
The Life of Renn Alrose: The Complete Petals

Explore the life of a 15-year-old boy who excels a lot in his academics! Renn Alrose, who is adopted in the Vaxley family, is a hardworking boy who is living his best life. Studying in Emerald Houston University, he's one of the people influencing the students to study harder. His life is like a roller coaster. One moment it's a happy time spending with friends, while the other goes downhill for him. About his friends, he is usually with his best friend, but he'll meet a variety of different people who'll befriend him and support him every step of the way. Even when things go down, he gets up and solves his issues with their help, in one way or another.

Leon_Mystique · Urban
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45 Chs

Chapter 26 - The Back-up

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — FEY — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

*6 days later…*

"Yoshi, ikou! (Alright, let's go!)"

Today is the day that I go to the restaurant that Feliciana frequents. And to get there, I proceeded to take a taxi.

Yes. Like I mentioned during the meeting, the restaurant is really really far. Which is why I need to be on my way there at 10 am.

Chinamini, watashi wa Fey desu! (By the way, I'm Fey!)

I heard news that Syrra got injured on her exam day. Such a shame… It's already over and now she needs to take it today and tomorrow. People really need to stop bringing themselves to use violence…

Demo… Shikatanai desu ne… (But… It can't be helped…)

I arrived at my stop. I paid the taxi driver and proceeded to walk my way to that restaurant. It's a short walk from here, just walking distance from where I stopped. I stopped to a restaurant named: "Pete's Fish and Chicken - Can't get good fish and chicken other than here!"

Chicken and Fish are the specialty of this restaurant, I see… I can see why people would come here to eat.

Even "noble-like" people like Feliciana and Cassandra would come.

I entered the restaurant and went in line. Every line was long. This is bad timing, it's the lunch hour. I had no choice but to wait in line.

Nante mendokusai… (What a pain…)

It took approximately 10 minutes before I made it to the front.

"To have fish and chips with extra rice again today!"

"My lady, why don't we have chicken instead?"

"Chicken again? Try some fish out for size! Seriously, are you just going to eat chicken whenever you come here?"

"Same can be said for your fish addiction here, my lady. I may be your maid but I need to watch what you eat sometimes."

"Fine! We'll both eat the chicken platters today…"

"I'm honored to have that today…"

It was also at that moment that I heard two voices. If I am correct, the more emotional one that loves fish is Feliciana, and the other is Cassandra.

Okay, the plan is now set in motion.

"What will you get today, ma'am?" The cashier wanted to get my order.

"I'll have the… Fish N' Rice Plate, along with an extra hot cocoa." I ordered the fish. That's always my go to whenever they sell fish, especially ones that are covered in panko (breadcrumbs).

"The new fish batches will take around some time to cook. Is it okay?" This is perfect.

"Yes." I'm a patient girl. I got my number and looked for a seat.

I noticed that almost every seat here was occupied. This is perfect. I can occupy the 2nd floor of the restaurant without any worries.

I went there and looked around. I noticed that 2 of the 4 center tables for two are unoccupied. I can only now guess what table they are going to sit down on. I went with my gut feeling and chose the upper right. I sat on the table not too close to it.

There are tables near the walls too. They just like sitting on the center tables, from what I heard.

As I waited for a while I checked for my things. The recorder in my purse was ready. I put my purse on my right. I am now ready to record whenever they begin talking.

One slip up however, and everything falls apart.

After 5 minutes, the two went upstairs with chicken meals on their trays.

"My lady, where do you want to sit?"

Please don't sit on the lower left center table… Please don't sit on the lower left center table.

"Hmmm… Let's sit here!"

They both walk and sit on…

The upper right center table! What luck! I did it!

"My lady… I do have news to share. It's about Syrra, Alrose's supporter and "best friend"."

Here it comes. I quickly slipped my hand in my purse and pressed the record button on my recording device and clipped my purse shut. Let's now listen to what they have to say.

"Ugh… Do you have to mention her again? You're not pressuring her enough."

"My apologies, she's just very strong-willed. Luckily, she's not physically strong. I managed to find her lying on the ground, she was unable to move."

"Serves her right! I don't want her bringing back Alrose at all! She should die along with him. That Syrra girl and him match up pretty well in hell."

"My lady, she was trying to expose how I am not a mute person."

"Keep trying all she wants, the result is the same. I made Alrose gone by making everyone picture him as a perverted individual. And ever since then, Sylvester Aura has been under my control again!"

"I applaud Alrose's ex-girlfriend, Jessie. She was fully convinced he cheated on her and is now supporting us. What should we do about her, my lady?"

"Ah, yes… She can be my third partner when she transfers to Sylvester Aura this year… She has been an excellent asset to us, and we'll make sure to reward her beautifully~"

"Still, Syrra is going to come back soon after her injuries heal. If Jessie tries something as stupid as that again, she'll definitely be expelled for bullying and physical violence."

"Luckily, she wasn't caught the first time… Anyway, let's eat before our food gets cold!"

I'm getting so much just from this talk alone, I am making GREAT progress!

But something unexpected happened. I looked at the stairway and noticed Serra. I quickly paused the recorder.

"(Serra?! What are you doing here?!)" She sat down on the table opposite to mine and pulled out her own recording device and placed it beside her. She was dead serious. Did she want to record the whole thing as well?! She's way too late for this!

"(NO! SHE CAN'T REVEAL HER DEVICE THERE! IT CAN EASILY BE SEEN OVER THERE!)" Oh no… The moment they get suspicious of her is the moment they get suspicious of me as well.

Soredemo, ima no keikaku o akirameru wake ni wa ikimasen! (Still, I can't give up on the plan now!)

The fish plate was brought to me and I began eating. By the time I was done eating, it was just me, the two of them, and Serra. I pressed the record button on the device again.

"Hahahaha… I remember it all so well, how Renn just got lured in the hotel…"

"It was a divine luring, my lady…"

"It takes me back… I remember introducing myself as "Angelica". He really didn't ask for my ID or anything, just went along with it! Hahahahahaha!"

Angelica? So she used up a fake name and Renn didn't know… That's clever…

"While I do admit he tutors well, he's more idiotic than he looked."

"I know… Like who the hell does he think he even is… Everyone knows that money is the way to go…"

"My lady knows best…"

I think I have enough evidence to support this plan.

"(Yoshi, jūbun'na shōko o tsukanda to omou… (Alright, I think I have enough evidence…))" I pressed the stop button quickly and I was about to stand up when…

"My lady… I feel unsafe here."

She felt unsafe? Oh no…

"And I thought you were the one making things feel unsafe here, Cassandra…"

"I have a feeling we are being recorded."

"Nonsense… There's no way ANYONE would record this conversation…"

I looked at Serra one more time. Her recorder is still on record. The baffling question is how in the world has she not been spotted yet?! Her recorder is literally right there beside her!

She must literally be the luckiest person alive…

But enough of that, I stood up and went to the stairs.

"Hey, you there!" Oh no… They spotted me…

I turned around to notice that they stood up, looking at me.

"Where do you think you're going, young lady?" Cassandra went closer.

"Ah… I'm just heading home now…" I wanted to walk down but Feliciana held my arm before I could take a step down.

"Nice clothes you're wearing… You're not from here are you…" Yabai. (Not good.) They immediately guessed just from my clothes alone. I'm scared...

"I got hungry so I wanted to eat here… Now please let me go…" I tried to pull away from Feliciana but she gripped on me tighter.

"Hey… Why so excited to leave? I want to know more about you~" Feliciana insisted that I stay. If I do, she'll spot the recorder. I clung onto my bag.

This plan is beginning to fall apart with every second I stay longer here.

Tasukete… Dareka tasukete kudasai… (Help me… Someone please help me…)

"So… Let's start with who are you and what you have in that bag of-"


I heard a click.

That loud click… Of a button?

Wait a minute… Serra?!

"Record of two people making a stranger uncomfortable… Check." She put the device in her sling bag.

"Well, well, well~ It appears we have someone who needs to learn about not snooping on private matters and recording things just because they want to~" The attention now shifted to Serra. Is this what she was planning?

"I have my rights to record both of you. What you're doing right now is approaching someone who isn't even comfortable with you. It's just pathetic to see this kind of act." Feliciana let me go and approached Serra.

"Interesting… You've been recording us and we didn't notice that little recorder of yours. You're smarter than we thought. However, this is the end of the line for you." They're really pursuing her…

Matte, watashi wa mada koko de nani o shite iru no?! (Wait, what am I still doing here?!)

I have to get out of here! I went down the stairs and ran out of the restaurant. Serra, you rebel… Did you do this because of what happened to Syrra?

I understand you did this for my sake… But what can I do to make you safe?

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — SERRA — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

I just stood there and watched them approach me. I'm not backing down. I'm not afraid of them. One wrong step, and it's curtains for the both of them.

"You don't look like the type of person to support Alrose... But here you are." I stared deep in their eyes. They think they're so high and mighty to think they can hurt someone who's living his life?

"And you're the one who started it all… Putting people down for their selfish needs." They set up a new world record for the "Worst Person In History". I despise them so much.

"That's right~ I was the one who pushed Alrose to his downfall by manipulating everyone here on this Earth to reject his entire being and philosophies." She just laughed. Pathetic...

"Listen. You're just a pawn in the world of my lady. If you don't want to suffer the same fate as Alrose, you better do as we say." Cassandra, the emotionless maid pushed me. I didn't fall since the push wasn't hard.

Even after all that, I don't feel an ounce of fear towards them. I only felt hatred for what they did to Renn and Syrra. This was the last straw. I quickly grabbed a nearby chair and I was about to slam it on them, but then Cassandra managed to catch the chair and tried to repel it back to me.

"I warned you." I didn't have any hint of emotion on my face, other than I just want to slam this chair down to this emotionless fake and the spoiled brat.

I know what they want from me. I'm not going to give them the satisfaction they deserve.

"You're not going ANYWHERE with that recorder of yours. Hand it over." Feliciana was reaching for my sling bag. I quickly reacted and unexpectedly kicked the spoiled brat on the floor. I then threw the chair aside to throw off Cassandra and Feliciana are down on the floor.

"Don't let her get away!"

I quickly made a run for it. I looked behind to see Cassandra chasing me. It's easy to lose her since I jog and run every morning. I quickly kept running and found an alleyway I could hide in. I stayed in there for a few minutes and...

They lost me. I took out the recording device and began thinking to myself:

"Why did I disobey my family's command and do a back-up recording?"

"Why did I feel angry back then when Syrra was in an ambulance?"

And more importantly:

"Why am I doing this to someone I didn't even place my full trust on..."

I am literally contemplating my choices right now... But it's too late for me to turn back...

I really didn't expect myself to be involved even more...

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