
The Life of Renn Alrose: The Complete Petals

Explore the life of a 15-year-old boy who excels a lot in his academics! Renn Alrose, who is adopted in the Vaxley family, is a hardworking boy who is living his best life. Studying in Emerald Houston University, he's one of the people influencing the students to study harder. His life is like a roller coaster. One moment it's a happy time spending with friends, while the other goes downhill for him. About his friends, he is usually with his best friend, but he'll meet a variety of different people who'll befriend him and support him every step of the way. Even when things go down, he gets up and solves his issues with their help, in one way or another.

Leon_Mystique · Urban
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45 Chs

Chapter 19 - The Downfall

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — RENN — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —



"Renn, wake up."

I grunted, waking after hours.

"Oh, thank god you're up. I've been waking you up, but you're in such a deep sleep that it's getting problematic." It was Cherry. I literally was in a real deep sleep.

I feel slightly dizzy… I canʼt remember what happened last night.

"Sorry, Cherry… What time is it?" I asked while slowly getting up.

"6:10 am." WAIT WHAT?!

"I donʼt have much time! I gotta go!" I got up and took a very quick shower, then dressed up in my uniform before heading downstairs. Vance was in the kitchen serving steaks on our plates.

"Took you long enough, Mr. Alrose. Eat up." I began eating.

"By the way… Did anything strange happen last night?" I looked at Vance.

"Odd question to ask. Why?" It's really odd for Vance to ask that out of the blue.

"Last night, I heard knocking on the door. I went out to see who was outside but no one was there. I thought they were door-ditching idiots, and when I was about to walk back in, I blacked out. And suddenly the next morning I'm on my bed." Vance told me what happened last night. He blacked out while going back in the house?!

Well, at least he didnʼt get kidnapped but still…

"That is… Strange. You were probably dragged onto your bed. The only thing is, we don't know who…" It could be anyone…

"Well, enough babbling. You have to hurry up." Ah, right! The time!

"Oh, shit!" I quickly finished my food, brushed my teeth and hurried up to school.

Normally, I wouldn't be rushing to school like this because I usually wake up early. But now I have to because I woke up late, and that rarely happens!

I'm not a night owl, but it happens.

I made it to school, panting to recover my breath. I made it.

Right now, it's 6:40 am. I managed to get here in 30 minutes. If I were to wake up any later than 6:30 am, I'd be sunk.

I entered the school, looking around as everyone's back to their usual behavior. I went to the vending machine to get hot cocoa because I'm in the mood for it.

"Ahh… Nothing like a cup of hot cocoa early in the morning…" It got ready and I just slowly took a sip on the spot.

"HOT… HOT… HOT…" I blew the hot cocoa for a bit because the heat was too much for my tongue.

"Well, Well, Well… The man of the hour is here."

I was about to take a sip when a crowd of students approached me. It's a mix of junior and senior high students.

"Umm… Hello… Do you… need anything from me? I'm just enjoying hot cocoa right now." Their faces are a mix of disappointed and angry. Why are they angry at me?

"This?! This was the man who was rising Top 10 in our school?! You're honestly despicable for doing such a heinous act." Heinous act?! Is this about the hot cocoa incident?!

"Hey, if this is about the hot cocoa incident, I'll let you know I apologized to the girl and she was okay with it! Let go of that already, jeez..." I'm literally getting annoyed with them. Why can't they just stop pestering me about it? It's honestly not a big deal anymore!

"Are you playing dumb? We already forgave you about the hot cocoa incident with that young girl!" See? They should just-

Wait… They already forgave me? Then now I'm here wondering... Why the freak are they mad at me THIS TIME?!

"Then what did I do?!" I asked, hoping I'd get a straight answer.

"Renn." That voice. Jessie! I turned to her, happily.

"Ah, partner! Thank goodness… Please explain to me what's going on…" Thank god, Jessie was here.

She walked towards me. I was hoping she'd help me from whatever the hell is brought up to me.

But the moment she got close, she slapped me. She slapped me so hard to the point I dropped the hot cocoa and it spilled on the floor.

I was in disbelief that my own partner was hurting me in front of everyone…

"Jessie… Why… Why are you hurting me like this…" As I looked back at her face, she was also angry at me just like everyone else. What in the world is happening…

"I sense double standards coming from you, Renn Alrose." Hearing my full name from Jessie hurts me even more. She's acting like I hurt her just now.

"What the hell do you mean: "double standards"?" I was getting madly confused. I just needed someone to elaborate on WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON! Jessie, why are you not helping my case?!

Jessie then gave way to someone, someone I never thought I'd see again. The moment I saw her face, everything went by in a flash.

And it all happened yesterday. I was lured by her. Cassandra, or in her other name, Ari. She and her friend Angelica lured me in that damn modern 5-star hotel and drugged me on the spot.

The moment I realized it…

I. Got. Furious.

"You… LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!" I tried to get closer to Ari, who was scared for her life. I wanted to demand an explanation from her but I got blocked by Jessie, who pushed me and 2 senior students held me back.

"LET GO OF ME! I NEED TO TALK TO HER!" I tried breaking free from them but the 2 seniors are way too strong for me.

"You have done ENOUGH talking, Alrose! I thought you've grown to be the man I liked, but apparently you have grown some stubbornness in your system!" Stubbornness? I'm surprised! Is Jessie for real?!

"You trust her?!" I looked around to all of the students here. Seeing how everyone was convinced they trusted her, I knew I was alone this time.

Except I'm used to it, but I'm not going down without a fight!

Jessie showed me the contents of the notepad belonging to Ari.

"Alrose is insane… He's a maniac… Last night I wanted him to tutor me, but he suddenly switched gears and…"

She's writing fake news about me. I looked at her, closing my fists and wanting to punch her so badly.

I don't care if she's a girl, she needs to learn her lesson.

Jessie then showed me her phone with a social media post.

The contents of it are…

What in the fuck…

"Renn Alrose, who's been one of the Top 10 overall ranking students in the 9th Grade of Emerald Houston, has been seen taking advantage of 2 young women at the very famous Hotel Gigante. Victims claimed that it was so traumatizing for them to experience, and stated that they'll never trust another tutor/student teacher again.

— Posted on May 13, 2023, 10:00 pm"

And the pictures below the post showcased me doing unspeakable acts with them. The Principal of the school even stated that:

"Jail time is way too generous for a man who has done a despicable act like this. Once he enters the school tomorrow, I'll make sure to bring down appropriate punishment."

My eyes widened and my pupils got smaller... My frustration just kept boiling…



"You keep talking the talk, but you can't walk the walk! How are we going to believe you when all you do is blabber and not show how you are innocent?!" Jessie… I wanted to say more, but my mind has drawn to a blank.

Ari walked forward to Jessie and tapped her shoulder.

"Yes?" Jessie was curious as that bitch started writing. What is she writing about this time…

Whatever she wrote shocked and angered Jessie a lot.


"Open your bag. Cassandra said that you have one of her bras in your bag!" What kind of delusional message is this?!

"Are you nuts?! I would never take such a thing!" What kind of moron would put underwear in their school bag anyway?!

"Show me. If there is no bra in that bag of yours, I will let you off the hook." The 2 seniors let go of me, but I'm under their close watch.

"Fine. I'll do it without looking just to let you know that I'm not that kind of person." I unzipped my bag. There should be only books and notebooks in here.

I put my hand in and started feeling if there was any cloth.

And then immediately…

I felt the world stop its rotation for a brief moment. I was FOR SURE that there would be no clothing in my bag since I rarely bring clothing with me.

But I felt something soft, like a cushion. And in that moment, I had nothing else to do but to reveal it. But the moment I reveal it is the moment I lose. Should I keep it in there or should I just say that I lost?

I'd end up losing either way.

My face turned from confident to shocked and scared at the same time.

And the question lingering in my mind is:

"(How in the ever-loving fuck did it get there…)"

"Give it up. Mr. Alrose. I know you touched it." Jessie and the others are purely convinced I made a scandal, and they don't even know I'm being falsely accused for it.

"Jessie… Everyone… please… I'm being pinned and blamed here…" They didn't seem to be changing their minds. I looked around to see if there would be anyone else to help me.

"(Syrra?! Sir C?! If either of you are in here, PLEASE HELP ME!)"

But no one came. They aren't here… For the first time in my life, being alone became the worst thing in my life.

I looked at Ari. I was angry again, but I'm still scared.

"The pictures and the bra in the bag say otherwise, Mr. Alrose. With this in mind, you know what happens next, right?" Jessie's emotion went from angry to disappointed.

I am running out of options, my legs are trembling…

"Jessie… Why are you doing this to me… I'm your partner… Instead of just speaking, why don't you think for a moment? This could be just a setup…" I tried to convince her. Like I said, I'm running out of options.

"Stop. I don't want to hear any more of your lies, Mr. Alrose. We are not longer partners from the moment that post was uploaded." She went to Ari and grabbed her hand.

"Let's go." And from that moment, I lost Jessie. She walked away while comforting Ari.

I lost everyone… I was down on my knees, begging for the world to at least give me a silver lining…

"Your behavior, Alrose… It needs to be addressed. We're all disappointed with you. Come with me." And now I'm losing my future. Everyone's now against me, and it all started with Ari and Angelica. I just stood up and went to the Principal's Office along with the principal to discuss my punishment.

I had a brutal lecturing from the disciplinary committee and the principal. I just kept my mouth shut because whatever I say will just waste their time.


Is this what Serra felt when she got betrayed?

No... The situation is different. She got abused by her family and friends, but her life has many opportunities for her. She can definitely triumph and succeed with the right people.

I, on the other hand, don't have any other options.

"Renn Alrose, adopted son of the Vaxley family,

You are now expelled indefinitely."

And moments after I was sent home after that, my family caught wind of what happened.

They suggested I should be alone in this house, where no one will bother me. Vance and Cherry were saddened by what happened, but there was nothing they could do. With my expulsion, it brought them the biggest shame in both the Vaxley and Alrose name. They all eventually agreed to leave me behind.

To be shunned by something I didn't even do… To be betrayed by the people who thought highly of me and expected great things from me…

I lost everything...

All I can do now…

Is to stay here for the rest of my life…

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