
The Life of Renn Alrose: The Complete Petals

Explore the life of a 15-year-old boy who excels a lot in his academics! Renn Alrose, who is adopted in the Vaxley family, is a hardworking boy who is living his best life. Studying in Emerald Houston University, he's one of the people influencing the students to study harder. His life is like a roller coaster. One moment it's a happy time spending with friends, while the other goes downhill for him. About his friends, he is usually with his best friend, but he'll meet a variety of different people who'll befriend him and support him every step of the way. Even when things go down, he gets up and solves his issues with their help, in one way or another.

Leon_Mystique · Urban
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45 Chs

Chapter 30 - The Return of Renn Alrose

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — RENN — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

"To everyone who's here, glad that the ceremony still worked out despite the setback earlier! For the juniors who graduated to senior today, your journey is just beginning. You have the entire summer vacation to think about what career path you want to pursue! Don't rush life, it's going to give you trouble later. Trust me, I've been there.

As for the seniors who graduated out of high school! Congratulations as well! You all have shown yourself what you can do to triumph your way out of high school! Your journey is still far from over. Now, you will take on your college years! It will REALLY put you to the test! Graduating senior high is a good start for you to challenge yourself even more, and pursue paths you haven't explored yet!

For the parents and 2nd parents, the teachers. You have seen how far your sons and daughters here are willing to go to earn more achievements in life! Continue to nurture them and let them grow, for they are the living evidence on how the world is going to live on into another generation of successful human beings!"

I finished my closing remarks and everyone applauded.


As the host ended the ceremony, I went down the podium along with my portable mic. Man, that was exhilarating! To see myself this energetic again is such a blessing and medicine to myself and the world.

"Not so fast, Mr. Alrose."

I was then greeted by the principal. He approached me as I was standing in front of everyone.

"Anything else you'd like me to do, sir?" I asked.

"I only have one. To come back to Emerald Houston. Don't we all?!" The crowd shouted "Yes!" in unison.

"Wow… As much as I like the request, I'm expelled…" I am still under expulsion so I can't go back. I looked at the principal, giggling.

"But how do you feel about coming back? Do you miss studying at Emerald Houston?" He asked me the real question.

"I have so many fond memories of Emerald Houston… I miss that place… And I really want to come back…" I looked up the cloudy sky as I answered. I really wanted to… Not just me, but for everyone…

"Then as the Principal who expelled you, I hereby announce your expulsion status: REVOKED!"

Everyone gave a standing ovation and I bowed to everyone.

"Thank you! I'm going to take my 4th Quarter in summer! You all can go home now and enjoy your summer vacations! Take care!" Everyone began leaving the studio one by one.

"Renn!" I noticed Vance running towards my direction.

"Mr. Vaxley, it's a success!" I gave him a thumbs up.

"Good… For a second there, I thought I'd have to give up on you after that show you did. I had to watch the whole thing from where I was sitting! Luckily, you requested me to buy you a portable mic along with the loud speakers on the way…" So he was indeed watching how I was doing.

"But you didn't have to give up on me today, because I won." I grinned.

"Yeah, yeah… Glad to see you return back to your old self again." He smiled and patted my back.

"And I'm glad that everything went well, I thought I wouldn't be receiving my diploma today…"

I turned to see Jenna, walking to us with diploma in hand. She was happy to see me.

"Never thought I'd see the day you'd finally graduate, Ms. Winters… I almost cried~" I decided to happily play with her for a bit.

"I never thought that you'd arrive and save yourself here. That was an amazing move made by yourself~" Jenna winked at me with a flying kiss. I ended up slightly flustered.

"Jenna, there's more to it than that… I'll be thanking someone for that… Haha..." I just smiled back and looked away. In the end, she played with me…

Classic Jenna…


I heard someone and I turned to Fey, and the hot cocoa girl.

"Ah, you're alright!" It's great to see them.

"I had to struggle breaking out of the women's bathroom for minutes! Mendokusai ne… (Very tedious…) Luckily, this girl beside me heard me and I was able to get out." Fey groaned, tired. She really had to struggle for a long time there, huh...

"At least you managed in the end… You've helped me a lot, Fey… Thank you." I bowed to Fey. She bowed back and smiled.

I then turn to the hot cocoa girl.

"I don't think I told you my name… I'm Lissandra Eclipse… You can call me Lisa. It's an honor to finally interact with you, Mr. Alrose…" She bowed, shyly. It's no surprise almost everyone knows me, but it feels nice meeting her.

"Likewise, Ms. Eclipse." I also bowed to her.

"I hope I can study hard and be like you, I'm a huge fan of yours!" I can see her eyes are full of energy and determination. So she's a fan of mine? That's something I never thought I'd hear after 3 months.

"I'm surprised you're still getting fans even during the accusations, Mr. Alrose…" Vance giggled at me.

"Shut it, Mr. Vaxley…" I glared at him.

"Why did you come..." We all looked at Serra, walking towards me with her arms crossed. She's slightly frustrated.

I sighed, remembering her final words before she left.

*("I'm done with you.")*

"... I realized that you're right. I shouldn't have just stayed there being useless... You all have done so much for my sake, and I never thought of making a change myself. I disobeyed your command and now I am here." I looked at her with a serious but saddened look as I answered her.

She went closer to me and punched me hard on the shoulder.

"Ow!" I grabbed my shoulder in pain.

"That's for being such a useless weakling muppet pest." She really extended her vocabulary, huh... Ouch...

"Hey-" Vance was about to get in the way, but I signalled him to stop right there and let me handle this. He nodded.

"You're right... I'm sorry for being late. I'm sorry for putting you all in this situation. I'm sorry that I didn't think to do anything for my innocence while the 3 months pass... And I'm sorry... Serra... I broke your trust..." I closed my eyes and just apologized, on my knees.

She was silent. I looked up at her to see that her frustration has toned down back to her usual emotionless face.

"Get up. You're embarrassing yourself." I got up under her command.

"Sorry." That was all I said.

"If there's one thing I hate more than seeing people who just act so selfish... It's people who just kept repeating themselves. Just make sure you don't break my trust again." She put her arms down and turned around. I nodded to her.

"That's a promise." I crossed my heart. She slowly walked away.

"Bro... Why didn't you..." I looked at Vance, who was slightly angry at me for not fighting back.

"Because I know what's going on behind the picture." Vance was surprised at my serious look. Serra's life is complicated. She's been unable to do the things she want because of her family. Her family is very strict, forcing her to stay inside the house for hours. She couldn't even do anything other than her own hobbies inside the house. From the moment I heard that she disobeyed her own parents makes me believe she never experience great things on her own.

Then, her classmates. She has been betrayed many times by them, either by being bullied or she did all the hard work then they shoved her out last-minute. The fact that she carried a chair while she visited me... I don't know if I am correct, but she has definitely injured someone with it and got called to the principal's office for her actions.

The only one that became her light, was that teacher who left a month after she started... She lost her trust over people over the years and rejected them from ever interacting in their lives until I came along.

I slowly placed my hand on my chest, then enclosed it with determination.

"I placed my full hopes and trust in her. She's barely managing to keep herself alive..." I wanted him to understand that she's like this, not because she was born that way, but because of the world.

Vance sighed, and smiled.

"You're definitely maturing. I can see that in you." Vance understood, and I smiled. I'm glad he understands me more than the rest of my family.

Upon turning back, I noticed Serra pushing a wheelchair.

Syrra is sitting on it. I remembered that I was the one who put her back on the wheelchair.

"Renn… I'm glad you came here…" Syrra was happy to see me.

Seeing her in this state, I walked to her and knelt down on one knee..

"Syrra… It's my fault that you're in this condition now. I'm sorry…" The first time I saw her like this, I was trying to hold back my tears.

"Renn, don't blame yourself… I have done so much just to save you… And now, you're back." She was tearing up.

"No… It's really my fault… If only I stood up and acted for myself earlier… If only I didn't waste myself away for three months, I wouldn't be seeing you like this…" I was also tearing up, seeing her tearing up.

"You're not… At fault… I was trying to help you… You did so much for me… I wanted to-"

Before she said any more, I hugged her. I started crying my heart out.


She ended up crying as well.


The two of us are now crying for one another. I'm now relieved that it's all over, happy to see that she will start her recovery after all of this.

"Thank you so much, Syrra… You never gave up on me… You're a real lifesaver, even if you're on a wheelchair right now…" I thanked my bestest friend, still hugging her.

"You're welcome, Mr. Alrose… I'm glad you're back to who you used to be. The one studious boy who never thought of backing down." I then let her go and stood up, wiping my tears.

I also wiped her tears with my finger and smiled at her.

After that I looked at the stairway and I saw someone running away.

"Give me a minute." I ran past them and quickly followed the person down to the same stairway they took.


I called her name. I had a feeling it was her. No response, but I know she is still here.

"Jessie, come here right this instant. I know you never left."

I waited, crossing my arms.


I can hear her crying to my right. I just stood there, not even looking at her, cross-armed.

"Jessie. What do you have to say for yourself?" I asked her.

"I… I thought the post was all true… And Syrra and the rest were…" She was really saddened to find out the actual truth. She's been deceived far enough that she lost her mind over the course of 3 months.

"Next time, Jessie… Learn what's going on behind the scenes before you assume I violated anyone." I turned away from her, sighed in a disappointed manner.

"Renn… Please… I literally didn't know… Give me another chance…" And now she has the audacity to beg me for another chance. I turned to her with a slightly annoyed look.

"Jessie, if this is for falsely believing that post, I'd forgive you. However, you went far past a line you shouldn't have crossed: "Physically hurting the people I care about."" Think about it. Would you even THINK to even keep that someone who has hurt someone you loved?

"It was only this time! I won't do it again!" She kept begging me to have mercy on her. She wanted me to forgive her and to be friends again.

But I was unfazed.

Remember: This is the person who showed no mercy while I was accused and did not even think about the possibility that I actually did not do anything at all. And she was the same person who broke Syrra.

Do you think she DESERVES forgiveness?

"You don't want to do it again? Get away from me and my friends. You wasted your chances for me to stay with you. I'm through with you, not just in relationship, but also in friendship as well." I walked away from her.

"PLEASE!! RENN!!" I felt her cling onto my foot, but ignored her screaming and crying and just quickly broke my foot free from her grasp and went farther from her.

Jessie is now fated to be alone for the rest of her life. She may not have chosen that path, but the paths she took to get to this point made her stay in this lonely and thorny path.

May you find happiness in your life, Jessie… Even if it takes a hundred years.

I went back to everyone. I even noticed Sir C going up the stairway.

"Sir C?!" What is he even doing here at this time…

"He's the one who came up with a plan to sabotage the graduation ceremony." Wait, I'm shocked... SO, HE WAS THE ONE BEHIND ALL THIS?!

"Alrose… Been a long time… How are you?" Sir C checked on me.

"Never been better, sir." I happily answered.

"Heh… We missed you, you little genius." Sir C patted my head.

"Sir, I'm no genius. I'm still growing up…" I giggled, fixing my hair. I'm only just a hardworking kid.

"And that makes you more of a genius than everyone else. You always show it." I looked at everyone else, I'm satisfied with my day today.

"Thank you, Sir C... Now who wants to go and celebrate Jenna's graduation today? My treat!" I excitedly offered to pay for everyone's snacks today!

"And I know just the place, El Elegante Bistro." Jenna recommended that restaurant. Oddly enough, it's the restaurant Jessie and I ate in once…

And never again…

"Oishi-sō… (Sounds delicious…)"

"I'm down!"

"Never tried it before, must be far from Emerald Houston…"

"Don't know that... I'll try, I guess."

Everyone seemed to be interested in eating there. I looked at Vance and Sir C for approval.

"No arguments."

They both said in unison.

"El Elegante Bistro, it is!" I pushed Syrra's wheelchair and we all went our way to the cars. Fey, Lisa, and Jenna went to Sir C.'s car while Syrra, Serra and I hopped in Vance's car.

I quickly prepared a reservation there.

"So, it's over… Renn is just going to study for the 4th Quarter now…" Syrra sighed in relief.

"I got some catching up to do. After that, I'll maybe continue one more year in Emerald Houston." I have a feeling something interesting is going to happen at Emerald Houston now.

I then looked at the front mirror to see Serra staring out the window.

We then arrived at the restaurant. Vance and I helped Syrra down to her wheelchair and I pushed her wheelchair inside. Everyone else followed and sat down on a big table.

"Sugoi… Kono resutoran wa subarashīdesu… (Wow… This restaurant is amazing…)" Fey seemed to be amazed by the place.

"Despite what just happened, I have a great memory of this place." The food here is great. This became one of my favorite restaurants.

"It's weird to be eating here again, but it's for celebrating a senior's party. It's better to celebrate it in a place like this." Vance also has a good memory of this place, he only found it weird because he was eating with Jessie's parents.

"Excuse me, are you all ready to order?"

The waiter approached us. I looked at everyone who seemed to be ready.

"Yes." I told the waiter about what we are having today.

"So you all chose 3 steaks, all cooked medium… 3 carbonaras with 2 of them having extra chicken fillet on the side, and… 1 sweet and sour fish fillet. Drinks will be 3 wines and 4 iced teas. Did I get all that right?"

We all nodded to the waiter.

"Very well, I shall get your food prepared straight away."

The waiter went to the kitchen. And after a few minutes, the food and drinks were then delivered to all of us.

"Before we all eat, I want Renn to propose a toast." Syrra suggested.

"Yes… This is also to celebrate your return." Jenna smiled. I felt happy hearing that. I stood up and held my glass.

"Everyone… I would like to thank you all. You stayed by my side when I'm at my lowest, and here I am rising back to where I left off. I hope to create more memories with you all and continue the bond we share together. Here's to new beginnings." I took a sip of my iced tea.

"To new beginnings."

Everyone else took a sip along with me.

"Alright! Let's eat!" We all began eating together. Jenna's helping her sister eat. We are all having a good time, even Serra seemed to be fine eating here right now with her usual emotionless face.

With my return, comes a bright future for all of us.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — RENN — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

*30 minutes later*

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