difficult fight I still managed to kill him."

"Well, I will reward you well, take the items, here the armor I promised and this sword is an extra reward in the bag, there is also extra payment for the items including the special ones and a general reward."

[You completed the mission with high success and performance having fulfilled special conditions]

[You have received the Beginner Adventurer Armor(Improved Normal)]

[You have received the trainer's sword(Unique)]

[+140 gold coins]

When I saw the coins almost fall, while hunting, I stopped to drink water and eat something in the real world and I saw the Players Forum and it is said to have a few gold coins from a similar mission out of 10 to 15 or 20 not so much... for a starting village it is shocking…..even if I picked up a greater number of items the maximum expect 50 to 60 gold coins.

"Coach Daniel…that's a lot of coins, I can't accept that much…"

"No boy, accept it as a reward and a gift, I like you and it's good to have these coins."

I was embarrassed, but I accepted and talked more with him, he gave me tips about the city and hunting and after I spoke I said goodbye to him and put on the armor and sword, the usable items in general are Armor, 2 rings, 1 necklace and Of course the weapon, there are other items too, but they are not as common.

The armor had an appearance made of brown leather looking more refined than I've seen from other players and some small metals.


Trainer's sword

Type: Weapon

Rank: Unique

Description: An improved and refined magical iron sword that deals more damage than normal and has a stronger penetration effect


The sword also had a more silvery appearance and was quite beautiful with a bright color.

After here I went to the city to buy some low-level HP and MP potions at a pharmacy, and I also bought some white bread, sweet bread and sesame cookies that looked good at the bakery, I also took advantage and bought a normal brown cape at the blacksmith shop and at In a random items store I bought 3 masks, they were cheap and had no specific effect and I put on a fox one.

And when I was walking I heard an old man selling something,


The smell was quite tempting so I bought two skewers of rabbit meat with honey and ate them on the way.

And when I walked and entered an alley, I found a small dog in a corner of the city that looked injured and hungry.