
Changing the class

Returning to the current time.

"An individual who loved monsters and different animals and had a great fascination in their functioning and in their reality approached the primordial god of life who participated in the creation of a large number of Gtark monsters and animals,

And with this approach he became its official 'Gladiator', and aiming to be increasingly interconnected in some way to allow other races to connect, especially with monsters and animals, he deepened his studies and research, which led him to understanding that the best way to connect in a strong and "permanent" way was to connect their souls.

In search of wisdom from his god he received information and temporary protection from his god to enter the taboo realm of the living, the Underworld where among many gods he met Charon 'the boatman of souls', the peak god of death and souls . He taught him Soul Arts and gave birth to what is today called the art of invocation or taming and then he released his inheritance, but it was never found...until today...do you wish to follow the path of the First tamer?"

"yes i want"

There was no reason why hesitation is clearly better than a normal tamer class, and from the story it seems extremely useful and powerful, as well as rare.


He smiled and removed what looked like a special artifact that had images of different animals and monsters, as well as in small places skulls and images that seemed to convey death and in the middle of the artifact there was a central Orb.

"Put your blood here"

I did as he asked using a small knife at my side and when I poured my blood into the Orb, the entire orb glowed and seemed to envelop me at the same time my vision seemed to change.


Somewhere in a Divine Realm,

"Where am I?.."

"Hello my new gladeador"

I heard a voice and looked ahead, I saw on a throne surrounded by bones and plants a large humanoid being with a central head there were also several heads that were on the side one of a wolf, one of a whale with its eyes closed, it had wings of a different birds, dragon wings, different scales. arms of people, tiger wolf, a wolf and lizard tail., around there were plants and countless monsters lying at their feet showing subordination.

"Are you the Gtark god?"

"Yes, young man it seems that you will be my Gladiator and the heir of the Fist Tamer, do you know what this role is?"

"Not exactly"

"HAHAHAH, well it is not a role with many obligations it can be considered as an improvement of a blessing and acts as a title, but it also places it in an important position within a religion, united with the head of religion, Prophet which is a class, and avatar you could say is usually the representation of what is closest to the body of a god and the way for gods to interfere and get closer to the mortal world more easily."

"There are no specific obligations, especially to be my Gladiator, since I like freedom, experiencing the ferocity of monsters and animals, and the affection of Tamers themselves, you can only help and act in combat and defend my cause in need...sometimes I may make a request, but don't worry, unlike some gods, I will ask your opinion first."

"What do you think, it's good, right? Am I a just god?"

He spoke in a happy and showing off manner.

And I responded by agreeing.

"Yes I agree"

"Well, I hope you're a good kid."

I felt a warm and affectionate image that was different from what he looked like physically and in aura.

It's a feeling I haven't felt in a long, long time.

And then I disappeared.


This time.

When I opened my eyes I was in the air and below was deep and beautiful water with a gray purple color, but with a mysterious aura I could feel souls or similar flying and hidden there and at that moment I heard a noise like bells, and in front I saw in my I saw a boat moving towards me and it looked like a normal wooden boat with several chains surrounding it. And on top of the boat was a very tall individual, he was wearing a hood and moving the boat with some kind of stick, he looked up, but inside the Hood I couldn't see a face, an aura of death that seemed calming, yet terrifying at the same time enveloped him.

And at that moment he opened his mouth.

"O..a descendant of that young man from the past…has finally arrived..it's a pleasure to meet child..just like in the past I will give you my blessing I hope you get well and help souls and individuals"

Even without looking like it or seeing his face, his voice seemed affectionate and calm like an older brother... strange sensations I'm feeling today..

"Whenever you want to see me, you can come, even though I'm busy, I can have time to talk to you even when I'm younger, my name is Charon, the boatman."

At that moment I finally woke up from the confusion and mysterious vision.

"I'm Alex, it's a pleasure"

"Yes, young pleasure"

I seemed to feel the smile and the vision changed again.

And soon I was back to where I was before.

[You have changed classes to level 5 class: First Tamer]

[Your charisma has increased +20]

[Your intelligence and wisdom has increased by +4]

[You were one of the first to achieve such a feat, your reputation and fame increased reasonably]

[You luck has increased + 2]

[You have become the Gladiator of a primordial god]

[You have received the title: 'Gladiator of Gtark']

[You have received the title: Great Blessing of the God of Death Carionte]

[Your class skill tree has been opened, some skills are now available, others can be unlocked by "buying" with coins, special items, and others are still blocked/not released (due to lack of conditions such as level, etc.. ]