
Changing the race.

Inside the city of Riften in the Anturian Dimension

In a part of the city, in a small two-story house, a cocoon was broken, revealing a scene that would shock even members of the Mitigoth race and other races known for their good looks. An individual emerged with an already extremely attractive and handsome face, considered perfect, capable of attracting both men and women, more beautiful than movie stars and supermodels (a bit exaggerated, but I find it fun).

Now, he had a unique aura and features of the race that seemed to convey even more dignity and beauty.

With golden and silver-blue hair, slightly elongated ears, and a mysterious, beautiful rune in the middle of his forehead, he also had a retractable, scaly tail that seemed powerful and dangerous, with blue and silver colors. He was dressed in traditional Chinese Han attire, white with golden markings and small runes covering the entire garment, making him look even more mysterious and beautiful.


"Where am I?"

I woke up a bit confused and looked in the mirror, shocked. My overall appearance had changed, with a rune or tattoo centered on my forehead, though difficult to see, and my ears were slightly pointed... I was also wearing new clothes different from the previous ones, although I found them beautiful.

What surprised me the most was that I had a tail...

I could move it at will with my thoughts, as if it had always been there and was a natural part of my body, which was very curious....

I also saw various notifications and even explanations. Before playing with my tail further, I decided to read them.

[You completed the mission successfully. The extra reward, the soul-linked biological armor of the Mitigoth: Mitigoth Prowess, has been granted.]

[You have changed to the Mitigoth race. Click for an explanation.]

[+2 Luck]

[You received the racial ability: Dimensional Magic]

[You received the racial ability: Dimensional Door]

[You received the racial ability: Metamorph]

[You received the racial ability: Mitigoth Lineage]

I decided to read the detailed introduction of the race first.

[The Mitigoth race was created millennia ago by the universe itself and the world, having the protection and blessing of the universe. A race even gods must be cautious with. They have immortality in age as a base, with exceptional and free magical prowess, are wise by nature, and have mastery over a highly special magical field, with powerful and resilient bodies, and a tail known to be even better than a powerful weapon, growing stronger as the individual grows. So rare that other races may desire it as a material.

The race is tasked with protecting the dimensional/spatial stability of the world and guarding against dimensional invaders that might threaten the world's and universe's continuity. They are also known for their neutrality, especially due to their position and power, sometimes invited as intermediaries in conflicts. However, due to their unique racial magic and transformative abilities, along with the isolation of where they live, they are not easily contacted and are seen as legends and myths in some places. Today, they are allies and receive certain protection from the god of space Akanos and the goddess of magic and knowledge Thetis.

Due to their characteristics, they also have low birth rates.]


Apart from a long explanation... it seems like a very powerful race... all the points highlight how exceptional they are, even receiving support from not just two gods, but the universe itself...

They also have 4 racial abilities, besides proving other characteristics, indicating how special they are, as most would not have as many, not even the other more special races that I know of....

I also decided to look at the racial abilities.


Racial Ability: Dimensional Magic

Rank: Racial



-Allows the use of Space Magic and the understanding and manipulation of space at will.

-Allows the use of rare and unique dimensional magic.

Description: A special property that not only naturally allows the use of space magic, which is generally difficult to manipulate for all races and even for the strongest mages, but also offers the ability to use the unique and powerful dimensional magic. Be careful, dimensional magic is not something that can be used easily, and without the necessary level of power and existence, it can be dangerous and should be handled with care.


Racial Ability: Dimensional Door

Rank: Racial

Type: Active


-Allows opening a spatial/dimensional portal, giving the individual the ability to teleport to different locations in the world and even to other dimensions, as long as they can sense and know the coordinates.

Description:A door to everywhere and anywhere.


"Well, it seems like a very powerful and useful magic ability... both Dimensional Door and space magic seem very powerful and unique with excellent potential... it will make traveling anywhere easier and should be very useful in combat in the future..."


Racial Ability: Metamorph




-Allows changing hair color, physical features, and aura to any race. The overall face appearance will not be modified.

-Allows transformation into up to two selected small animals (new selection occurs every 24 hours).

Restriction: If more than 80% of mana is spent, the metamorphosis will end, and the individual will return to their normal form.

Description: Great for disguise and hiding; even powerful individuals will not easily see through the disguise. It can evolve as the individual becomes more powerful.


Racial Ability: Mitigoth Lineage




-50% resistance to any negative status.

-High magical purity and mastery (high mana, regeneration, quality, control, and spell usage)

-Strong learning ability (improvement in skill mastery, etc.)

**Description:** They are beings with unique and powerful mana depending on each member's understanding. With powerful and resilient bodies, they often become mages due to this special characteristic, earning one of their race's nicknames, the Race of the Sages.


"Hmm... I am a tamer, which indicates I will be able to use this characteristic better than warriors... of course, probably not as well as mages, but I am satisfied enough; it will be very versatile... I am also curious to use this tail in combat."

I moved my tail with curiosity.

The metamorph ability will also allow me to move more easily and without difficulty between places, which is positive. It also seems like a race others will not approach easily, based on the initial description...

Now, I think I just need to see the description of this armor I am wearing...