
The Beginnings Of Greatness

As I was walking through the constricting streets of downtown Tokyo I thought about how the military high command was wasting their soldier's potential sending them to places where we have no place. I start to recall the almost four years of wasted education and preparation sitting in a classroom learning the most useless things such as how to read and navigate using a map when we could just use GPS and save that little extra time to do god knows what but at least we have it.


What a terrible word. In my opinion we humans don't have enough of it. If you want to be in the military then you would have to commit your entire life to being someone else's servant dedicating your life to becoming a slave to the "Freedom" you are trying to protect. I can't stand that, if you have to work your ass off and then some guy who barely did anything other than say a few correct words to a few correct people gets to control an entire government and gets to dictate whether or not your career advances is the definition of unprecedented.

As if god was telling me something I felt the earth tremble beneath my footsteps. I looked up and saw a door that looked as if it came from straight from heaven. The holy white gates began to drag across the ground at an ungodly speed pushing and crushing cars and people alike in their wake before after about 2 minutes of rumbling they fully opened and I saw what could only be described as the gate to hell.

While the gates were opening both curiosity and terror grabbed ahold of my body as I slowly got transfixed by the behemoth and slowly encroached upon its beautifully crafted entrance. The Grandeur of the structure only seemed to magnify as I got closer to the door before I finally stopped and a strange but familiar sound. It's the sound that haunted my dreams but also brought about my greatest satisfaction.

And in all my few weeks as a second lieutenant, I only know of one thing that could make that sound.

The sound of thousands if not tens of thousands of synchronized footsteps or the sound of a march. my heart beat increased tenfold as I pulled out my SIG Sauer M17.

I looked into the void or gate of hell and held my breath as I saw thousands upon thousands of what looked like arrows come forth from the void killing tens of fellow observers. At this point, this is when the panic started to set in as the public began to stampede running away from what I deduced as hell.

After the first volley of arrows the marching suddenly stops and all at once I hear the loudest roar I've ever heard since I was born. After the roar, it felt like minutes before I heard a faint flapping sound and as the seconds dragged on they got louder and louder until finally something appeared from the vortex.

Spanning from what looks like two double-decker buses tall and over 6 passenger train cars long. The dragon let out an ear drum piercing roar before blowing a pillar of smoke long enough to be comparable in size to a Tokyo skyscraper.

As the dragon comes out I turn tail and get behind cover, I know I must stay and protect the people as that is my "Responsibility". I also know that I have a better chance of getting promoted if I stay and fight. There's nothing to be afraid of so long as that dragon does not come down and decimate me with those flames of his or those 6-foot-long talons, or its 5-foot-long teeth.

As the dragon starts flying away I hear drums come to life erupting from the vortex as it's the largest radio in the world. And then the march started again getting louder and louder to the point where I could start hearing screaming presumably from their sergeant yelling orders to their men. After a few long anxious seconds, I saw them, they all looked as if they were part of a well-oiled machine all marching in unison and wearing the same black and white tunics. They all carried what looks to be eight-foot-long pikes in their hands. They were all using the same standardized tunics and weapons but none of their exterior armor looked the same. Some of them had helmets while others didn't. Some wore shiny metal boots while others wore unshined and uncared-for leather boots.

from what I could tell there was about a company-sized unit moving through the gate. I got behind an abandoned car and weighed my options. Since this army looks like it came right out of the history books then they probably have never seen a gun before in their life and I can bet they never heard one fire. So the chance that they think that a gun is some sort of divine intervention protecting this planet is probably higher than zero. There is also the chance they will not care and continue pushing through the gate until they can get more troops funneled through.

It looks as though they have about two hundred ground troops moving in as their vanguard. the chances of a leading officer being in the forefront are negligible if there smart. But unfortunately from their formations, they look to have a capable military. I take stock of my ammo and realize I have about 24 bullets on me so I have to make each shot count.

I look over the car and try to find the men with the most expensive armor or riding horses I spot a few and aim down my sights. At the forefront of the Vanguard is A man in perfectly spotless armor on top of a warhorse that looks to be over 8 feet tall and has horns that protrude perfectly upward of about 3 feet in length. The man on top of the horse looks to be giving out orders to his men.

I aim down my sights my heartbeat pounding in my ears I steady my breath hold my shaking hand and fire at the man. With a deafening thunderclap the man atop the horse sloops over and falls off of his majestic steed. before any of the others could react another thunderclap cries through the air hitting another man atop a slightly less majestic horse. And then another and another and another before I finally run out of ammo. I made sure to have a few of their officers and sergeants in non-lethal areas integrated later.

Unfortunately, as expected their soldiers did not route and instead held firm under my barrage of gunfire. But at this point, it's been over 10 minutes since the door/vortex appeared, and the Japanese self-defense force finally made its appearance. With the ear drum deafening boom of the type 90 slaughtering almost half of their men with a single shot.

That was when the other army started to route the made haste to the door/vortex only to be gunned down by the Japanese machine gunners.

It was at this point that I finally got up with my hand raised in the air and walked over to the Japanese. and within the next five hours, I was talking to Katsutoshi Kawano about the events that happened at the Gate/Vortex.

I had told in vivid detail only exaggerating on some parts to boost my chance for promotion. I was told that I did a good job and that I should talk to my CO about what has happened today.

I was later informed after I got back to my barracks that the dragon I saw come out of the door/vortex was shot down by an F-35. Not before injuring over one thousand civilians and destroying five jets. The death toll has not been tallied but it is growing ever higher.

Overall this has been one of the most embarrassing victories that the Japanese defense force has ever endured, and they will not let that go they are already working to create a special recon task force to study and explore the gate before more can appear.

After I reported what happened to my commanding officer he immediately promoted me to first lieutenant and assigned me as the head of the first American platoon to enter the gate.

I have not watched or read GATE beacase I though it unrealistic but I loved the premise so I deceided to try and create a kind of geopolitical and war novel about the consquences of trying to bring liberty and freedom to somewhere new to that idea. I dont know if I should fully commit to this but if it gets enough attention and public reconition then I will 100% contiue the story .

verkhovnyycreators' thoughts